GODSAW = Inferior Gauss SAW?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. orangejedi829

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but, aside from a few small accuracy differences and the 'free' HVA, the GODSAW seems to have the same recoil/stats as the stock Gauss SAW. But since you cannot equip a compensator or forward grip on the GODSAW (which are generally considered essential to making the SAW a useable gun), not to mention the small mag and long reload time, it basically feels like an inferior option to the standard SAW.
    Am I wrong here?
  2. Call-Me-Kenneth

    yeah, it has the same stats as the SAW. the only perk is the HVA without the downside.

    as far as "perks" goes, its terrible. but considering that people, when asked as what to replace it with, have such original ideas as "put a shotgun barrel under it as a perk! hurrr durrr" i guess we should consider ourselves lucky.
  3. Taemien

    Just change it to a 375 RPM @250 damage before 10m, 200 damage after 105m.
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  4. strid3r478

    The same with the Betelgeuse stats is identical just plus 10+ bullets and overheat mechanics , but minus the attachments .
  5. ronjahn

    The Betel has the overheat mechanic meaning you never have to reload, I know you pointed it out, but you are completely downplaying how important an advantage of not having to reload is.
    When compared with the Gauss SAW the GodSAW has 35 less bullets and essentially the same stats.
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  6. Pikachu

    Why 375? 400 keps the ttk unchanged. No real bonus. RiSe it to 333. Same ttk unless target is injured.
  7. Liewec123

    its exactly the same as gauss saw with compensator, HVA and forward grip
    but you trade 50 rounds for a much faster reload time and no HVA penalty.
    imho its way better, its not often i'll fire off more than 20 rounds without reloading anyway.
  8. Taemien

    Its TTK is .48s. That's 4/500*60=.48

    375 is also .48s. That's 3/375*60=.48

    5 shots to kill means 4 shots after the first, and 4 shots to kill means 3 shots after the first.

    I'm sure you knew this already.

    400 RPM drops the TTK to .45s... faster than the Cyclone's .46s.
  9. lothbrook

    The godsaw comes with the compensator and HVA equipped already, but without the downsides, also it has better hipfire and much faster reload, the only thing the Gauss Saw has on it is the 100 rounds, but you typically don't need those extra 35 rounds, but once you aurax both you should be using the anchor/EM6.
  10. Taemien

    Wiki is out of date.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    The GODSAW is a hybrid of the SAW S & the regular SAW.
  12. orangejedi829

    See, from the stats on the wiki, the GODSAW is identical to the SAW without the grip and compensator. Is there somewhere you can link to that confirms the contrary?

    As for the "much faster reload", that's relative. For the size of the mag, the reload still takes ages. It's 4.2 seconds for the short reload. By comparison, the GD-22s has a short reload time of 2.2s for 50 rounds. The GODSAW's reload time is almost twice as long for only 15 more bullets.
  13. Liewec123

    ask yourself how often you end up spraying off 65 rounds without reloading?
    i can't say i've done it within the past month, it happens on occasion but not very often, generally you'll kill several people and reload,
    a 4second reload compared to the default 6 second reload certainly adds up if you're one of us OCD reloaders :)

    65 rounds vs 100 rounds means little if you never usually fire off that many rounds, but 2 seconds off the reload is pretty big.
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  14. FieldMarshall

    The wiki information is out-dated. Its an overall upgrade over the SAW.
    Wrel explains is better than i would:

  15. BIllyGG

    The Godsaw/Saw either needs to hit harder or fire quicker to compete with VS/TR Heavy's MSW/R / Carv and Orion/Betel/SV-88 weapons
  16. orangejedi829

    Well I just came off the GD-22s (the last gun I aurax'd before getting the GODSAW). With the 50-round mag, I would usually go 2-3 kills before reloading, which took 2.2s. With the GODSAW, I feel like I'm reloading almost as often, but the reloads take SO much longer that it's very noticeable and becomes quite annoying. I've been in several situations where I've dispatched 3 or 4 enemies, ducked behind cover to reload, and then gotten killed because it takes so long for the gun to be ready again. With the default SAW, there are very few situations where you'll expend 100 rounds and still have remaining enemies deal with. However, with 65 rounds, I find this scenario to be much more common.
    As for the stats, I'll have to take a look in-game when I next get on to confirm what the actual relationship between the SAW and GODSAW stats are.
  17. Pikachu

  18. Jubikus

    Sad thing is basically every directive weapons is a downgrade/sidegrade from its original counterparts do to the built in loadouts almost never being ideal. Some of them have nice perks like silencers without the reduced Velocity and such but for the most part unless it has a heat mechanic which allows it to be a farming tool its generally not worth it to get a directive weapon unless its identical to its origional counterpart has ideal attachments. So outside of the VS heat mechanic weapons theres uhh the kraken and the sniper rifles which depends on your style of play they have increased Velocity, increased damage (which on a BASR is negligible against anything other than maxes really) but you have a shorter 1 shot kill range so its well a trade off.