[Suggestion] What weapons would you like to see ingame?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Signaldooo, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Signaldooo

    I always love testing out new weapons on this game - the more different the role it has from what I already own, the better. People taking a few seconds to bring the gear that fits the situation the most always have an edge, playing om it's weapon's strengths or exploiting the weaknesses of your enemy.

    That's why I wish there was even more "bizarre"/special weapons like the Lasher. it forces you to think differently, and with new challenges like this every once in a while, the gameplay suddenly changes and feels new again.

    So what kind of weapons are you missing at this game - what new challenge would youy like to give yourself?

    All suggestions are welcome, the more imaginative, the better!

    PLEASE be respectful - a suggestion is not the same as DBG actually releasing it, so while disagreeing is OK, hating is not :)
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  2. Signaldooo

    My suggestions.

    1. EMP Cannon:

    I'm not going to discuss if G2A is UP/OP, but it certainly is boring for most of the time. You can choose between flak and lockons... The EMP Cannon [apply catchier name here] is a 1-shot weapon mounted on a ground vehicle, maybe a lightning or MTB top, and when fired it works like flak in that it explodes when in vicinity of enemy aircraft. When hit, the pilot will lose all control of the aircraft for a second or two (maybe depending on how close the hit was), but not take damage. Good against aircraft flying risky, close to ground or with teamwork - kinda useless otherwise.
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  3. TheFlamingLemon

    Faction specific lightning primaries.

    TR: Close range, inaccurate Chaingun with explosive ammo like the banshee
    NC: flamethrower (nuf said)
    VS: Electric bolts shooting out of the gun.

    All would be good at AV and AI but would have to work at very close range, meaning that sneaking up on an MBT can actually work in a lightning.
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  4. FieldMarshall

    The "exotic" weapons from PS1, like the Dragon/Rocklet/Scorpion/Thumper/Maelstrom/Radiator may be fun to see.

    Dragon is a flamethrower that has a ~10m range. The velocity is slow, so you have to lead targets even at that distance.
    It deals damage over time for a few seconds after you get hit.
    Secondary fire mode spends like 50% of your ammo to lob a fireball ~20m that explodes dealing medium damage to people in a radius.

    Rocklet is a small 6 shot rocket launcher, that deals medium damage to infantry and vehicles. It can also be loaded with flak rounds for AA, but doesent deal a lot of damage.
    Secondary fire unloads the entire clip really fast. But increases the COF by a lot.
    In PS1 it also had jammer rounds that disabled vehicles weapons for a short time.

    The Scorpion was a AI rocket launcher.
    It fired a rocket that would explode after a set range (that you choose before shooting) and rain down cluster bombs.
    The gimmick was that you could hit things behind cover.
    The tradeoff was that it was extremely hard to use and couldnt damage vehicles.

    Thumper was a grenade launcher that could have either explosive grenades or plasma damage over time grenades.
    It had a wide splash radius and dealt a lot of damage to enemies. So that would have to be nerfed in PS2.
    Primary fire was explode on impact, and secondary was a 3-second fuse, so you could bounce grenades around corners.
    It could also use jammer rounds that disabled vehicle weapons when hit.

    The Maelstrom was a short range AI weapon. It fired a continuous lightning beam over a short distance (~25m).
    Secondary fire was a grenade that would fire off a sort of "chain lightning" attack, dealing more damage the more enemies it travelled though enemies.
    It was effective versus clusters of enemies.

    Radiator launched projectiles that would stick to surfaces and emit a painfield effect in a radius for a short time (like 15 seconds).
    The damage was very light, but was effective at pushing entrenched enemies causing them to disperse.
    Primary fire launched a normal projectile. Secondary fire was a 3 second fused grenade with the same effect.
    Radiator painfields didnt stack as far as i remember.

    Not sure how well these weapons translate into PS2 though
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  5. OldMaster80

    You forgot the best part: the effect can pass through walls without scaling down! Alien technology FTW! :D

    But imho we do not need to lurk into such exotic weapon to find some free spots in Planetside 2.For instance we lack more Battle Rifles: some more empire specific versions are pretty much needed. And also some ES Lightning / Valkyrie weapons would be very cool.

    Then there is also room for a sidearm redesign: we have some very nice weapons in that slot, but the fact is one just doesn't need many pistols as long as Commissioner / Underboss are in the game.
  6. Signaldooo

    2. Nanite "Poison" darts.

    In the pistol slot for the infiltrator at least. This weapon will also have to be used in combination with something else for it to be effective. When you get hit, you will barely notice it as it doesn't show a red mark on your screen or hurt you, but you can notice the same effect as a concussion grenade, but significanlty weaker (only meant as a "hint" to the player that he's hit, not to paralyze him).

    The effect is that his personal shield will slowly drain until he's dead, a medic heals him or he goes to a terminal. If this does not happen the shield will pop up again after a period of time, maybe 30 seconds after it's empty.
  7. cobaltlightning

    Screw more guns, I want a crowbar.
  8. Signaldooo

    These are all great, too bad I wasn't around for the glory days of PS1 - these weapons seems difficult to balance right, but would be a nice addition to the tactics/gameplay!
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  9. Joexer

    Rocklet Rifle.
  10. Tommyp2006

    I'm still waiting on a light assault grappling hook.
  11. Signaldooo

    3. Shields

    Not a weapon, but it would go in the same spot as one - more specifically the turret slot of engineers. You could choose between a "leaf"-shape protecting the body of a player in full, or a lower - more wide variant - where people can crouch to avoid damage, as long as enemies are not positioned above you. It would have to be deployed on flat ground like the other turrets. Can not get hurt by small arms fire unless shot at from the backside. Rockets etc. would hurt it, but not 1-hit destroy like the other turrets

    I think this would open up to a whole lot of different tactics and creative gameplay, where if enough engineers work together can create safe passages in a hot-zone or protect a valuable sunderer from a certain angle (like against an annoying AV turret far, far off).
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  12. Signaldooo

  13. Problem Officer

    Single shot Lockon RPGs that fire through their barrel.
  14. Campagne

    An auto-pistol for the NC... that functions like a mini Gauss SAW. :D
  15. OldCuban

    Ok.....I'll be THAT guy......I want BFRs!

  16. Mezinov

    I agree Planetside 2 needs more diversity in its weapon systems and play styles. While I, like Colonel Chingels, often tout a more realistic infusion of tech and capability - I certainly support more "Off the Cuff" hardware as well.

    For example, the Gyro Gauss.

    An Assault Rifle/Carbine/Squad Weapon designed by the NCs finest engineers, the Gyro Gauss fires a gyroscopically stabilized, magnetically accelerated and sensivated, "smart round". However, unlike a traditional Gyro round (which would behave like a Raven), this Gyro Round is unique.

    How is it Unique, you ask? Why because it rides and curves around friendly shields! Each friendly the round "hits" will result in it curving around the shield perimeter of that soldier, and then releasing in a random direction. Each shield the round curves around, or "skims", the round gains velocity and damage. Like a gravity slingshot - just with magnetic fields instead of gravitational fields.

    This is my solution to the NCs teamkilling complex and freedom loving. I would name it the NC42 Gyro Gauss "Pinball".
  17. Demigan

    Here's a few:

    1: penetration ammo or similar.
    Basically penetrates multiple targets so you can hit people behind something. It does not pass terrain though to prevent any problems that would cause (such as shooting into spawnrooms). This is not that handy on infantry... But mightily handy for vehicle combat. I always saw it as an NC Vanguard ability to hit 2 targets in a row. Allows you to try and kill the repair crew or give those last few hits to a tank that went to cover behind his friends.
    Balance could be done by reducing damage for each penetration, or reducing the amount of targets it can penetrate.

    2: bouncing ammo.
    Allows you to shoot around corners or ammo that misses bounces off a wall and hits your enemy on the rebound (or hits yourself in the face, your choice). After a bounce it deals reduced damage ofcourse. Amount of bounces is limited, I always thought just 1 bounce would be enough but 2 or 3 could work just as well.

    3: self-detonated fragmentation weapon.
    Doesn't matter if it's an infantry weapon or a tank weapon. I would like either to be able to fire a large shell and detonate it yourself, mostly for AI or AA purposes. For example you fire the shell at a doorway and detonate it as it comes close, causing a shotgun blast to appear from that point. The explosion of detonation also deals damage, so the goal would be to detonate as close to your enemy as possible. Would be good as well for vehicle AI weapons as you could bring high-powered explosives like AirHammer pellets to your enemies from range, dealing with AV (MAX) nests.
    In AA purpose you can imagine the same, only instead of explosive pellets it unleashes a large quantity of flak pellets.

    4: Delayed explosive missilelauncher/tank canon.
    Would be a powerful weapon to kill off any tanker that normally jumps behind cover after getting too much damage. The initial hit of the shell/missile deals very low damage, but the user can detonate the shell/missile afterwards for the full damage and to surprise their enemy as they received much more damage than they expected. A limit in how many of these can be placed by the user needs to be in place to prevent unexpected OHK's on Sunderers for instance.
    This would also be useful for traps, place a few of these and detonate them when a MAX or similar passes by.

    5: Force-triggered explosive.
    One of my idea's for the LA. If your fuel gauge is full you charge up 1 extra fuel tank. This can be thrown down as a medium-damage bomb against both infantry and vehicles, only it needs to be detonated by shooting or knifing it. Handy for ambushes or dealing with infantry. Especially the fact that it recharges allowing you to use infinite of them per life makes it a good choice. Limiting it to a maximum of 2 placed, one tank deals between 25 to 40% damage against vehicles, and 50-80% damage per fueltank against infantry, would make it useful but absolutely not spammable due to the recharge time in between throws. A tactical weapon.

    6: quick-fire weapons.
    Think of the underbarrel shotgun. Imagine if you could fire that thing instantly during a firefight without having to switch to it. For balance sake it would need to deal less damage but you get the point. Underbarrel shotgun aside, quick-fire weapons would be shoulder or arm mounted weapons that can be used instantly without interrupting normal fire, allowing you to deal a burst of extra damage against other infantry. With more CQC combat in mind this would again be preferred for the LA alone as it would emphasize the need for mobility to get this to your enemies.
  18. MonnyMoony

    NS Laser targeter. Not a weapon per-se, but would allow friendly lockon launchers to lock on to marked targets 50% faster and at 25% longer range.

    A Max anti-armour AA option. Little to no burst (so relatively ineffective against fighters) - but fast focused accurate projectiles. Intended to counter stationary or cocky Libs/Gals. Perhaps some sort of minigun type affair like the Phalanx anti-missile system fitted to US ships. Would do little damage to ground vehicles.

    Blockade mine. Wide blast radius - but would do no damage. Instead it would either stop - or severely reduce the speed (i.e. to 10%) of any vehicle caught in it's blast. Would be undetectable to mine spotting implants. Designed to help counter vehicle zergs by stopping them in their tracks and making them block the progress of any vehicles coming up behind.

    Deployable cover. Engineer option - would deploy a destructible but highly resistant (i.e. 20,000+ HP) block of cover wide enough to shield several friendlies from incoming fire. Not repairable.
  19. Joexer

    NS auto pistol
  20. DefendYourBase

    Predator drones.....
