I want to bring down the hammer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Dj Gus

  2. Cynicismic

    Right, here goes...

    Scr1nRusher posted something on Reddit, and it was evidently controversial in some aspect because people began to pick him up on it, and henceforth the salt fountains began to flow and the atmosphere became more tense. Henceforth, he removed the controversial posts because he did not want to have to deal with all the negativity that they were generating. In a last attempt to prove one's pride, he may have thrown the odd insult or two, (of which I do not condone: *bad Scr1nRsuher!*), though fundamentally he removed the posts because they were causing too much disagreement.

    Linking this back to my analogy, where the posts he made is our hypothetical head. It is far easier to kill something by going for the head - the root of the problem, and if you address this, often results are a lot less catastrophic than they potentially could have been.
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  3. WetPatch

    I wasn't insulting RadarX, I was pointing out this post is only here because we only have 1 mod who is swamped with better things to do.
  4. BaronX13

    Are you people flipping serious? You realize the reason the forums are like this is because the majority of posters (many in this thead...scr1n) post nonsensical BS arguments that focus on cherry picked stats or a personal opinion treated as fact (whichever supports the BS argument more). And for someone who supposed combats "feels", that is so hypocritical that it is disgusting. You either blatantly insult or subtly insult anyone who doesn't agree with you then proceed to act as if you are a victim and because they took your disrespectful bait that somehow your argument is more justified. Let alone the fact you annoying hop into others threads just to spout something about the chaos warp, which surprise surprise, doesn't add anything substantial to said threads (which you now say you are trying to combat?). Oh, and scr1n, your OPINIONS are worth no more or less than anyone else's. In addition to that, you have no right or power to judge anyone else's posts as if you were superior, everyone is equal. (And whether you believe that or not, forum rules state everyone has an equal say as long as they follow the rules. So good luck threatening others ideas for your "war" it will get you banned if enough people feel harassed enough times.). And last but not least, your opinions, are just that, opinions, not fact, so when you make an argument have a little humility and speak in a way that shows you understand that. Speaking/typing in an arrogant tone as if what you say is always fact, or that what you say is always superior and could never be wrong, is just plain disgusting.

    Grow up.
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  5. Pikachu

    I'm about to drop the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice.
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  6. Takara

    Your best chance here Scr1n is a new internet handle. At least in the PS2 community. You have a reputation...and it's not a good one.

    It will just be easier for you to effect change with a new handle. You have thrown around as much if not more negativity around here then the people you have problems with, and it makes you look like a hypocrite. Even if you post a reasonable idea I have a hard time taking it seriously. This thread is a prime example of it. An opening post that tries to explain how you are going to take the high road or you want everyone to take the high road with some back handed comment about how everyone else here is at fault. And you did it with the style of a WH40K fanboy. Which really doesn't help you or your posts.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    I'm going to see how this plays out first.
  8. Hammerlock


  10. WetPatch

    So i wasn't the only one who received some sort of cryptic threat message from him, about big wounds and how its now out of his hands?

    Do i need to lock my windows at night now?
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  11. BaronX13

    Nah, Scr1n is about as dangerous as a potato. I would say he can type a good game and that's it, but even that isn't true.
  12. DeadlyPeanutt

    wow, now there's a simplistic POV
    tooth fairy still visit you, big guy?
  13. DeadlyPeanutt

    yayyy for the grumpy WOT !
  14. Dualice

    What is it about Scr1n threads that seems to attract this level of belligerence?
  15. BaronX13

    Get off mah lawn you dang kids! *Shakes fist at*
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    T9 carb op

    Needs tyter hip fire
  17. Pikachu

  18. Crator

    Why don't people just ignore this kind of stuff? And if everything that someone says gets on your nerves why not just ignore them altogether?
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  19. Jacques Cayton II

    No you just want people to think your way and not have independent views
  20. WetPatch

    Because he's got Stalin-itace, if you don't agree with what he says your stupid and tries to belittle you with childish remarks. This whole thread is aimed at trying to get people on his side to bully other posters into not being active on the forums.
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