A good way to deal with Liberators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blackboemmel, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. blackboemmel

    Maximum fun, minimum ressource costs.
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  2. Alchemist44

    A good way to deal with TERRIBLE Liberator pilots. Seriously, if most Libs were this bad Id not ever complain about skyguards being useless against them.
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  3. blackboemmel

    I'm not sure if you would have killed only one of those 3 "TERRIBLE" CREWS in your "useless" skyguard. A Walker Harasser is VERY different from a Skyguard.
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  4. Liewec123

    imho walker harasser is way better than skyguard, even solo.
    still they're not an effective way to deal with a cometent lib, it takes you well over 10 seconds to kill them,
    however one short burst of tankbuster on you or 2 daltons and you're dead.
    hilariously the best current counter to libs is other libs.
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  5. ColonelChingles

    Not taking into account suicide and collisions, the top three causes for Liberator deaths are ESF noseguns. But right after that are the Tank Busters, then the Prowler and Vanguard AP guns, and Daltons. All Tank Busters and Daltons add up to 9.05% of all Liberator deaths, while all ESF weapons add up to 15.74%.

    Taking into account that there are many more ESFs than Liberators, Liberators are indeed the best way to kill other Liberators (even though they account for fewer kills than ESFs, ESFs outnumber them by far more than 1.7:1).
  6. Sulsa

    Wait, liberators die? I would have had no idea based on the countless 'Nerf Liberators' threads that get posted by angry drivers that never look up.
  7. Taemien

    I'm still on the fence about Harasser AA. The issue I have with it is the manpower cost. It takes a driver and a gunner. With 6 people that's 2 lightnings and 2 AV harassers you could take instead of just a third AA Harasser. And those two Skyguards you gib any Lib that is dumb enough to bring its weapons into range.

    Nanite cost isn't an issue, manpower can be.

    With that said.. I do like the idea of a Walker on a Harasser. I really do.
  8. Gundem

    Yes, it's true. Because Liberators have the best burst DPS in the game, a good clip from the tank buster will take out another Liberator quite quickly.

    That being said, it's by far not the easiest. It's remarkably difficult to TB a Liberator who's not a hover-farming moron, and good luck TB'ing an actively dodging Liberator. You'll more likely then not just be eating a nice, fat, juicy dalton round for lunch rather then that Liberator. Or whatever manner of bellygun the Liberator has. It's definitely not a strategy I would recommend to people new to aircraft.

    Have you even flown a Liberator? Or seriously gunned for one? Because Harassers are a ***** to hit in a Liberator. Even the Shredder has trouble doing damage to a Harasser, good luck trying to hit it with the Dalton or Zephyr, or Vanu forbid the Duster. Combine that with a Ranger on top and that Liberator has a Liberator's chance against an airgank squad of killing you.

    Getting TB'd in a Harasser is the equivalent of getting TB'd in an ESF, perhaps even worse because as a Harasser your acceleration is far superior compared to that of an ESF. It's a lot easier for you to dart around and dodge left and right, suddenly turn around and turbo in the other direction.

    I watched the video, those Liberators weren't terrible. They were having an extremely difficult time dealing with the most mobile ground vehicle in the game.
  9. \m/SLAYER\m/

    what's driver's loadout? stealth\armor? reload\mag size?
    so true, it takes same amount of damage but it has better speed and mobility. Harasser supposed to be default AA platform instead of SKYGUARD.
  10. OldCuban

    Kudos for finding a counter for a combat scenario many come on here to whine about instead of doing what YOU did.

    My fav technique still remains running a skyguard as a heavy with a Deci primed to fire.

    I love surprising a Lib crew who tries to sneak up on me. Pretty simple to do actually. Lay into the Lib that comes real close to you as much as you can before exploding. Eject, aim, and fire your deci quickly. If you managed to get the Lib down to at least half and then follow up with a Deci hit......the fireworks that follow are glorious! And the tells that usually follow from the enemy tend to be extra salty! Yum!
  11. LodeTria

    A ranger is no serious threat to liberators.
    Also the Shredder has the easiest time in dealing with harassers if you just hover above them with it. The drake and walker on the back are also very good vs harassers.
  12. Daigons

    "A good way to deal with Liberators"

    • Gatekeepers
    • C4
    I wouldn't be surprised if DB will one day offer C4 as an ammo choice for the Gatekeeper.
  13. Gundem

    Damage isn't everything. If you actually flew, you'd realize that Flak takes a massive toll on your FPS and severely reduces your ability to aim(Unless you use low graphics thermals. High graphics thermals don't effect flak quite so much for some reason), and to combine the Harasser's mobility with the Ranger's flak, suddenly you have one annoying as **** buggy that will completely ensure that every strafe run you attempt is an utter failure.

    Keyword being "Easiest". It's still a pain in the ***. It still does considerable damage.
  14. LodeTria

    I do fly somewhat actually, and flak FPS drop isn't a problem for me because my PC can handle it.
    You need to sort your settings out if it is giving you frame drops.
  15. Gundem

    You're PC was crafted by unicorn wizards then, because 90% of the playerbase gets huge FPS drops when they get hit by flak. And even disregarding the lag caused, it's still an extremely disruptive fx that makes aiming pretty difficult.
  16. Imp C Bravo

    FPS drops aside (I never get them -- yay ps4!) the blinding effect of Flak is pretty huge. Imagine an infantry rifle that flashbanged you for half a second every time it hit you. It's kind of like that.

    Regardless -- walkers hurt. And mobility on the ground pretty much stops Lib damage. Combined and you get that. The pilots of those libs weren't bad -- they just didn't run away which they would have had to do when faced with a AA weapon on a mobile platform.

    I wish we knew the real numbers G2A kills though. The fact that as many as half or more are not recorded on oracle of death as a G2A kill but instead tracked as a suicide/collision kill kind of sucks. That would be supremely useful data.
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