My thoughts on the 3 factions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirpainFood, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. AirpainFood

    I know this has been done quite a few times before, but I thought I should share my thoughts of the 3 factions.

    I did some research and had a chat with a friend about this, and here is what I have to say:

    Lets start with the VS:

    The VS are pretty much wrong in every aspect. They have the technology, but they are using it for all the wrong reasons. They want to force evolution on everyone, change the way everyone lives their lives, and there is nothing right about this. The VS will most likely wipe themselves out with the technology they have eventually.

    Now the TR:

    The TR want to control the lives of everyone to prevent "The Great War" from ever happening again. From my perspective, its a much worse America. You get the governments support, (aka Money) but they control what you do with that money and pretty much every aspect of your lives. TR is a complete dictatorship.

    Now the NC:

    The NC want the freedom that the TR do not provide. Basically, the NC will give you the freedom. They will not control any aspects of your life, but they will not support you in any way. You are on your own. If your not out there working hard, you die. If you can't work, you better hope you have family to help you out.

    I've tried to keep this simple. Now lets conclude:

    VS are a no go. Out of the question entirely. It boils down to the TR or NC.

    We have reached its simplest point.

    Do you fight with the TR, survive with the money they give you, but deal with the rules and regulations, controlling your life?

    Or do you fight with the NC, they don't control your life at all. Complete freedom, but out on your own without the financial support the TR provides?

    You decide.

    Let me know what you think about what I have to say!

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  2. Cynicismic

    But we, the VS, have the best strategies...


    And besides, you really can't say no to our delightful choices of clothing...


    Join the VS today!
    Join us, and realise your true potential, (in more sense than one)...
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  3. xMaxdamage

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  4. LordAnnihilator

    I'd personally rather live a safe life, built on solid principles and order than fight as "a miserable free man" or as some cyborg supremacist. Sure, the VS and NC have things going for them (mostly gameplay-wise, IMO) but the TR are seen as "the best hope for peace on Auraxis". Also don't forget the TR were a great group back home. Not that oppressive at all. Also, you can get away with anything on the battlefield, if you can escape detection... ;)
  5. SwornJupiter

    Every faction can be subjectively viewed as a good or bad guy. Like a dev said recently, the IP is pretty cool, and is not used nearly as much as it should be.

    To the VS, they are scientists furthering the evolution of mankind, while NC are misguided slaves to the corporation (ironic, huh?), and the TR are the paranoid, over - controlling dictatorship.

    To the NC, they are the freedom fighters trying to dissolve the regimes of both the VS and TR, while the VS are crazy weird technocultists, and the TR is the oppressive government.

    To the TR, they see themselves as the last chance for order - they're trying to prevent the results of another 'Great War', by any means necessary, while the NC and VS are both extremist groups who threaten the idea of peace.
  6. Cynicismic

    This. Also, implement a pinned feature where threads made by Community members are pinned, (some really good guides, for instance, are simply lost to the ocean of threads), and also, this would improve and heighten Community vibe also, through social threads that can be pinned also, (like a PlanetSide 2 meme thread, or a "Which forumites have you met on Auraxis?" kind of thing as well).

    In the meantime, another example of why the VS are the best...


    Though the NC are also fairly laid back as well. Nothing like the oppressive, totalitarian and downright serious kill-joy club that is the Terran Republic. I mean, just look at the NC's tank regiment formations...


    Hard to beat, am I right?
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  7. RedArmy

    ever hear of the term, sold my soul to the company store? thats the NC - their idea of Freedom is a trap where your stuck with the company on every facet of your life
  8. Campagne

    I think with the NC and TR, it comes down to controlled or uncontrolled anarchy.

    If the TR won the war (assuming the war is even "winnable,") it would be easy to have a hard but somewhat fulfilling, safe and restricted life. It can be rather difficult to imagine a dictatorship who's population is its best interest. It would likely be, in my opinion, similar a farm whereas the animals exist to perform a function to better the lives of the farmers.

    If the NC won, there would likely be rampant crime, poverty, a distinct separation of the classes, and a whole plethora of problems from having a corporately-dominated society. Perhaps there could be a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a hostile-takeover. Perhaps the former NC soldiers could over through the corporate figures and instill a socialist democratic government. Whatever security forces the new enemy could scrap together would be utterly annihilated by the veterans of the war.

    In my opinion, neither faction would truly benefit the population. A mix of the two would be the best option. The TR would be a safe bet, but the NC has potential room for improvement, and allows for more people to have better lives.
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  9. RedArmy

    - TR
    - VS
    - NC
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  10. Imp C Bravo

    The NC arent about freedom. They are working for a Corporate Oligarchy. NC basically works for Donald Trump. TR works for Nero. Vanu works for Jesus.
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  11. Taemien

    NC is pretty much a knock off of the Federated Commonwealth from BattleTech as if it would have been 100 years after its creation (aka a perfect merger of the two realms; Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth) if it didn't split due to sibling rivalry. You've got the Freedom-Loving, Liberating nature of the Federated Suns, and the Merchant-House system of the Lyran Commonwealth. Both realms have a neo-feudal aristocracy where CEO's are commonly nobles such as Barons, Counts, and Dukes. As well as high ranking officers and NCO's in their respective militaries.
  12. ColonelChingles

    I like the faction that has Lightnings.
  13. CovertYank

    I think you mean, Space Jesus.
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  14. Imp C Bravo

    Too right!
  15. Eternaloptimist

    TR The faction of the faceless, downtrodden masses (and making sure they not only stay that way but are happy about it)

    NC The faction of the right to bear arms, however incompetent you are at using them (TK Free in the NC!) long as you buy them from us

    VS The faction of technological advance, which is the enemy of religion, and inferiority complexes (let's dress up and pretend we're cool aliens instead of mere humans)............and we can't afford the NC guns and TR won't sell theirs to us, so we made these

    Vanu is not a deity, it is a codeword for their ruling class or individual (possibly suckering people into following him by posing as some religious guru), same as the NC executives and TR politicians. In other words, they all want the same thing (power) they just differ about how to achieve it.

    Not that I'm a cynical world-weary, poor bloody grunt just trying to make a living and powerless to change my circumstances due to a lack of charisma, commercial acumen or political influence (or I'd be up there with the big guys and you could all kiss my butt..................)
  16. LordAnnihilator

    ...If the Vanu are a real species, they'd be all like:
    "Whoa **** me guys, we're deities now!"
    "If we are deities, why am I still fat?"
    "Oh my god, Steve, being a deity will not stop you being fat!"
    " what're we going to do?"
    "We are so totally gonna take over the VS and be total assjerks with our own army, yeah?"
    "Like it was the GODAMN law."
  17. Syphers

    I doubt that "jesus" would carry on cyborgism eh ew lol.
  18. RedArmy

    NC = Omni Consumer Products, OCP
    think about it....
    search your feelings, you know them to be true
  19. Killuminati C

    Yeah because these forums are so busy these days that this thread will get in the way of other more constructive threads :rolleyes:.

    On topic, it's all relative. They left the backstory deliberately vague so everyone can fill in some of the blanks and interpret everyone's role themselves. Even in certain instances where one side or the other can be construed as being in the wrong you can always figure that that particular aspect of the backstory was written by the victors and we all know that history is written by the victors.

    For instance I've always related most with NC and I've read on here a time or two that "X" empire would rather follow their own ideology than be beholden to a big corporation but at the same time how else would the disenfranchised fund a revolution?

    Not everything is in stark black and white. It's how you interpret the greys areas that will determine who you relate with most but all three factions are right just as they are wrong.
  20. Imp C Bravo

    Have you SEEN Vanu bum? You misspelled the word "phat"
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