Cosmetics Question(s)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AshHill07, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. AshHill07

    More out of curiosity than anything, has anyone actually -seen- anyone using these?

    Also, why aren't there appearance options for things like turrets on MBT's and Lightnings?
    Why are there so few customizable options on both the above vehicles and infantry?
    Why is the Sunderer arguably the most customizable object in the game?
  2. ColonelChingles

    According to the DA Stats site, there's something like around 10 users or less of each per faction, across all servers. Never have seen one personally, but then again I almost always engage enemy armor at range when I can so I don't usually get a good look at their cannon.

    They're working on these right now. You can head over to the Player Studio forums to see some of their WIP projects. But some samples of what might make it into the game (yea, I'm doing free advertising for them):


    When will these come out? Not soon enough!

    Gee I wish there was like a subforum where we could post vehicle stuff like this all day long... :rolleyes:
  3. NinjaTurtle

    They are recruit items and very few people will have them. It was silly to lock such things behind a wall most people would never achieve access to.

    Those things would sell bucket loads if offered in the normal store, I'm most dedicated tankers would buy them.

    SOE shot themselves in the foot imo
    • Up x 1
  4. MorganM

    I've seen the TR one in person once. It's soooooooooooo rad.
  5. Pikachu

  6. MultiRaptor

    These are special rewards from the old recruitment system. Saw each one of them at least one time but very few people have it. And you can't get them anymore...
  7. FateJH

    They've mentioned that there are legal reasons why the Recruitment Reward turrets can not be offered anymore, I believe, but have not explained further what those legal reasons are.
  8. CMDante

    I saw the TR one once, I became insanely envious and set out to learn how to get it. Then I became sad.
  9. Sovereign533

    The legal reason is:
    The items were offered as an exclusive reward for the people getting the highest level of "recruit a friend". If they would throw them on sale or in another contest then the items would not be exclusive anymore and that means that DBG was doing false advertising. And that is punishable by law.
    If anyone who won the item had a problem seeing it go on sale they could file a claim against DBG and that could cost DBG a ton of money.
  10. Mezinov

    The solution is simple; send a survey to the 15-20 people who got one, and ask if they would be OK with this being sold in the store if they got an Aurxium/Gold/Silver/Black/Disco version IN ADDITION to the one that will be sold.

    They now still have something exclusive, and DBG gets a bucket of cash. Atleast from Vanguard and Prowler drivers. Nobody really sees the Magriders gun; not even the driver.

    That said, and to the Year-Old-OP - I see the TR and NC ones on Emerald atleast once or twice a month. Usually killing me.
  11. ColonelChingles

    According to the data going back to late 2013, the highest number of users per day was:

    Vanguard: 8
    Magrider: 6
    Prowler: 6

    On the other hand since mid-2015 those Vanguard users stopped playing or something because the Prowler-R is the most popular.
  12. Mythologicus

    I know it's a bit of a thread necro, but I can declare that I have seen the NC one on TWO occasions!
  13. Sovereign533

    Oh wow, major necro and I didnt see it.
    Oh well..