Anybody else try hard to like the prowler but just hate it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. MuggieWara

    Trust me on this my friend.The Prowler is poor brawler.Its a fast rotating and fast retreating death spewing cannon,which only exposes its frontal armor.

    If you really wanted to,you could create an alternative close range hunter loadout with Racer-Vulcan-Fire Suppression and Stealth but i really dont believe this plays to the Prowlers strenghts.
  2. Jake the Dog

    Very different than my playstyle, yet similar in some aspects lol. I roll around in my auraxium prowler with the Vulcan and AP, with stealth, racer and deploy. I maintain the deploy because if I'm lone-wolfing with my typical gunner he understands that if there's a tank column we don't want to engage in close range we sit back and shell it to kingdom-come. Otherwise we roll right up the the enemy and smash them with superior dps (you don't see any mjolnirs around so its not a huge issue of vanguard having similar dps). Mags get smashed easily in close range as you can just drive underneath them and completely negate their top-gun.

    For me generally its not as much fun unless its a distance less than 200m. UNLESS its against someone of equal skill then its a duel to the death, and omfg tank battles between experts can be f****** ridiculously fun.
  3. Blackbird

    There are a lot of old post about how bad the Prowler sucks . Even the DEVs have made jokes about how lame WE THE PLAYER BASE think Anchor mode sucks .

    This old info but it hasn't changed . Yes the Prowler has the highest DPS " BUT" only if BOTH rounds hit . The cannons are NOT recoilless so if you are shooting at range there is a delay for re targeting and that drops the dps BELOW the other tanks . Also if you are using TR top guns the Vulcan is a short range ( in tank terms ) only weapon where as the Enforcer keeps about the same damage at range and at short range . The Sarron hits at range and the damage is increased at short range because you don't have to worry about the accuracy debuff it has for firing fast .The Gatekeeper is a nice weapon but it WILL BE NERFED anytime TR gets a weapon that works it is nerfed to uselessness . Going against a Vangaurd when its shield is on the Prowler actually has the lowest DPS .

    No faction wants to read this but for the massive handicap that is Anchor mode . NO Vehicle should be able to get in front of one and survive . You can think otherwise that's ok . Lets place you to the forest tie you down give you a 44 mag and the other guy a 357mag and let him move as freely as he wants see how long you survive .
    • Up x 1
  4. MuggieWara

    Ive auraxiumed the thing as i said and i call this BS.You dont know how to utilise anchored mode or suck at aiming.The anchored mode is what makes the Prowler the best MBT in the game.You dont just have the highest DPS,you have ridiculously higher DPS and sniping projectile velocity.Dont ask for changes that could ruin our tank.
  5. MuggieWara

    Imo the situations in which id prefer a Vulcan over a Halberd gunner are few and far in between.When you shell that column your gunner is almost useless with the Vulcan.

    Plus you can do all the close range stuff as efficiently with the Halberd against everything except perhaps a Vanguard,which you shouldnt be hunting in the first place imo.

    But to each their own :)
  6. Blackbird

    Im glad you auraxiumed your Prowler you must know more than me . All tho you haven't asked me about my experience with it . Remember when the Prowler didn't have Anchor Mode ? Thoose long ago battles when yor HE rounds flew true /sigh miss those days . Heck at one time they even climb hills .
    At what point is my earlier post incorrect ?

    Call BS on what ? back up your statement
  7. MuggieWara

    I call BS on the statement that anchored mode is a handicap.The advantages gained in DPS and projectile velocity are well worth the sacrifice of being immobile.

    IF you know where and when to deploy and IF you make the most of it by ACTUALLY landing your hits.Which i think is very easy with some practise.Far easier than landing the single shot of Titan 150 AP.

    Plus the fact that you have two shots in practise becomes an advantage(beside the obvious infantry farming capability) because at medium to longer ranges you subconsiouly use the first shot as a trajectory indicator making the second much more likely to hit.

    So on the long run you have more sustained damage.The split of the damage in two shots is only a potential problem in ranges where you shouldnt miss anyways if you re half good.
  8. Jake the Dog

    Hunt the big game ;D

    Alot of tankers rely on their faction abilities like a crutch. Shield spammers think that'll save 'em, I just laugh and laugh and all they do is burn...

    Tip for vanguard drivers: do not rely on the shield to win your engagements. Its not an I-win shield, make sure your armor is facing the right direction at all times.
  9. Kimble

    That's it! I hate the double shot cannon! It is easy to miss on a moving target you have to line it back up after the recoil. A vanguard I never miss. I got titan AP though on mine and fully upgraded at that. So a double shot cannon and anchored mode, it is like going to a duel tied down to a chair with a knife and letting the other guy move around shooting at you with an AK-47!!! It also seems like the prowlers armor is made out of paper mache!!

    I truly hate it and I am strongly wondering if these guys on this forums who are singing its praises are simply trolls?

    A. Double shot cannon with recoil hard to hit moving targets with both shots- check
    B. Paper Mache armor- check
    C. Sitting duck with anchor- check
    D. Gargantuan hitbox that a 5 year old from 3 miles away could hit- check

    People seriously like this tank?
  10. Jake the Dog

    What server are you on? If you're on Connery/emerald, I'm usually on wednesdays/thursdays I would happily prove you soooo wrong. Its not like I was going to do anything else anyways...
  11. Daigons

    Stop trying to solo with MBT and you might find a better experience. It's amazing when you participate in an organized mech column with 4-6 MBT, 1-2 Lightnings, 1-2 Harassers, a pair of Walker outfitted Sundies for ammo and repair. It's really cool having the Lightnings and Harassers for scouting and chasing down fleeing near death enemy armor. It's all about variety and teamwork.
  12. MuggieWara

    A Troll?Are you serious?

    Listen we gave you some advice if you re serious about wanting to learn to use the Prowler efficiently.
    If you dont,be my guest,go play with your shielded squirtgun.

    But dont be an ungrateful *ss about us spending the time to give you some advice.
  13. Snoozzzer

    Love the Prowler, almost moreso than the Vanguard. Find a good spot, lock down and completely obliterate any tank that rounds the corner.

    Laughing your *** off at Vanguards using the shield is the best - lockdown AP completely wrecks them, as if the shield never even existed (Which is utter bull on the NC side, but that's for another thread )
  14. Jake the Dog

    On the flip side of that, any half decent vanguard driver can easily wreck lock-down prowlers.
  15. MajorMalfunction

    Agreed as a tank Prowler stinks.. but as mentioned it IS mobile artillery and it's a great ambush vehicle , but as far as toe to to with any other tank other than a skyguard.. erm.. no thax
  16. Snoozzzer

    The only time that happens to me and people I'm with is when getting complacent and not checking for flanking maneuvers. It is much less forgiving than the Vanguard in that respect
  17. Jake the Dog

    Its very easy to get cozy in a certain spot though. Another easy way to deal with Lock-down prowlers is to park behind a rock so that only your top turret is visible (it not a part of the hitbox) and start shooting it with that forcing it to undeploy. Stealth is also handy in this situation. Love popping prowlers in my stealth mag.
  18. Danath

    I'm another of those weirdos who use Rival. Racer allows you to climb hills better, some are plain impossible without it. Those places are usually a good spot to anchor and rain hell on the enemy, but I just can't go without the reverse speed Rival provides, and the quick turn in case somebody is coming from behind
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    how about Magrider?:D you trying to play Vanguard style while you don't have high-alpha and shield in case you will fail with alpha.
    but you do same way - flank enemy, deploy, and probably kill all armor before they will be able to react.
  20. Kimble

    I just do not like being locked down with anchor. I think my playstyle favors more of a fast lightning hit and run style of play. I guess to each his own.