[BUG] TR Digital Camo Still Lost It's Beauty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armcross, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Armcross

    The white part of TR Digital Camo is missing for the long time. Use to be beautiful please Fix it.
  2. TheFlamingLemon

    Does anyone have pictures?
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  3. Tommyp2006

    It's never been on the camo, just the thumbnail. It would make more sense for them to just change the icon for it.
  4. gunnner10

    Part of why I don't pay for stuff in this game
  5. FieldMarshall

    "Lets ruin this camo after everyone has bought it, even though its not needed and nobody likes the new change"
    -SOE logic

    "Why doesent people like or trust us. What did we do?!"
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  6. Armcross

    It did have it's white pix back then.
  7. Taemien

    Just a FYI.. if you're going to make statements like that.. you might want to run with your All Access tag off. You look either derpy or hypocritical otherwise.
  8. Tommyp2006

    back when? This is from January 2013, just a few months after the game came out
  9. Armcross

    During World Domination days. IT''s one of my reward.