Do you go for Headshots?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    If you don't, then train yourself to do so.
  2. ALN_Isolator

    This thread should actually be [PSA] Watch any Wrel weapon review

    He mentions it constantly.
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  3. RedArmy

    i typically aim for the upper chest and let my weapon pull up into the head
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  4. Elkybam

    I'm more worried about the bloom spanning too rapidly and creating a larger probability of bullets whizzing past the head.
  5. RedArmy

    aim low, let the COF bloom and the recoil pull up - aim right at the stop of the sternum, 2 shots on the chest, the next 3 are all head
  6. PWGuy93

    I mostly go for body shots with a battle rifle or multi shot rifle and not for the reason you may think... it's about latency.
    If I go for the headshot, where they are on the map, usually isn't where they were when I shot due to latency so I focus on the larger target (body) and shoot multiple times... When the game (connections, servers, latency) performs well (rarely) then and only then will I shoot for the head. Haven't been able to play at any decent skill level since a few weeks after the OMFG performance update moons ago. From my connection it all goes to hell when it goes through the Las Vegas connection in my trace route.
  7. Shiaari

    That's my problem right there. My ISP hasn't been able to provide me with a stable ping since forever, and there are no other ISPs in town. If I aim for the head I'm committing myself to hitting a target that I cannot actually nail down. Half my shots seem to pass right through them. So, I go for body shots.

    Yeah, it hamstrings my gameplay, and all but assures I'll never have very high KDR or score. Meanwhile, my unstable ping does nothing to benefit me--like make me harder to hit--because, you know, Client Side 2.

    I've accepted this.
  8. AxiomInsanity87

  9. Hatesphere

    depends on the range. but yeah, i usually always go for the head.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    My char name is TerranAxiom if you want to check out my weapon stats. IIRC i have quite a high hsr with weapons when you look at them individually.

    PS4 (formerly pc version player).
  11. MarkAntony

    can i interest you in burst firing?
  12. OldMaster80

    Naaa I'll keep aiming between legs... :D
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  13. Demigan

    Aim for the neck unless your weapon is pinpoint accurate. The COF will bloom and you'll have more bullets hit the chest area rather than miss. The COF blooms quickly enough with most weapons to have the head 100% in the area, so you might as well try to increase your chances of a chest-hit and reduce the RNG of winning/losing a battle against an equally skilled opponent who does aim for just the head.

    Funny, considering how Wrel is a pretty meh player/aimer
  15. Call-Me-Kenneth

    i play NC, i don't know what is this bloom you speak of.

    all i know is that the first bullet goes straight, the second sorta, and the third one will either hit the floor right in front of me, or some friendly at either side.

    Death to the republic!
  16. Meeka

    I usually aim for the body/chest...

    Casual players will die fine by that, and the MLG-wannabe crouching tiger players will find themselves headshot when they crouch. :p
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  17. SamReye

    Why did you post this? Did someone say something dumb to you? o_O
  18. Elkybam

    And then I end up dealing with more first-shot recoil multipliers than I can compensate, leaving me more vulnerable in long-range to snipers or losing TTK within close range.
  19. Erendil

    Generally speaking, depending on how confident I am that I can land successive headshots, I either:
    1. do all headshots
    2. start with a headshot (when my COF is tightest) and work my way down to the chest as my COF blooms, or
    3. aim for center mass
    Where i concentrate my fire depends on several factors:
    • If I have the element of surprise
    • If my weapon is accurate enough and my optics strong enough that I can zero in on the head and start shooting almost immediately in the time it takes to transition to ADS.
    • If I'm hipfiring or ADSing
    • If I'm likely going to be out-DPS'd by my opponent and/or lose the flinch war (e.g. - if the enemy caught me by surprise, if I'm using a Battle Rifle at short/mid range against an HA :p, etc)
  20. travbrad

    I basically do the opposite. First couple shots I go for the head then I pull down into their chest (as the superstrafe ADAD lag kicks in)
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