Americans talk more than Euros? Difference between servers.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Razeroth, Oct 17, 2015.

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  1. Razeroth

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  2. Archiadus

    I would be pretty scared if currency started talking to me. :p

    I (when playing planetside) generally prefer when only the leader(s) talk in-game and only when it's to inform the squad/platoon about useful things as random chatter usually just ends up disturbing my enjoyment of the game, not being able to hear sounds properly etc*.

    * Some good music over proxy when we're winning / pushing towards a point is always welcome though. :)
  3. Takara

    Try playing on VS Emerald the public squads are pretty nice and well organized. They talk strat and work together pretty well.

    Among America there is a lot of different ways people speak, just like accents(just like in the UK, my co-worker is from Whales, I generally have a good time picking on her and calling it a London accent) there are habits people have when they talk. Coming from Chicago people there are generally loud and pretty light hearted. they may disagree and do so loudly but it's not generally aggressive. Well living in the south now, people generally don't curse and are almost overly polite. But by and large look at Social media...people just love for everyone to know what they are doing or thinking.
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  4. Shiaari

    Emerald is bar none the best server. Players there are almost too talkative, and generally polite.
  5. johnway

    I don't chat mainly no one else does tbh. If there's a reasonably chatty social squad, i try to put my input, but generally, i keep my mouth shut and follow orders unless spoken to or there is a serious threat. Part of the problem is that i talk very quickly.

    Other issues as to why i don't talk is because of the vast regional differences, if i was to join a squad of russians/Germans/french etc, i doubt they would understand me and frankly will see me as a nuisance as i sound like an annoying audio distraction or not following orders because i don't understand them at all.

    One of the biggest annoyances is someone leaving their audio on and music is blaring through their voice chat which mutes/reduces the sounds to my environments and they are quickly muted.

    lastly, i'm not entirely sure if the ingame squad chat works at all. The quality of some of the people audio doesn't work or its scrambled or something.

    Its why i use the standard dialogue menus tbh. They get me what i need and i watch/listen out for requests if needed.
  6. lothbrook

    I'd imagine all the different languages in Europe would make it difficult, where everyone in the US servers speaks english or at least understands it pretty well.
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  7. CipherNine

    Emerald is so much more organized than Miller because players communicate more. Dunno if there are personality difference between Europeans and Americans or maybe lot of players on Miller simply aren't comfortable speaking English.
  8. Wunderharke4000

    It's just pure logic:

    Europe: We have around 50 Countries with, I don't know, 30+ different languages. Some learn english in school, some don't. There is a good amount of people that actually don't understand and/or speak english OR (and I belong to this group also) are pretty hesitant to SPEAK (instead of WRITE) english. It really makes a difference. We usually have much, much more practice in writing than speaking. Every person is more comfortable speaking their actual native language.

    USA: One language, everybody speaks and understands it. Imagine US Servers if you were forced to talk...idk...spanish for instance. Watch what happens :D The spanish guys would talk for hours, while the majority of english-speaking players would be silent.

    It's just the way it is, I guess ^^
  9. Taemien

    Saw the title and expected something a little less.. nice... lol. But not a bad video overall, hit some pretty interesting points.

    I'd expect the North American servers to be quite a bit different than the European ones. I've noticed this in many other MMOs. Not so much on the talking (most MMOs don't have ingame voice) but on the strategies and tactics. Typically NA servers boast more aggressive takes to situations than their European counterparts, even if its the same strategy like in a MMORPG such as WoW.

    But one thing I do have to point out is NA servers are not just full of Americans and a smattering of Brazilians. But Canadians, Australians (who have to get off Briggs to find a fight), and some other pacific areas such as Korea and Japan. But you do have to play at some odd hours to experience them.

    But since the discussion is a bit more on culture, I'll give my experiences with that. I've been fortunate enough in my time in the Army to have the privilege of seeing a little bit more of the world. Specifically different parts of the US as well as Spain and Egypt.

    Personal space is an interesting thing many of us take for granted. It isn't until a visitor from outside the US comes to the US or an American visits someplace outside the US that we actually notice this. But as Razeroth pointed out, Americans do like to be at arm's length when speaking to each other. In Egypt, its like 6-9 inches (15-22cm). I don't know if this is due to our more rural and suburban roots or not. But it goes further than that.

    In Egypt I noticed when you enter an elevator, and someone else comes in. They'll stand right next to you. Pretty much almost touching if not already. Course they do this out of politeness for someone else who might enter. In the US, the first picks a corner in the back, the next picks the opposite corner in the back, and the next two fill the front corners. The fifth, sixth, and so on awkwardly fill the center.

    Movie theaters and such. We don't pile in one right after the other, but try to keep 1-2 seats apart, filling in from the outside to the center. Inefficient as hell, but we can't help it lol. Its actually quite a shock when joining the military and that's one of the habits they have to beat out (not quite literally but close) of us.

    Now the speaking. I was amused when I heard Razeroth comment how players will just chat in proximity. This is in part I believe to Americans (and Canadians as well) being a bit more outgoing. Despite what you hear in the media, the average American and Canadian is actually quite friendly. We love everyone, we really do. I especially love talking to Brits, Germans, and so on about topics such as this and other cultural differences. I think alot of this has to do with our already multicultural nature.

    But that multiculturalism is on the macro scale. In the micro scale, its actually a bit different. The United States.. well is called that for a reason. There are Fifty states and while same seem similar especially by region, they can quite different from another. Its alot like the European Union, just a bit more organized and integrated. South Carolina and California could seem as different as the United Kingdom and Spain, despite sharing a similar language.

    Where I'm going with this, is we're equally exposed and not exposed to different cultures, they're not in our face every day. But at the same time we know enough that they are there to be fascinated at times. Hopefully that makes sense. Culturally its not uncommon say for two guys at a bus stop or subway stop, or just sitting at a bar to just engage in random conversation.

    As for the loudness, I can say this may come from a more aggressive attitude within the culture. The US was founded by colonists. Hostile natives, hostile environments, and hostile wildlife made for a more rugged people at the very beginning. We've softened or smoothed out over the years. But with much of the pioneering spirit and some still living in the edges of civilization, its still pretty predominant.

    We have very large populations in urbanized areas. But many still live in rural or suburban areas. My small town for example is interesting because to go to any of the closest small towns there's 4-8 miles (6-13km) of forest inbetween. Much of the US hasn't been tamed yet. There's just not enough people to do it. Which always makes me chuckle when I hear about overpopulation within the US.

    Culturally we place an emphasis on those who are confident, charismatic, and have the appearance of strength (either in body or will). Arrogance and Pride isn't always seen as vices, when used in moderation of course. I noticed Razeroth mentioned a emphasis on 'everyone is taught to be special'. This was a more recent development in the mid to late 90s. But he hit it on the head about everyone being in competition before then. You'll find that older Americans (25 and up) will more likely have a competitive streak. While those who are under 30 typically have that new 'I'm special' attitude. To outsiders it seems like they are one in the same.

    They are not however. They are formed from similar roots, obviously the same culture. Those of us who are older remember being taught from a young age that you have earn everything yourself. Those that are younger are told that they will be ensured what is due to them. Causes some interesting discussions to say the least. As which is right.. well.. that's beyond what this discussion is about, so I'll leave that alone (anyone that does want to give their two cents, I highly recommend a different thread as not to derail this one).

    But there you go, we're louder because its seen as an avenue of confidence, a virtue to many. Though of course sometimes some of us take it too far. But any culture is going to have its good points and bad points. My advice to anyone visiting our servers or even our country is don't be shy. Even if your english isn't 100% don't worry about it. We'll be able to make it out and chances are you speak better than you think you do. We have a ton of dialects and accents in North America so we're all used to it.
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  10. YoungPedro

    The silence is the reason i advice every potential new EU player i meet, to join Emerald. It just ruins the experience, i rather play with a 120 ping than endure the platoons on the EU servers. No matter where you join its just the boring old "follow the platoon/squad" marker leading style that nobody in the right mind would join on the US server.
  11. ColonelChingles

    In the Emerald outfit I'm part of, we have many non-Americans who are rather talkative. An Aussie, a Frenchman, a German, and an Indian (the Asian type). They're all rather vocal (which is why I'm aware of their national origins). Now it's possible that we actually have a lot of Europeans/Asians in our outfit who are much more quiet, though I doubt that. Maybe only the "noisier" non-Americans are drawn more regularly to Emerald?

    There's also an East Coast/West Coast split I think. Emerald seems to be a much chattier server than Connery.
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  12. Taemien

    Its contagious. I've seen this happen in a few other games. Either that or when talked to, the guys in Europe open up and get just as talkative. Probably a little bit of both.
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  13. customer548

    Taemien highlighted a point of interest while refering about US history. As he mentioned, US citizens come from Europe and they had to help each other in order to survive and to settle communities and cities (i'll do it in a quick way ^^) in wild lands. US culture is based on mutual assistance and survavibility skills. When a stranger comes to them, he is seen as someone who can possibly bring new ideas, knowledge or special ability.

    English is also the major worldwide communication language for trade. It has a lower number of commonly used words than most of the EU languages (No offense). It is all about fast communication in order to establish quick relationships for trading goods, ideas or "labour force" in order to reach a common goal.

    EU citizens are less rapid at establishing relationships, i guess. Reasons are their splitted countries' history, their different languages inside EU zone, and a possible social withdrawal due to a cultural relative individualism.
  14. Gutseen

    Most of the peasants on EU servers play like moles.
    Stick their s***t pile of a face in 1n derection (kek) with dem low-extra low graph. settings and FoV set to a 55.

    Whats the point of telling anything to that imbecile, cuz he's only fit for a role of a meat shield?
    Polaks talk more often, but get ******** quick (slavic trait)
  15. ColonelChingles

    That's true. I've managed to shout... two AOD platoons into somewhat of a more tactical mindset all by myself. :p
  16. TheFlamingLemon

    Whenever I see people talk in proxy chat, others just tell them to shut up. I don't see why proxy voice and regional chat aren't used more frequently to organize players not necessarily fighting in the same squads.
  17. Razeroth

    I find this hypothesis really funny, I could imagine it having some truth! :p
  18. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Steam Controller - was interesting :D
  19. Vurvu

    It's a recognised trait that people who are happy, tend to talk more.

    The type that tend to own a gun like I occasionally blow bubbles from chewing bubble gum.

    Somehow, I just have this feeling the UK/EU won't be like that any more; in the future.
    That's what happens when races mix faster than the blender can be turned on.
  20. Razeroth

    Very nice to see the opinion from the perspective of someone over the pond, and some interesting points raised. Brits however, also do the same thing with the cinema. They will try not to be 1 in front or one behind other people. But I think it is actually fairly considerate if the theatre isn't full. I don't really want someones head in my peripherals.
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