Very bad lag after the 10/29/15 update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shazam89, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Shazam89

    I have been running my game at Ultra graphics for some time now and never had any issues even in large battles. Ever since the update this Halloween weekend, I have been having very bad lag spikes to where the game just isn't even playable. These are continuous and even happen when I drop all settings to low and am even in the warp gate. I was able to play for a few minutes and then it would start. I timed it and it's right at 3 minutes of in game play time is when the terrible lag begins. Any ideas what may be the issue? Are any of you experiencing this issue? Or may it just be a coincidence that this happened right after the update? Any help or ideas would be very appreciated.
  2. Towie

    Same here - especially in the larger fights (but not all the time), it seems pretty random but when it hits, the FPS drops massively.

    I'm sure some things have been 'tweaked' too although not mentioned in the notes. For example - the Magrider can get caught now very easily when passing through a tight passage eg. under a Tower - if you're turning as you exit, it can get jammed and it's almost impossible to free up (kinda jiggles left/right but stays there).

    It could be coincidence though !
  3. military1428

    I am having the same exact issues as the both of you. DB and the DEVs just really dont give a ****.