Why are VS allowed to have yellow armor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. orangejedi829

    Well first of all, I would argue that the playstyles of those games are completely different from Planetside, which is more about huge masses of troops smashing into each other rather than tactical one-on-one encounters.
    But regardless, as i mentioned in the very post you quoted, my gripe is mainly about one faction having the ability to wear another faction's colors, but not the reverse being true. If you want to keep the colors in the game, then fine, but then each faction should have access to the other factions' colors.
  2. Gundem

    2, 3, 5 and 7. EZ.

    It's kind of weird, but each faction actually has a distinct crotch. Weird.

    But seriously, NC have a kind of obvious dick bulge, TR have a sharp V and the VS have a really pronounced U shape.

    Also, the helmets help as well.
  3. RedArmy

    i play TR n wear Black Flames camo - it makes me Black with light silver flames - i get mistaken for VS alot.
    the Camo was so controversial its no longer available for sale, closed you can get is Black scales and windswept, and they look VERY Vanu. Wearing the Bahamut mask doesnt help either....
  4. Littleman

    It is ironic that it WAS easier to pick out each of the three nations simply because their uniforms were... well, UNIFORM. They couldn't really be changed all that much. In a game like PS2, which uses bright colors and camos that do break up the silhouette of the character, it can get tricky to identify without the dorito.

    It also helped that BF4 didn't feel like everything was blurred behind some God awful film grain filter.

    The problem with this link: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-28652105/l6BPil5.jpg.html is two fold:

    1. Players trying to argue their point, especially over the internet, can easily lie. "I can spot them just fine." I'm God-tier MLGPRO no-scope good at everything I do, so my word has more weight than yours, and I say this person is wrong.

    2. And this one can't be argued against - They're reviewing these images under a no-stress situation. When Oneself is in a target rich environment facing MOVING TARGETS that will SHOOT BACK, picking out all the little intricacies is much, much harder and with the TTKs in PS2 (from the receiving end's perspective) every fraction of a second counts. Picking out silhouettes is easier... against MAXes and Heavy assaults. The other classes all have very similar silhouettes without composite armor cosmetics, as they all have round shoulders (no shoulder pads) and lack much in the way of silhouette visual definition as a result. Sure, One can say "look at the shape of the helmet" except characters hunch over when sprinting, and most players are either sprinting or shooting, and naturally, the latter posture means you are late to react.

    And honestly... most players are going to be looking for colors and doritos when the target is spotted - not a silhouette. Let's not pretend "git gud" is a valid excuse when PS2 needs players more than it needs apathetic elitists.
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  5. Krinsee

  6. Athmosfear

  7. Takara

    It isn't about the "git gud" argument and I'm not using that. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I've NEVER overlooked a TR/NC player thinking they were Vanu. It has happened. It's rather rare...for me I've seen other vanu do it. The fact is...I just don't generally rely on color. I swear...between weapon/silhouette helmets I just don't have an issue. It's near instantaneous and the game goes on constantly with out this being an issue.

    By your #1 I can simply say...you don't really have an issue...you are just making it up. *shrugs* Honestly I don't give a crud about ****** syndrome and I'm not here to brag. I just think you are relying to heavily on the wrong sense if the camo fools you that often.

    As for #2 how do you explain most of the population of the game getting along just fine on a daily basis...when most of the population is doing just fine but a small population declares something wrong just based on color I'm just going to call BS.

    Take away that TR's red glowing armor and the teal is overwhelming in the previous lposted picture. Still the character is beyond VS. the LA dead in the dirt is beyond VS just for the jetpack shape alone not to mention the purple all over his back.

    But like you said...it was easier in those games based on uniform set up...the same is true for this game. The distinct armor set ups are fairly different and just as usable despite color.

    I find it ironic you went out of your way to equip the VS with NS weapons well the TR and VS are each wielding empire weapons. I mean everything was done to try and hide the VS and I had em all spotted in under as second. VS weapons are easily the most obvious things in the game as well. Beware my laser fish. This whole topic is generally a non-issue that people just wanting to argue for some unknown reason.
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  8. Imp C Bravo

    I...don't have problems distinguishing between nations when playing:( ...am I defective?:eek:
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  9. ALN_Isolator

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  10. RedArmy

    3+ years of playing this game i can tell exactly what faction a target is and even class just simply by the outline of them on thermals, no spotting required.
  11. orangejedi829

    Right, I use HS/NV all the time, so I rarely rely on color. But the fact is that many players won't notice an enemy who is running around in their color. Therefore it can be strategically beneficial to wear the enemy's color if you want to be sneaky. What I'm saying is that it's unfair that only Vanu gets the option to do this.
  12. Imp C Bravo

    A couple of months of playing. Honestly -- threads like this seem to me like people are REALLY reaching...
  13. orangejedi829

    Reaching for what? Trying to improve the game? God forbid.
  14. Pelojian

    The difference between an newbie IFF and an expert IFF is that the expert knows reasonably well what neutral(terrain based), friend and foe camos look like and can identify enemy by helmet/weapon if they are using a neutral or camo that looks like their faction's color.

    remember purple and teal are VS, yet they get black coloring, TR get red and black and NC get yellow and blue. the super obvious colors should be the secondary color and the less obvious ones the primaries.

    If you keep getting killed by someone in camo it's not the camo's fault it's yours for not picking up and using the other details of their uniform. players could run around in pink uniforms and newbies still wouldn't know if they were friend or foe.

    even someone that knows the camos and can tell friend from foe will get deceived at some point because you can't always focus on a probable enemy because you are focusing on obvious enemies at the time.
  15. Agarthan

    I thought you said messed up promo.

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  16. CorporationUSA

    The thing is, I bet the people who wear those camos to look like the other factions get shot more by friendly fire as a result. I've shot them myself on accident.
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  17. RedArmy

    so, what your saying is that TR cant look like NC when we wear Giraffe camo, and we cant look like VS when we wear black scales.
    and that NC cant look like VS wearing black scales and look like TR wearing nearly any of the scrub camo
  18. Imp C Bravo

    I would honestly say attempting to find imbalance that may not actually impact the game. As I said -- Ive played for a few scant months and I have NEVER had a problem with figuring out who is who. Situational awareness and context clues are enough to fill in the gaps of the visuals for me. Like I said...i might be defective...;)

    Also, your thread title somewhat undercuts your statement of wanting to improve the game. If you cared about all the races being equal you would have said "Why are VS given armors that can look like other faction's uniforms." Instead you put "What are VS allowed to have yellow armor" showing that you care about them looking like your faction -- TR was but an afterthought.
  19. PasitheeVS

  20. Taemien

    I just shoot anything without a friendly dorito. My sight and hearing isn't getting younger so I set my friendly color and enemy color to something I can see easily.

    There's NOT going to be Three colors for THREE different factions that will be distinct enough for everyone. So leave it alone, pick what you think looks cool and just play. If you haven't setup at least friendly colors (the dorito and icons on the map) to something you can see, that's your fault.

    Don't rely on Devs to change camo colors. I can't tell VS and TR apart half the time, but when I play those factions I don't get TK's on people, so my system works.