It's time to "man up" & be loyal to your Faction! Join me!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Timithos, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Timithos

    I've deleted all my non-NC characters. It's time you should be loyal to your faction too. I'm tired of contributing ONE SINGLE BULLET for the enemy! It's unfortunate we don't have the faction loyal mechanics we had in Planetside 1 like no tells and yell chat (You learned to hate the "faceless" enemy more that way), and 24-hour cross faction, same-server character freezes. It'd be nice to end more 4th-factioning, and curb a lot of teamkilling that way. You know... the 4th-factioning they've thrown stats at us to say it doesn't have a significant impact. Well being a traitor and teamkilling sunderers on the other side is quite an impact, I'd say.

    Who wants to join me??!! NC4LIFE!!! Feel free to post your character screenshots below.


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  2. Liewec123

    why would you? each faction has fun unique things,
    there comes a point when you get really bored with doing the same old things over and over, and switching faction can be the fix,
    usually on my PS2 nights i'll play across all 3, they all have something fun that the other factions don't.
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  3. TheMish




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  4. ColonelChingles

    Wouldn't I literally be throwing away money as I would lose access to those Prowler and Magrider cosmetics I bought?
  5. SQPD

    I have 6 NC characters. My station cash only went to NC as far as I know.
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  6. Killuminati C

    Until pops are even across the board I'll keep logging on as the underpop. I'm tired of logging on and finding one faction has 40%+ and the two lower pops are left to fight each other so they're not continually getting steamrolled. So as much as I appreciate the sentiment, I worry more about the games health than solidarity.

    Oh and I don't TK so I'm not the demographic you're trying to reach.
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  7. Beerbeerbeer

    I have no idea when they allowed multiple factions across the same server. Must have happened after I quit and as a result of server merges I surmise.

    In any case, this capability is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand it allows people to play the underdog role if they desire, but on the other hand, it allows people to switch and dogpile on the zerging side.

    I can't blame them, though. There's no motivation to play the underdog unless you're a masochist. No matter how good you are and unless you constantly try and melt away from fights, you're going to get farmed by sheer force of numbers.

    There should be greater boosts and/or penalties for over/under popped factions. Not necessarily during off-peak times, but just during server prime time.

    When prime time pops for one faction approaches +10% over another, that's when dumb time arrives. And this happens a lot on Emerald during prime time.
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  8. Pelojian

    This is a game, a game is meant to be fun, having a preferred faction is fine, having full faction loyalty is just limiting your experience to the receiving end of enemy weapons, thus your understanding of enemy equipment will be limited.

    having one toon per server and having one in each faction is good if you have the luxury of having three servers close by, any action on any toon you use won't hurt your efforts done on other toons.

    that said territory is temporary and swapping factions right away on the same server only hurts your past faction toon short term, long term it makes no difference.

    beside if you are being zerged constantly and your pop went from fairly even to detrimental you can swap factions to the 2nd pop faction and have a go at the faction zerging(provided only one faction is victimizing you).

    I play TR far more then my NC and VS toons any effect on my efforts on TR when playing NC and VS are minimal at best.
  9. Hatesphere

    If anything faction loyalty is something you get over once you want to actually play the game. having first hand experience on all factions is an asset, why limit yourself?
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  10. SQPD

    Immersion. Immersion in some cases can make the game.more fun that zerging every day.
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  11. Peebuddy

    Problem with playing only one factions is that people tend to call you out as biased when ever you make posts relating to the other two factions.
  12. LodeTria

    I stopped caring once warpgates rotated every second.
    Once the sense of "turf" was removed each faction might as well be NS to me in terms of loyalty. It used to be pretty bad sure, not rotating warpgates for several months. I wouldn't mind a montly or every 2 weeks, to try and regain that sense of turf.
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  13. Call-Me-Kenneth

    i played TR as main with some VS on the weekends, but then went only NC.

    NC is hard more. specially on a server like Connery.
  14. TheFlamingLemon

    If you don't play all 3 factions, you aren't getting the full experience of the game.
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  15. Timithos

    My loyalty transcends fun.

    I highly doubt you'll lose anything. Regardless, my loyalty transcends real life money.

    I've been biased since 2003 no matter how much I've played the lessor factions.

    I've had the "full experience." I'm done with the "full experience."
  16. CorporationUSA

    Doesn't look that way to me, based on the first pic. Come back when you have a BR100 for each faction, and then we'll see if you're willing to delete them over such nonsense.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    Because free accounts makes any such restrictions pointless and only punishes paying (SC purchased x-faction & membership) players.

    They NEVER restricted factions on a server in PS2.

    I started with my 3 factions spread out, but seeing as there's only 2 NA servers now... well obviously 2 of them are on the same server now.
  18. FieldMarshall

    I play all 3 factions. If i only played 1 faction i would have to play when my faction is overpopulated as well, which is really boring.
    I usually log onto the one with the least players.

    I would also miss out on most of the fun, in terms of weapons and vehicle diversity.
    Its supposed to be a fun game afterall, not a job.

    If anyone wants to only play 1 faction thats fine.
    But once you move past the "faction pride" fad and get to BR100 and unlock everything you want, you will probably miss your alts.
    Though they were only around BR50, so they can be remade.
  19. Unsp0kn

    You have fun with that loyalty thing, I'll stick to mixing it up every so often. I still feel more loyal to my main on TR, but it gets BORING fighting the same fight every time I log in. It's fun to hop on a different server in a different faction and play differently for a change. :confused:
  20. Timithos

    I find Battle Rank to be nonsense.