Mask seed costs too high?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CorporationUSA, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. FBVanu

    Wait, what, pumpkins, in the game? Where?
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  2. xSalt

    i do have to say, for a "special holiday event" that is supposed to bring additional "fun" to the game..... They way missed the mark, like big time. In my opinion.

    Why it wasnt implemented the same as last year is beyond me.

    Congratulations DBG, for the first time in my life, ever, I fear Christmas.......
  3. CorporationUSA

    Guys, if you agree give a thumbs up to the original post so they can gauge support for this. I'm not begging for upvotes, I just want them to lower the prices. I haven't even gotten my 3rd mask yet and the next tier requires more of them.

    I'd rather do the candy cannon kills than farm anymore pumpkins at this point.
  4. Plastikfrosch

    Oh yes, they do, because this year they are selling seed boosters a 24h booster costs about 250dbc and will only grant 50% more seeds. in the end they will get more money this way than by selling the masks for 700dbc per mask.
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  5. Endlave

    Well, I didn't bother with the pumpkins last year because I entered teh event way too late, figuring I might as well just do it next I regret it horribly as I would have rather bought those masks for 75 seeds than 750. WTF

    Oh, and fun fact. If you track the directives, it still says "Halloween 2014". Hah, I wish.
  6. CorporationUSA

    I did not realize this. Now it all makes sense.
  7. Mefi

    Does its boost even work? Few days ago it had 0% boost, didn't check if anything has changed after multiple hotfixes
  8. FieldMarshall

    Would be nice if these seasonal events were fun instead of tedious and frustrating.

    Grinding pumpkins. Frustration of not finding any. Getting ganked while pumpkin hunting.
    Getting TKd because of pumpkins. Trying to find the non-existant galactic pumpkin.
    The list goes on.

    Last year was the same, people hated it.
    You would think they would at least try to improve things, considering the negative feedback last year.
    The only thing i see that has changed is that mask prices are higher and that they are selling "seed boosters".
    Nice, good job...

    I suppose it fits pretty well with the PS2 motto of trying to make everything as frustrating as possible.
    Maybe PS2 is just one big experiment to find out how much crap players can take before leaving.
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  9. Beerbeerbeer

    It's kind of stupid to have a time-limited event with a reward that can only be worn during the event, yet at this pace by the time the average person gets enough seeds, the event will probably be at an end.

    I still want to know if the real cash money masks can be worn year-round. This company always leaves out the little details. A simple five-word sentence attached to the mask would suffice.
  10. ALN_Isolator

    Non-existing lanterns is right!! I need one to finish off my 2nd tier and get 200 free certs and the only way I can get them is:

    A: grinding out a mask by running around for 3-4 more hours doing tedious FarmVille simulator in a MMOFPS game
    B: wasting certs on a stupid impractical gun just to get 20% of my investment back in about 45 mins
    C: find the equivalent of a land mermaid, which everyone I've talked to says: "I've seen like, 5!"
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  11. Endlave

    the general idea to put a PvE event in a PvP game in itself is already pretty dumb. Who would think it's fun running around, looking for stupid objects on the map in a game in which the main appeal is fighting other people. It's madness.
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  12. Goretzu

    This event is NOT a "challenge" it is a "time sink"; the two are completely different things (although the same thing can be both - this event is not both, the killing bit isn't challenging, and the collection bit isn't either, it is simply mindnumbing in the context of Galato-lanterns and general lantern kills and somewhat behind a pay-wall with knife and candy-cannon kills).

    It is a horrible "event" and an even worse directive, it was last year and raising prices certainly hasn't helped it any.
  13. Goretzu

    Not from me they won't, that ploy is so EA Games.

    It does explain it however.
  14. ALN_Isolator

    PvE means Player versus Environment, If these pumpkins attacked us...... I don't want to think about it.
  15. Antillie

    For the number of seeds you get per pumpkin, 3-7, and the frequency with which pumpkins are found, very rarely, the prices on the Halloween stuff are pretty stupid. However they are just cosmetic/joke items and can be totally ignored.

    As a result the event isn't an event at all. A bit sad really.
  16. Bruiserdog

    Its insanity, 3-5 per normal pumpkin 30 for galactic if you are lucky to find maybe 2-4 a day given the population of people hunting them. The current spawn amount really only work in this system given the cost of masks when Pumpkin Alerts happen. This is not an Event in my opinion without the 1 Hour Pumpkin Alerts.

    Events are suppose to be fun, this just seems like a bad grind to get overpriced holiday masks. Gonna go back to battling instead of grind hunting, if i see one will kill it for free certs.

    If there is not even a Pumpkin Alert like there used to be its not an Event. (Pumpkin Alert was 1 hour alert on 1 map where the spawn rate was 3x or something like that and 3 faction battle who gets Seed Rewards, just in case anyone forgot)
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  17. MechSniper1324

    Kids quit whining, I've gotten a little over 400 seeds in the past 2 sessions I've played. Funnily enough, the people that take this seriously have something that puts us at a higher advantage.
  18. BIllyGG

  19. CorporationUSA

    Congrats. Only 3100 more seeds to go in order to get enough masks to finish the directive.
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  20. Plastikfrosch

    they should give pumpkin seeds for killing people who wear halloween masks (and since those masks give xp boots there are enough people using them).