Warpgate Aircraft Ammo Dispensers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 000AmidimA000, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. 000AmidimA000

    It's hard competing for aircraft ammo at two small little vehicle landing pads at warpgate. I mean... it's the warpgate! You all ready have two aircraft pads, the big circular ones like at tech plants... just sitting there doing nothing. Instead of making gals, libs, and ESFS all compete for the same small ammo pad, just give the other landing pads the ability to dispense ammo so there's more room and less crashes.You don't even have to be creative and restructure the appearance of the warpgate... you can just be lazy and add ammo dispensers to those two giant circular pads.
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  2. TekDragon84

    Yeah, during alerts it can be a problem. People like to park their Galaxies on the re-arming pads and that makes it a nuisance for experienced pilots to get reloaded and nearly impossible for low-to-medium skill pilots to thread the needle and get a perch.

    I've always thought it weird that with all that non-functional junk at the warpgates they don't put a few more air pads. Honestly, the central spawn building seems big enough to easily accommodate another 2, although I'd rather they be spread out somewhere else to reduce air traffic is a small localized area.
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  3. kesuga7

    Yes please , wont take very much effort to add in also
  4. Scr1nRusher

    You should check out the new WG design.
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  5. Neo3602

    Sure, why not.
  6. Bindlestiff

    This. I am a massive fan of them - the sooner they get brought in everywhere the better.
  7. Rimaxan

    Where do I see the new Warpgate design?
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  8. Mefi

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  9. Endlave

    Can I ask you where you got the information of new stuff to come? Since I always seem to be the last one to know of them, even though I come to the forums regularly.
  10. Neo3602

    I would guess that they got that from Reddit.
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  11. JustBoo

    Hold on just a darn second here.

    According to some posters here, (they post a lot), this game is dying, if not already dead, and you should have NO problem at all getting any resource whatsoever, 'cos... you know, the game is dead and empty.

    I guess you never got the memo to know the game was dead. Nor did all the other people who were playing.

    Reminds me of all the "experts and pundits" who absolutely guaranteed with absolute conviction that T-Mobile was dead and gone. Uh-huh.
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