"Interesting" experiences yesterday

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eternaloptimist, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    1. Phoenix is fun and even requires a bit of skill against esf and harasser (my favourite prey). But having one or two misfires per 5 shot load throughout a long battle was seriously.....erm......interesting.

    2. Got killed by an infil with C4............erm....

    3. Infil approached me without any distortion giving him away (unusual in my experienced), materialised without making a noise right next to me (also unusual) and erm..........killed me. Was in a silent room (no gunfire, no other people running about).

    4. Got TK'd twice in spawn room by two different "allies". No provocation, no enemies in sight. Bummer. Admittedly I was spamming Phoenix from inside the spawn room which seems to irritate some people but that thing is suicide to use in the open and there were a shed ton of enemy aircraft (I downed four mossies and a valk in between team kills. Also scratched the paintwork on a Galaxy with four rockets but no kill ofc........ those things are hard!)

    Still had a great time though.
  2. DeltaValkyrie

    1) If you are shooting through a spawn shield that can happen ...

    2) if someone lay down C4 and you got EMP 'd or he SHOT the C4 it will count as infil C4 kill. Same thing with mines.

    3) Was your computer running slow at the time? I get that when my FPS suddenly drops to 15...

    4) NC is known as the TK faction. I've died more times on NC to "friendlies" than VS and TR put together times 4 xD
  3. Movoza

    Ok can you tell me what is the point of this thread? It seems only to vent frustration. I'm only for venting frustration if it has a point beyond that. A suggestion for change how to reduce your frustration in a reasonable matter, if the reason for frustration is equally reasonable. There isn't really a (fruitful) discussion to be had about your experiences.
  4. Mythologicus

    Lemme make 6 Liberator threads, is that more your thing?

    This thread, pointless though it may ultimately be, is considerably more interesting than most.
  5. Kcalehc

    It can also happen in the middle of anywhere; slightly less often, but it still happens. Randomly one will blow up in your face, or it'll just fly off by itself and drop to the ground (you don't even get to see the camera, it just acts like you dumbfired a glowing blue brick). And don't fire one from a Valkyrie, you've pretty good odds of it hitting the Valk, even if stationary and you're aiming directly out to the side.

    As an infil I've killed tanks with tank mines, enemy infantry with their own AP mines and even enemy engineers with their own spitfire turrets - especially hilarious to do. It's great when the enemy put tank mines in front of a vehicle pad while capturing a base, and then leave them there and pull a vehicle after - a good shot and boom, infil tank kill.

    And yeah spawn room TK's happen, suck it up and move on, or get the guy back and move on; whichever you prefer.
  6. stalkish

    And thats an unfair representation of the data.

    If you go and get the population numbers for each empire, then divide the total TKs per empire by the populations of each empire you get the TKs per capita rate

    There is a thread around here where someone did that, NC tkd the least per player, VS the most,
  7. SwornJupiter

    It's just a Forumside joke lol. We all know that there's probably not a shred of truth behind the claim that NC TK the most, but it probably surfaced in the early stages of the game and just stuck.
  8. Joexer

    Actually it did. Early on in the game NC held appeal to the most younger players and Americans resulting in you guessed it. Tking. The yolo mentality took over and the story has been lost since. So yeah it kinda is a myth with some fact to it.
  9. Bu11ish

    Damn I have the same experience. One day I decided to try my BR 28 NC character. Got TK'd 10 times in a row. Rage quit, never went back.
  10. HadesR

    I had that today ..

    Tk'd by a BR1 .. in a situation that wasn't accidental .. I asked nicely in /yell If XYZ outfit could watch their BR1 tkers ..

    Few bases later a BR60 from the same outfit tk's me as I'm on a terminal ..
  11. JustBoo

    Let's see... I like eating pumpkin pie on Indar. I like holding a pin-wheel to the wind and staring into the sun on Esamir. I like eating ice cream on Hossin while shooting ESF's with a pistol. Oh, and I like singing Mark Knoffler tunes whilst driving a motorcycle on Amerish. Such fun.
  12. Imp C Bravo

    Please make 6 liberator threads. There hasn't been any biased Lib whining in a while and I am getting bored.:rolleyes::D
  13. Eternaloptimist

    Thanks to all contributors. It has been interesting (heh). And informative...........I never realised that an infil gets credit for setting off an explosive that kills you. And no, there wasn't a point to this thread other than sharing a few experiences to see if others had similar, or other experiences. I've had a couple of enemies rendering late and when they are on top of me. Never checked for low FPS but it seems the most likely answer although I usually only get that in big, big battles.
  14. JojoTheSlayer

    1. Its because of server client lag issues, if/when it happens:
    Slow down the fire rate a bit. Reload, go into optics, wait 1 sec and then fire.

    2. The Cloaker didnt have C4, but he has EMP ****. The detonating C4 was probably friendly.
    Cloakers some times also camp exit of vehicle pads and EMPing friendly AT mines when you drive over after spawning. Same result.

    3. This is most likely a bit of an hyperbole from you, I think. He was there you just didnt see him or he attacked you from a blind spot and the lag is such that he declaoked, but killed you before you really saw him on your end or a mix of many differing things. I recommend you play a pistol cloaker and see how it is on the other end. Same feeling in differing settings... The "how the F did he see me, I was standing still" and so on (excluding actual hackers of course, but they are actually a minority).

    4. More likely enemies that swap sides because they are upset about getting Phoenixed. Another reason to only allow one character pr server or have a cool down between faction swaps on the same server. Oh and for those that are members, which includes me, I dont really care if that means you cant get your 48certs on an alt. Get that Alt to another server then.
  15. Agarthan

    Cloaker probably had the hunter cloak which makes you completely invisible.