[Vehicle] Anti-Tank Harasser?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rimaxan, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Daigons

    Why dance around the issue? The TR Harasser is a great GateKeeper mobile platform. It can get to top of mountains and rain death across the continent with pinpoint accuracy.
  2. Flag

    I actually disagree with that - harassers caught with their swag-pants down are surprisingly easy to kill already (and insta-kills are ******* **** for the victims). The issue lies more with how much damage they do (incidentally a trait shared with the ESFs).

    In no way do I want to relegate Harassers to long range plinking, that's just boring and overly restrictive.

    Edit: Your suggestion basically makes a harasser free certs to any tank within 150 meters. That's just an awful idea.
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  3. Towie

    Ahh but I wanted to be subtle (and maybe a little bit sarcastic) - it just made me smile that a TR Prowler driver isn't seeing any Harasser issues, and in fairness when I play TR they are a bit of a non-event even though both Saron and Enforcer Harassers are far from ineffective.

    So I think it's far to say - TR see no Harasser issues whatsoever, NC and VS tend to disagree ;)
  4. Rimaxan

    I am TR and I see Harasser issues.

    I guess I'm weird.
  5. OldCuban

    Find cover?

    Pull something to counter it?
  6. Covah

    How to deal with harassers in a tank ?

    Shoot them, really man...it works.

    I eat harassers all day with my ap lightning, absolutely not afraid of them...sometimes they win ofc when they have the jump on my back...but that's to be expected.
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  7. OldCuban


    The only time I die to a Harasser when piloting a tank ( regardless of faction ) is if I get careless. If you get ganked close range, or blown up from a far ways off it's your fault. Harassers are made of tissue paper and 2 to 3 AP shots and it's done for.

    The bigger issue at hand is that most players don't want to deal with improving their situational awareness and/or their skill. If something simply seems too hard to deal with they come here to Whinerside to cry and moan about it.

    Everything in the game has a counter, learn it, use it, and prosper!
  8. Covah

    Gatekeeper rain death ? lol, find cover man, it's a sustained damage weapon....not a DPS monster like the vulcan.
  9. Rimaxan

    Everyone says to use AP but I will forever be a HEAT user. I don't like picking a specific role.
  10. Flag

    So my options is to either not play against it, or pull air?

  11. Towie

    Although in a broad sense i'm in agreement with the sentiment when you're playing TR, it's a different story for VS or NC.

    (I've noticed you haven't played your VS or NC alts for a while, suggest you give them a try and maybe you'll understand why the forum is 'whinerside' right now...)
  12. breeje

    I will try them as soon as possible
    Only I think I will die allot cause I haven't upgraded my NC tank
  13. Towie

    Great ! Always good to see the other side, things become much clearer. Don't believe I was specifically addressing yourself but the more the merrier :)

    (PS - Uncerted Vanguard isn't hopeless but shield-1 is a must-have, it gives a nice chunk of additional survivability to either finish off a foe or get to cover and repair).
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  14. Ronin Oni

    THen they aren't much threat to you either...
  15. Flag

    A GK one is.
  16. Ronin Oni

    4-5 GK's might be

    a single GK is just an annoyance like 1-2 Lancers.

    Oh, and you could always just Lancer them.
  17. OldCuban

    I'm actually playing on other characters/factions that aren't in my sig on another server ( Connery ) with some friends atm. Kinda hush hush......lol.

    Anyhow, I have been on the receiving end of a Vulcan to the butt of my NC/VS Tank. Not going to say I haven't been ganked like that, I have indeed. But the same crew never catches me off guard more than once. If I have a top gunner, it's no competition at all, we always win that type of encounter. Then again, I never allow someone to be my top gunner unless we're both in TS calling out targets to each other.

    If anything, I may agree that maybe Harassers should have the ability to use stealth. Just a thought though. I honestly believe the Harassers are in a good spot atm, and don't agree that they need any kind of nerf.
  18. breeje

    tried VS tonight and yes it was harder, i needed to run away faster from the harassers
    and you better don't miss with the one shot canon, switching to top gun made me a sitting duck
    but only one harasser could kill me and he sneaked up to me when i was repairing my tank
    tomorrow i test NC

    i got this little burn of joy in my stomach when playing with the tank
    warning to everybody who reeds this, you can already start running i will be driving a tank more often :D