If this was a movie the factions would...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rimaxan, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Rimaxan

    Vanu Sovereignty - The alien side faction that chooses no side.

    New Conglomerate - The evil terrorist.

    Terran Republic - The good guys.

    This is also true in lore.

    The Vanu Sovereignty want to convert everyone into a alien being regardless of the cost.

    The New Conglomerate want to set up a new government that is worst than the Terran Republic.

    The Terran Republic are a tyranny that actually handled the crisis fine until the New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty formed.
  2. Ryoken

    None of the factions are "good".

    That's the point.
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  3. Valok

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  4. Rimaxan

    Terran Republic is the good faction.

    New Conglomerate and the Vanu Sovereignty are a bunch of rich idiots and scientist that want to fight the Terran Republic whom are trying to invest all the resources they can in order to get back to Earth.
  5. Ryoken

    The TR are a military dictatorship.

    There is no way that that can be viewed as good.
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  6. orangejedi829

    Lol, read the lore.
    The TR are basically spaceNazis.
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  7. Chal

    Ah right the TR are those misunderstood "good guy tyrants" now it all makes sense. :rolleyes:
  8. Rimaxan

    The NC are basicly space terrorist.

    The VS are basicly mad scientist.

    The TR are a military dictatorship.

    I would go with TR.
  9. orangejedi829

    You're the kind of person who rooted for the Empire in Star Wars, huh?
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  10. Jogido

    that would be if it were a bad movie where the producers over mandated changes to make it more commercial and easier to understand (cause movie executives think the audience are idiots and can't handle complex concepts)

    A good movie would be able to illustrate that there is no clear definitions of a correct side... that is no clear right or wrong (if anything, everybody is wrong). Everybody just has a different point of view and the fight will never end until all sides realize this.
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  11. Rimaxan

    I rooted for the Rebels.

    In this case, the Rebels have a horrible motive.

    They basicly want to turn the military dictatorship into a corporation ruled government.
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  12. orangejedi829

    Hmm, totalitarianism vs. capitalism? Tough call...
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  13. TheShrapnelKing

    I don't care how much you like the TR, if this was a movie, they would never - I repeat, NEVER - be made the good guys. EVER.
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  14. AxiomInsanity87

    The rebels were scum without a real cause and the empire made more progress than the republic ever did with their corrupt and greedy senate.

    Under empire rule there is peace, with the sith killing eachother over the top spot with their own sense of honur.

    Under republic rule others die for those who are jostling for power and greed.

    Notice how the empire troops were fine among ewoks and noone got hurt? Then the rebels come along with their stupid rebel tripe and trick them into helping them, resulting in a lot od DEAD FLUFFY CUTE BEARS!!!.

    It's all perception but the galaxy was making real progress on every level until libtard rebels undone all that progress for greed and corruption.

    Jedi libtard puppets.
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    TR is the unified democratic republic of humanity

    They're totalitarian in auraxis because terrorists and apparently scientific religious zealots in the vs cult.

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  16. Ronin Oni

    TR good guys?

    They're more like the Empire in Star Wars....

    Though the Rebels here are hardly so good either, bunch of corporatocracy thugs truth be told.

    VS had good intent at first, but corrupted through sci-fi nonsense.

    The lore has all 3 factions as bad guys. There are no good guys.

    It's just endless war between immortals.
  17. Beerbeerbeer

    Depending on which faction I play, I think of the following if I'm playing against them:

    TR = commies
    NC = rednecks or white thrash
    VS = LGBT (lol)
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  18. AxiomInsanity87

    Terrorist or cultist propaganda.
  19. AxiomInsanity87

  20. orangejedi829

    Lol, nice.

    But in all seriousness, the Empire was bad news. "Safety" under the Empire was a relative term at best. After the Death Star was completed, the Empire tested it by murdering everyone who worked on it. Slavery was prominent throughout the Empire, as was extreme, aggressive racism. Not to mention how the Empire killed the billions of people on Alderman on what was basically a whim.
    So yes, you were "safe" in the Empire, just so long as you didn't happen to be one of the trillions of people that the Empire decided to kill for no reason.
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