Pump Action shotguns = Hate tells

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mianera, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Mianera

    So I'm currently doing my Infantry - Light assault directive which requires me to do 800+ shotgun kills and I decided to do it with the pump action shotties on my avatars. Just finished it on my TR, now working it on my NC.

    The amount of hate tells I get is incredible. It is utterly record breaking and I get so many cheat/hacking accusations and my ignore list is filling up very quickly.

    I'm guessing that the other players out there using pump actions know what I mean since I imagine that I'm not the only lucky cookie being bombarded with these hate tells.

    The only damn thing that I don't understand is why?

    I mean, I get why people nag over the gatekeeper, coyotee, battlegoat and ESF pilots going verbal, but why the massive hate for pump actions? The hate for pump action shotties is worse than all of the others combined.

    Don't you people realize how difficult a pump action shotgun is to master let alone use properly? It only... ONLY has one pro and a TON of cons.


    - 1 Shot kill on infantry up to 1-4 meters (technically 8, but then the spread is way too high)


    - Utterly useless beyond 4-8 meters
    - Long reload
    - Not efficient with slug ammo
    - Only holds 4 shots (6 with extended mag)
    - Will not 1 shot HA if they have shield up
    - Requires pump action after shot fired 0,6-0,7 sec of downtime
    - Punishes the player extremely if you miss
    - No way of defending yourself properly in a open area

    In order to make this weapon work you need the highest understanding of situational awareness and map awareness. You need to have a very aggressive playstyle, incredible good aim and should you make one mistake it will result in your death. You need to know where ever point of cover is, know every base on all three continents inside out, plot your movement towards the enemy, always flank or go behind them and every time you leave you must be prepared for a suicide mission with the goal of just trying to get that one kill before you go down.

    Now I had some pretty incredible killstreaks 19+ with these shotguns but the amount of frustration that comes with them is mindblowing as the spread is so random.

    To those that have mastered them, I salute you, because they really require a unique and skillful playstyle. It is like playing as a infiltrator but without silencer (or silent weapons) and no cloak. It isn't easy getting within 4 meters on someone, getting a kill, let alone surviving.

    So why all the frikken hate?
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  2. Pirbi

    Well let's not get too crazy about the skill required but yes, it's not a perfect weapon. Anything that can instagib is good for a hate tell. The Fortuna is more fun because some don't initially notice the under barrel shotgun and accuse you of cheating.
  3. Pelainis117

    Well I get hated/called as a cheater-hacker with all guns/vehicles that I use so problem is not in your gun but in your gameplay probably. People hate to loose and thats how it starts... Some people hate in private massages some people keep it silent. I can only suggest what I"am doing.. I just ignore(block) those people that hate me much and keep raging. No matter how long my block list is just block them and enjoy game. ;)
  4. LodeTria

  5. JobiWan

    I don't use them, but I hate dying to them as much as the next person. But I respect those that bring the correct weapon for the correct kind of engagement, and if I die to them then it's mostly my fault for engaging them in their comfort zone rather than mine. All you really have to do counter shotgunners is don't get so close, it really is as easy as that.

    Ok, they sometimes hide round corners and scare the bejesus out of you, but it's a valid tactic and a valid weapon choice in some situations.
  6. Mianera

    I was actually thinking that's it. You know when get hit by it and it amplifies the impact noise, especially when hit in the face, you get quite a jump scare. Hell, I nearly fell off my chair first time I was instagibbed by a pump action. So what, people do a Markiplier and
    go "F**K YOOOOU"? Maybe it's because they are so rarely used. I wasn't killed by one till I was BR30+. So add that with an unknown weapon/sound + jumpscare and that's what sparks the hatetells?

    But we don't get nearly as many when we snipe fx. A sniper typically one shots as well and somehow we tolerate that. But we get super aggravated and give hate tells when a shotgun does it. Why is that?
  7. Iridar51

    Haven't really noticed. Tho it's been a long time since I used a PA shotgun as much. I don't really get many hate tells, come to think of it.
  8. Imperial Sect

    I love the rage I get when I use them. The best is when it's from heavy assaults, since they are the op infantry class, guess they aren't used to dying with that op shield of theirs.

    I had one guy on the TR raging so hard in /y about how shotguns are for noobs and for some reason he went on to talk about how this games all about positioning and shotguns require no skill, yet shotguns make you flank and get superior positioning on your victims.

    But the best rage tells always come from the NC...I love rage tells about shotguns from NC players.
  9. Lemposs

    Strangely enough I get more while using the Brawler and Jackhammer, one understandable, the other less so (hint: it is the brawler, that thing is just weak as hell).

    But anyways, people hate insta gibbing and usually will taunt you with the notion that you can't hit, which is somewhat true in the notion that they are more lenient, but it does leave out the part where you have to run across open fire even to get to the point of efficiency.

    It is people being angry at a somewhat cheap game mechanic, let them blow off their steam and don't take it personal, I certainly don't on ShotgunMarathon and I think I have a lot of people beaten on hate tells :p
  10. TheFlamingLemon

    They're like ranged power knives but I agree. Things that ruin gameplay: being put at an unfair disadvantage, including having an inability to defend oneself. (e.g. all the heavy assaults ruin gameplay for anyone who doesn't want to play heavy assault because they put players at an unfair disadvantage in fights.) Playing as a light assault with a pump shotgun can, in some scenarios, give you an advantage that players don't like. If you're defending an entrance to a building you're practically a re-usable claymore on steroids, and any player that walks into that door is going to feel cheated because they would be completely helpless to stop you from killing them. I encountered this and I certainly didn't respect that player. A lot of the time, though, pump shotgun is perfectly reasonable, like when tower stomping. If someone lets you get close enough to kill them with a pump shotgun in cases in which you're the one running around, not them, they had ample opportunity to defend themselves and you are perfectly respectable.

    Note: This is all simply my opinion, however if anyone wishes to subject this to scrutiny feel free. Just know I am not stating this as gospel.
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  11. Hatesphere

    shot guns are more based around positioning then aim. their entire play style revolves around getting into their very small kill range. most players range because all they see is the last second before you will them with space buckshot. what they missed was all the things you had to do to get in range in the first place.

    its part of why infiltrators dont get them, they work too well with the cloak and the darts.
  12. JojoTheSlayer

    If you double or even some times single shot someone with the pump or similar at practically zero meters and they call you a cheater. They are obviously just frustrated or ignorant. I would just tell them to try the free shotgun at 0m AND watch Wrels "lag compensation" YT video. Would probably aid a few of them a bit more than they think...

    I am one of those that think the Gate Keeper for example should be rebalanced, but I am not surprised the enemy brings it when they have the options to. Same with shotguns or any other weapon or ingame tactic.
  13. DramaticExit

    This is largely to do with latency. Pump action shotguns with their one hit kill potential at close range present a bit of a problem when combined with a bit of latency and the clientside hit detection.

    Essentially, they allow you to round a corner and kill someone before you have even appeared on your target's screen.

    - Player A rounds a corner.
    - Player A sees Player B.
    - Player A fires their PA shotgun, and their game registers they have hit Player B.
    - Player B recieves the information that Player A has rounded the corner.
    - Player B is already dead on player A's screen.
    - Player B has no ability to retaliate.
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  14. Inex

    Considering who usually hates shotties so much, I imagine it's more "Didn't have a chance to do a stat-stick dance." more than the latency itself.
  15. _itg

    I don't hate shotguns, except when lag wizards deliberately abuse them (some Asians on Connery do this routinely). This is effectively cheating, although of course they'll never get banned for it. Shotguns really just need to switch to victim-side hit detection the moment the user's ping goes over a certain value. It's the only way to prevent abuse short of disabling shotguns altogether when you have bad ping.
  16. Mianera

    Right, I see the points you bring up here.

    BUT!... most PA users don't do it for a quick kill by exploiting latency or hit detection. I simply think that it's wrong of our community to be so quick to hate these weapons.

    But granted, with the client side hit detection and latency issues, I can see why many feel cheated as they have no way to defend themselves against it since they are a 1 hit kill.

    But then again, neither do they have a way to defend themselves against any bolt action sniper. I get your points, I really do but I still think that it's wrong. We cannot defend ourselves from that MBT that sniped us either.
  17. FieldMarshall

    Most people hate dying to something and not feeling like they could have prevented it.
    Sure, you also instantly die to vehicles, air and snipers instantly. But it feels worse in a 1v1 situation.
    Probably because they go into a 1v1 with the mindset of "Ok, im going to try and use everything i have learned to outplay this guy" only to die before they get the first shot off.

    People who die to PA dont notice the other 80% of the times when you were too far away from something to OHK it or did 0 damage to your enemy.
    And probably assume you just run around OHKing everything on a regular basis.

    I personally find it fairly balanced. Its high risk high reward with some pretty heavy downsides outside 5-10m.
    Just trying to figure out why people rage so much at PAs.
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