How is it possible?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kazrak, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Kazrak

    OK guys this is just another whine thread to blow of some steam after an afternoon full of bugged and fu*ked up gameplay

    This is a little forum game called "How is it possible?" where anyone can state a question to the devs (who are obviosly more concerned about reddit post than their official forum) and demand an answer that will probably never come

    This question can also include side comments like:

    How is it possible that the shots of a tank that is less than 50m away are not rendered at all? Even if it was only 12vs12 in the hex.

    OK lets get started:

    How is it possible that not one but THREE galaxys vanish 500m away and start rendering again when they are 100m away?

    How is it possible that my ESF gets on-cliped almost everytime while my full certed clip only get enemys smoking?

    How is it possible that a game with more than 10k players gets ripped apart because the Developers had to implement a PS4 version that was going to flop the day it went online?

    How is it possible that a NC max one-clips other maxes befor TR/VS-Max have their mags half empty?

    How is it possible to let such a good game hit the wall full speed and still can look yourself in the mirror every morning?

    How is it possible that the forum has become a place for whining and all other discussions involving the devs was outsourced to some other webside?

    So now it's up to you (yeah you the guy in fornt of the monitor) to continue this sensless act of criticism against a world that is much to cruel to be quiet about it
  2. Shiaari

    • Up x 3
  3. Kazrak

    Shiaari you don't get it this thread is for asking rethorical questions which don't have any need of answering

    Of course it's due latency that vehicles are not rendered but disapear and reappear 400m closer than befor has nothing to do with latancy otherwise they wouldn't appear further away and THAN vanish

    The thing with their dev/customer communication is that this whole forum is just USELESS except for announcing patch notes and the whining (i'm well awear of the irony in this thread)

    yeah sony can ....what ever they can i leave to your imagination

    But maybe anyone of you who read more than just the header of this thread has an idea to show some protest to the devs that we are not really satisfied with their actions

    Like: (just to stay true to the topic)

    How is it possible that for the last 1,5-2 years not a single continent was released? (Koltyr excluded cause that's just for the noobs, which was one of the few good ideas in the last YEAR)

    I'm just waiting for some major adjustment to the game (resources-revamp, ANT or something like that) cause except the ES-AV the last changes were laughable if i phrase it politly
  4. Shiaari

    • Up x 3
  5. Villanuk

    How is possible the Betelgeuse is not nerfed yet..o_O
    • Up x 2
  6. Ximaster

    How is possible that devs changed minimum requirements of the game from a i3 to a i5????
  7. Shiaari

  8. Campagne

    How is it possible that the Commissioner is NS and not NC?
  9. Mythologicus

    How is it possible that ColonelChingles knows so much?
  10. rocketdrive

    How is it that people complain about NC being good at anything when we are the only faction that sport a crippling disadvantage as a core element of our faction?
  11. CorporationUSA

    How is it possible for someone so clueless to be so vocal about this?
  12. Demigan

    Because your PC sucks, and the devs build in a failsafe so you can still play. I've never ever seen this happen.

    Because your aim sucks and you don't get the hits you think you do. Also there have been hit detection issue's, but I haven't seen those much lately.

    How exactly was it ripped apart?

    Because he's using shotguns baby! And because he's got a massive disadvantage at any other range where he needs two to infinite clips to kill another MAX, while they still need only one or two clips at those ranges.
    It's called "trade-offs". A sniper trades his ROF and reload to get long-range accuracy, high firepower, low damage drop and the ability to OHK with a headshot within certain ranges. A shotgun trades accuracy, range and damage drop to be able to outperform other weapons in CQC, but only marginally. It's biggest actual advantage is having tons of damage per magazine.

    Because the developers aren't the only one's governing the game. They get a limited amount of money and resources, as well as orders from above on what to build, mostly aimed at earning money through microtransactions etc rather than making the game more fun as the "fun" factor is none of the owners concern, only the developers and gamers.
    Also you probably weren't there at launch were you? The game has improved, they just missed important meta and endgames to propel this game forwards for another 5 to 10 years.

    Reddit is an unofficial website, so the devs can say things there without being bound by it. If they promise golden mountains on Reddit, they are able to withdraw that without much repercussion. If they say that here they are much less capable of doing that.
    Also, a toxic forum breeds toxic people. You are complaining about whining of the forums in a thread that incites whining? Look up the definition of a hypocrite and come back.

    Key word, "sensless".
  13. Eternaloptimist

    How is it possible this thread hasn't been closed down as totally unconstructive yet?
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  14. customer548

    How is it possible that this game still tries to send me on Hossin after 2 years of "NOPE" ?
    • Up x 1
  15. Kazrak

    because it's a little more fun than anyother "Nerf this Nerf that" thread
  16. Kazrak

    How is it possible to fu*k up the spawn system to cause moments like this:
  17. FieldMarshall

    How is it possible to use "i like the reddit layout better" as an excuse for not using your own forum, instead of improving your own forum's layout.

    How is it possible to use "its to toxic" as an excuse for not using your own forum, when you are the only ones who has the power to clean it up

    How is it possible to use "i like reddit better, we can say what we want because of rules and stuff" as an excuse for not using your own forum, when you are in charge of the rules and can change them.

    How is it possible to have an "official news and announcements" section and not use it for official news and announcements.

    How is it possible that there is no "balance it a little and see how it performs for a few weeks" before tweaking it again.
    Why does it have to be broken or OP. Why no small tweaks over time.

    How is it possible to consider hiding relevant news and information on like 5 different sites "great communication with the playerbase"

    How is it possible to reduce implant drop rates with no warning, and bury it in the patch notes of a large patch as "adjusted implant drop rates".
    Then when people call you out on it go "Its clearly in the patch notes" as an excuse for being shady.

    How is it possible to remove the most wanted and upvoted feature on the roadmap, the "re-cert token".
    Without warning or explanation and hoping people wouldnt notice, because you just realised it wouldnt be very profitable.
    Why not explain that to people instead of acting shady.

    How is it possible that removing the cert screen was considered a good idea

    How is it possible that nobody spent a few hours tweaking the ZoE MAX fror the better, and putting it on PTS to see what people think.

    How was it possible to "forget" to remove a 40$ bundle an extra day on black friday so some people got it at 50% off.

    How is it possible to not announce downtimes before they happen. Posting it on twitter, facebook or secret homepage doesent count.
    As an added insult there is the un-used "official news and announcements" section.

    Why is this necessary?:

    How is it possible to have such a messy UI. Why dont they clean it up.

    How is it possible that changing continents back and forth on the spawn screen still shows bugged spawn locations.
    How is it possible that its not fixed yet.

    How is it possible that HVA is still useless after so long.
    On some weapons it increases the velocity by 2% and on others by 20%

    How is it possible to play the game when it gets gradually brighter over time, to the point where is almost completely white.

    How is it possible to expect people to be long lasting and loyal trusting customers that makes the game grow, when this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  18. Killshoot1

    I got one to add ,
    how is it possible when I lock in with my BR96 character
    I get a kd off 0.4 , when i lock in with my BR 30 character same
    vs i have a kd of around 1.8 , same with other
    fration where i have lower Br characters but i seam to do sp much better
    im not good in anyway , but with the BR 96 it seams like i have
    no time to react whatsoever , i know about headshots and so
    but it feels like im the only target there is even in a high pop battle
    this pretty mich started a month ago , i though i play this game till i hit br100
    but in this rate the game will not exist anymore till
    i reach my goal :)
  19. stalkish

    How is it possible i can play with and around 1000s of players with projectiles flying everywhere, explosions going off, tanks thumping in the background and aircraft flying overhead, and only suffer a few relatively minor bugs that dont prevent me from enjoying the game?

    Seriously, as annoying as bugs can be, when i actualy think about planetside i cant help but smile at what it does achieve.

    However......on the subject matter:

    How is it possible for my tank hull to traverse 360 degrees instantly, killing me in the process, just because my gunner hoped in half a second before i did?
  20. customer548