Will you PLEASE stop doing maintenance / patches on FRIDAY

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ZaphodBeeblebrox, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. ZaphodBeeblebrox

    Could you PLEASE do them on Tuesdays or whatever instead of a prime time day?

    Seriously, I don't know how many Friday nights have been messed up by a broken patch or server downtime. It's driving me crazy.

    Today's patch, just to take a random example, is causing constant crashes to desktop. If you'd turned the patch loose during the week you might have had a chance to discover it was broken and fix it BEFORE the weekend. Come on Daybreak, you can do it smarter than this.

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  2. Ghost Pepper

    Agreed. Earlier in the week, if a serious issue is spotted, they would have a few days to make corrections before the weekend hits. I'm glad they are punishing working people by botching up a game update on the weekend. That way, I have all this free time to think where else to spend my money.
  3. Benton582

    But....but....Friday updates......
  4. Voodoo4500

    You have to understand that the management of this game is NOT composed of intelligent individuals. Shutting down servers and deploying patches/updates during prime time is ludicrous.
  5. eridani

    i have activated 3 day boost from sunday. yesterday unable to logg in almost whole day, today you have maint.... I want my money back!!
  6. Who Garou

    I'm against patches and maintenance on Fridays.
    I think patches and maintenance are best done on Mondays or Tuesdays.

    The normal work schedule means that many people come home (some times late) after work on Fridays and want to be able to jump into the game and unwind.
    If you patch on Fridays, this means that this majority of people playing the game are going to have to wait for the game to patch in order to get the game up and running.

    Now let's tack onto that patches and updates that don't function as planned.
    This means that people have to wait the entire weekend for the situation get resolved, because they DEVs aren't going be there to fix the problems that arise.

    It is a horrible idea to have patches/updating occur on Fridays.
  7. Benton582

    But most players desire to see NEW UPDATE: THE ANT IS OUT, SUMMON THE HYPE TRAIN kinda thing. And it depends on timezone.
  8. Lord_Mogul

    I would like to see taht updates are not run at 3 pm in europe.
    It should be possible to put them not in prime time.

    Mybe roll them out a few hours later or earlier. Like when its night here.
  9. Who Garou

    Monday or Tuesday patching is less likely to stop players from playing the game on the weekend because of a faulty patch or upgrade.

    We probably won't see the Ant until closer to Christmas is my guess. The release will be geared to hit when players have the most cash to throw around ... but I guess Black Friday is soon.

    In any case, yeah, stop afternoon patching all together and the earlier patches and fixes hit during the week, the more time the DEVs have to fix the issues that might have been caused by the patches and fixes.

    Planetside 2 has had a bad history of putting out patches on Fridays that have caused large numbers of players to be unable to play for at least the weekend. Driving players to search for another game to play on a weekend is the worse possible scenario from my point of view. They might very well find something that like to play that isn't screwed-up and unable to run when they want to be gaming.
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