Best/Most Useful Unlocks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElzitoNC, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. ElzitoNC

    Hey guys,

    Recently having hit 1000 certs and not knowing what to buy I decided to make up a guide showing some of the most useful unlocks for gaining certs or taking out enemies. Here's the list, if you feel like something is missing or is unjustly on here let me know and I'll add it/remove it.

    Lolpods for your ESF (Hellfire, Breaker or Photon)
    SMG for infiltrator (Personal preference, I use cyclone)
    2nd burster arm for max
    Thermal scope for C75 Viper (Good for infantry only fights)
    Both levels of C4 for LA
    Bolt Action Sniper for TR and VS
    Fully Upgraded Medic tool, Engineer tool and ammo packs
    2nd AI weapon for max
    AA Lock-on launcher
    Ammo/Repair sunderer
    AV turret for engineer

    This is what I can think of off of the top of my mind, I've probably missed a bunch of worthwhile weapons. Let me know if I have, and I hope this list helps.

  2. Lemposs

    So pretty much everything? :p
  3. ElzitoNC

    Haha, you could say that. Although there are hundreds of possible unlocks in the game, some of which are just a waste of your hard earned certs. I learnt this the hard way when I bought the Gauss Compact S then found out the UBGL was a piece of trash. I have found multiple threads similar to this but with only a small amount of weapons. That's why I wanted to put them all in one place.
  4. Pyrode

    I'd add the 3 AV mines for engineer.

    They're a great tool for killing enemy sundies that you come across. Much better than 2 bricks of C4 against vehicles as they don't despawn (have to be killed/derezzed).
    • Up x 1
  5. ElzitoNC

    Will do. As to being unable to edit the main post I shall post a reply (which I can edit) with the updated list
  6. ElzitoNC

    Lolpods for your ESF (Hellfire, Breaker or Photon)
    SMG for infiltrator (Personal preference, I use cyclone)
    2nd burster arm for max
    Thermal scope for C75 Viper (Good for infantry only fights)
    Both levels of C4 for LA
    Bolt Action Sniper for TR and VS
    Fully Upgraded Medic tool, Engineer tool and ammo packs
    2nd AI weapon for max
    AA Lock-on launcher
    Ammo/Repair sunderer
    AV turret for engineer
    3 AV tank mines
  7. SQPD

    GD-22S, max rank NMG, max rank nanoweave, and you're all set to be a complete *******.
  8. LodeTria

    VS - Lancer.
    You can now shoot almost any ground vehicle you see, and is decent vs Air.
  9. ElzitoNC

    Lolpods for your ESF (Hellfire, Breaker or Photon)
    SMG for infiltrator (Personal preference, I use cyclone)
    2nd burster arm for max
    Thermal scope for C75 Viper (Good for infantry only fights)
    Both levels of C4 for LA
    Bolt Action Sniper for TR and VS
    Fully Upgraded Medic tool, Engineer tool and ammo packs
    2nd AI weapon for max
    AA Lock-on launcher
    Ammo/Repair sunderer
    AV turret for engineer
    GD22S for NC
  10. The Funk

  11. cobaltlightning

    The S variant carbines are better suited for the Engineer, since the infinite ammo helps mitigate the uselessness of the UBGL anyway. Otherwise not really worth it.

    As for the guide, I'd add in the following:

    Underboss, as I feel I perform better with the underboss in most if not all situations better than I do the commisioner.

    Another must is the 1x weapon optic for your starting weapons. These are only 5 certs, but give you quite a bit of extra clarity.

    The first level zoom on all of your vehicle weapons, which again are rather cheap. Seriously, your teammates will love to be able to zoom in slightly on your basilisks than not at all, and can help you be a bit more precise, as well.

    Medical/restoration kits. Both restore your health with slight difference: Restoration restores ~80% of your health over a short amount of time while the medical kits restore it all almost instantly. One is more expensive than the other to unlock.

    AI Proximity Mines: I don't care if they're cheesy as ****-all to use, the anti-Infantry mines can indeed save your behind (literally) from that sneaky infiltrator.

    Another good idea is to upgrade your favourite class's main abilities, as well: For engineers, upgrade your ammo and repair tool, medics oughta upgrade their healing tool and Area-of-Effect healing ability. This is already listed, but don't forget your other classes, as well: heavies oughta upgrade their overshields, Light Assaults get more fuel and power with upgrading their jetpacks, and infiltrators can cloak more often by upgrading their ability, as well.

    's probably the most I can come up with at the moment.
  12. ElzitoNC

    Lolpods for your ESF (Hellfire, Breaker or Photon)
    SMG for infiltrator (Personal preference, I use cyclone)
    2nd burster arm for max
    Thermal scope for C75 Viper (Good for infantry only fights)
    Commissioner (Or underboss, personal preference)
    Both levels of C4 for LA
    Bolt Action Sniper for TR and VS
    Fully Upgraded Medic tool, Engineer tool and ammo packs
    2nd AI weapon for max
    AA Lock-on launcher
    Ammo/Repair sunderer
    AV turret for engineer
    GD22S for NC
    Proxy mines
    1x optics for starter weapons on infantry and vehicles
    1st level of ammo upgrades on all vehicle weapons
    Your favourite class's ability