[Suggestion] More Infiltrator counterplay?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElricVIII, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. ElricVIII

    "I sure find it to be a fun and rewarding experience getting 1-shot from 100m away by that invisible guy as soon as I stop moving!" - No one ever.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in disliking those scenarios where you have an enemy squad of 4-6 infils taking pot shots at you until one gets a headshot in spite of your epileptic weaving around. Now, I'm not talking about good infils getting behind the back lines and taking out the support team or things like that, I'm talking about the battery of people on infils around the mountainous bases or choke points.

    There is really no counterplay involved here other than run around like 5-yr-old on meth or getting on your own infil and counter-sniping (i.e. doing exactly what they are doing).

    What I would like to see is a suit attachment that reduces headshot damage sufficiently to prevent 1-shots. I feel like it would be a sufficient trade-off not being able to get nanoweave armor, flak, extra grenades/rockets to present a real tactical choice while also alleviating some of the intense frustration of the random sniper bullet that happens to catch you when you stop moving.

  2. Bravo2-9

    We had that with old nanoweave and it was stupid as hell. Your counter play is like you said:


    Don't stop moving

    The purpose of the bolt sniper rifle is to kill with 1 shot in its range limits. Directly negating that with a simple item is obtuse especially with the difficulty of head shotting a moving target at any range. If it is a squad of 5-6 like in your scenario tough luck champ; you've been outgunned.

    Bring a tank next time.
  3. Agarthan

    Put the thermal imaging on your lighting and go to work.
  4. Lemposs

    I have to admit that my hands would certainly be a lot more relaxed if I didn't have to constantly press four different buttons, just to avoid a large *pling*, and I would also not step in front of a lot of people if I didn't have to. I also want to just plow down the rows of ally infiltrators that are sitting on the hill sniping and not pushing the point with another class (for crying out loud it is a more common class than medics and LAs).

    But it wouldn't change anything, I'd still die to having lost shields or health, and they pick up an easy kill. Frustrating, yes. Do I care, no, it is rare death for me and the only times it pisses me off, is when I have a good streak of hectic fighting and then hear the *pling* because I stood still for a second.

    Let the scrubs, scrub and the men do all the real work :p
  5. FateJH

    Of course no one says that. The guy is actually not invisible when he's shooting.
  6. _itg

    • Don't stop moving
    • Pull a vehicle
    • Switch to LA and outflank them
    • Go SMG/stalker infil and sneak up to them
    • Go HA with a battle rifle. You can 2-shot them, they can't 1-shot you while your shield is up.
    • Stay inside
    • etc.
  7. customer548

    Spot them, it will make your teammates snipers' job easier.
    Use teleporters in order to stay at safe as long as possible and stay in buildings. (Windows = not cool)
    Always get Nanoweave + Medikits.
    Listen to the sounds and look at the snipers' bullets trajectory.
    Sprint as fast as you can. :eek:
  8. Crayv

    I find sniping in any fast paced shooter to be rather stupid. This game isn't as bad as others fortunately (hitscan "snipers" are a crime against gaming) but it is still basically long range running and gunning with an overpowered battle rifle than any actual sniping.
  9. Bravo2-9

    While true for cqb rifles I do a lot of actual sniping work with my RAMS 50, mostly in a counter-AV/sniper/support role as well as recon.

    Ride along with armor to start picking off heavies and avmana turrets that ambush the convoy. Stalking heavies and snipers on canyon tops in southern indar to plug em just as they line up sights on someone else. Ticking off that engineer trying to repair his burning tank. Or picking off the one medic in that squad who decided to hump across an open field with no cover leaving sending them running erratic to avoid a second shot that may never come.

    Shot, cloak, displace, and reassess. Repeat as necessary.

    This is the major purpose of sniping. Engage and kill high priority infantry targets out of range of most weapons, often behind the enemies lines, in support of a larger force; often causing psychological and logistics issues along the way. Spotting targets of interest for your units and using recon darts to give battle intel is also a major priority.

    Picking out careless enemies or assisting in a brief skirmish that pops up in your glass are just perks.
  10. ElricVIII

    I imagine that would be quite op. Nanoweave is already pretty good as it is. That's why I'd suggest it be separate.

    I thought thermals had a short detection range. How far can they see?

    While I agree that I may have somewhat exaggerated how few counter mechanics there are, some of the counters run contrary to large-scale combat games (I've played a lot of this genre). While playing such a game, positioning well and moving slowly and strategically is a benefit. When you have a pile of snipers it becomes a liability. Additionally, being in a vehicle or remaining indoors is not always a reasonable strategy (ignoring the fact that it is difficult for newer players to cert up vehicles to compete).

    In many of these games, in fact, you will find that certain roles are limited in quantity. I think that's completely unreasonable for PS2, hence my suggestion of a counter.

    Ha. Got me there.

    I totally agree. Which is why the 1SK should still exist. But there should be a direct counter to it if you are willing to spend sufficient build resources. I'd say it's a real consideration for that engi if he wants more tank mines or protection from snipers.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  11. Bravo2-9

    Actually, now that I think about it as the suit slot if it worked as a head shot multiplier reducer where max rank was 1x like body shots I would totally get behind that.

    It would royally screw up the ADAD headshotting dancers as it suddenly is no more effective than body shots.
  12. _itg

    Keep in mind that while you may get frustrated by snipers, they're far from overpowered by any objective measure. I don't want to resort to saying "git gud scrub," but experienced players almost never get sniped, because they learn to be effective without standing around out in the open.

    Also, bear in mind that a suit slot which blocks enough headshot damage to stop a sniper round would be blatantly overpowered in regular 1v1 combat. It's not just a counter to snipers, it's a direct counter to skill with automatic weapons.
  13. Gromwort

    Anything that can kill me with one shoot from a distance irritates me a little bit, and it's not just snipers.In some bases i feels like it's a hunting season and I am a duck.

    I don't think there is a problem with snipers themselves, maybe they work as intended and they should work like that but it sure is not cool when i run in zig-zag from cover to cover and i get shoot in 1hs anyway.More then that it piss me off when i flank enemy sniper, start shooting while ads'ing and he still turn around and shoot me in a head because of lag or whatever i was doing on his screen.

    I would reduce dmg from anything that can kill me with 1 shot so it leaves 10% health if i had full hp to give at least some small room to react, but i am biased because i am on other end of the stick.