[Suggestion] Gold Camo, Auraxium Camo and other 1-color Camos

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. PasitheeVS


    I have the White Camo and the Black Camo on my VS, but they become pretty boring to use only to show off with them. Also I already see to many people with the Black Camo...

    How about selling multiple 1-color Camos? Some faction specific like purple for VS, red for TR, Blue for NC, turquoise for VS, Yellow for NC, Cyan for VS, wine red for TR, neon red for TR...
    Also green, orange, 15 shades of grey, brown, dam, dark green, pink, bright green, neon orange for all factions.
    Shiny 1-color Camos, for a higher price, would also be nice.

    Or why don't you make some directives for them?

    Also I and some people I'd talk to would really love a Gold Camo.

    You could sell it for like 5.000 DBC or make a Directive for it. I have some Ideas.

    1. Gold Medal Directive

    You have to collect 100 Gold Medals on Vehicle/Infantry for Bronze Tier, 25 for Silver 50 for Gold and finally 100 Gold medals for Auraxium Tier to get the Gold Camo.

    2. Supporter Directive

    Everyone loves Gold Weapons, so they are sold for high prices and a gold camo might make them pointless, except to use for directives... So why not making a pay-to-win directive to get it?

    You would have e.g. to do 5 of the following things to get a Gold Camo:

    - Have 50 Camos
    - Have 50 Infantry Emblems
    - Have 50 Vehicle Emblems
    - Have 30 Vehicle Ornaments
    - Have 20 Helmets
    - Have 15 Infantry Armors
    - Have 5 Gold Weapons

    It shouldn't be awarded with Directive Points. If so, people could use this directive to grind unlimited DiPoints fast...

    3. Auraxium Camo Directive

    The propably most epic Camo you could think of. With the textures/animation of the weapon/infantry armor auraxiums.Put an Auraxium Camo on everything. Weapons, Infantry Armor, Vehicles....
    You should have to to something as epic as the camo itself to get it.

    100 Auraxium Medals

    So you have to do at least 116.000 Kills on 100 Weapons to get this Camo.
    Infantry and/or Vehicle Weapons, exceptionals and explosives, so no one gets disadvantaged.
    This is something people will work for for ages, but it's doable.
    Maybe with 1000 Directive Points and an epic auraxium banner for this Directive.

    Maybe the Bronze Tier of this directive could need 100 Bronze Medals to get a Bronze Camo + 50 DiPoints and so on...

    Or 116 Auraxium Medals. So you would have to do 1160 kills on 116 Weapons. A total of 134560 Kills.

    The Auraxium Camo also shouldn't eat too much performance, because the Textures/animations are already in the game and it will appear rarely in your render distance...
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  2. PasitheeVS

    A little typing mistake.
    It was meant to be 10 / 25 / 50 / 100 and not 100 / 25 / 50 / 100...
  3. ALN_Isolator

    Most of this stuff will cost you literally hundreds or real life dollars, take MUCH longer than the lifespan of this game, and have you even counted to make sure that there ARE at least 100 weapons available to each faction? There very well might be, I'm not interested in counting them but I think not.

    In conclusion, NO.

    ~ edit: I actually just skimmed over your supporter directive but after reading it word for word..... DEAR GOD!!!!
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  4. PasitheeVS

    THIS is the the reaction people had about the Black Camo Directive, and now you see people with Black Camo daily.

    There are a lot more than 100 Weapons, I think much more than 200. (Vehicle Primaries, Secondaries, Tertiaries: MBT, Sunderer, Liberator, ESF, Harrasser etc. plus the Infantry Weapons like Carabines, pistols, LMGS, Assault Rifles, Snipers, Scout Rifles, Launchers, Explosives, MAX weapons - left and right, Knifes, SMGs etc)

    getting more than 100k kills? Easy. On 100 Different weapons. A challange.

    However, if they add this:

  5. PasitheeVS

    Pushing this thread, because I'm evil.
  6. richard harding

    You spelt colour wrong
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  7. PasitheeVS

    No, I spelt color right.
  8. xSalt

    Not to be a parade rainer, but you could always just use the players studio to make a solid color camo and put it up on the dbg store. I understand you want more directive based stuff, but yea, just saying.
  9. PasitheeVS

    I don't think that they would accept a 1-color camo submission....
    it would be like selling a totally green painting in an art gallery....

    That's nothing that you wouldn't be able to do on your own.
  10. xSalt

    I be
    I totally get what your saying. But fun factoid. I believe there was a pure white canvas that sold for 6 figures plus once. Not positive, but yea. And honestly, if it would sell, they would allow it I feel. Silly to say no to free money IMO. I would buy all green or all grey personally.
  11. ALN_Isolator

    The canvas is called "white on white"
  12. Ballto21

    Here are all the weapons the VS has. While reading this imagine Wacko from animaniacs singing it.

    Artemis V10 NSdash7 Sirius Vandal MKV suppressed

    Eridani parallax nyx ghost and parsec
    Skorpios Phaseshift Specter Phantom and XM
    Deimos Pandora Baron and Nova Thanatos Phobos NS11c and then
    Solstice SF burstand serpent VX67 pulsar C and Zenith too

    Pulsar and Equinox Corvus and CME HV45 NS11a Terminus Eidolon Archer and lasher
    Flare LSW orion and ursa polaris NS15 and SVA
    Quasar and Vortex Cosmos and Comets bursters nebulas, too
    Deci and nemesis lancer and hades annihilator S1 and Swarm
    Beamer and Manticore underboss Cerberus and Commissioner then
    Spiker and hunder Blackhand and prox mines Tank mines and composite 4
    Force blade lumine edge Spitfires and turrets AI slash AV

    Max punch and VPC PC and FPC Kobalt and Halbred Basilisk PPA VEX4 and Saron HRB
    G30 Walker Magrider Ranger and then
    LPPA Antares LC Hailstorm turbo Saron Laser too
    Coyotes and LOLpods Hornet Missiles A2A lockons Hellion Wyvern VLG CAS14e Pelter rockets as well
    Tankbuster vektor spur and zepher dalton and shredder and duster then the walker again
    Drake and bulldog hyena launchers Four more gal mounted drakes.
    Two more gal walkers two gal bulldogs then Python AP
    C75 Viper L100 HE
    Skyguard and HEAT two M40 Furies Sundy kobalts onto
    Sundy rangers bulldogs and walkers basilisks now to
    Harrasser PPAs Sarons and Halbreds Walkers Rangers and Aphelion
    Kobalt and PPA bulldog and fury and last but certainly not least
    Flash mounted fury basilisk kobalt and finally renegade

    And thats been all cert buyable weapons the VS has!
  13. ALN_Isolator

    When I originally posted that I meant primary and maybe secondary weapons as well. Since this thread is now a gravedig there's nothing I can do about it.
  14. Liewec123

    its what they call "american english" which is different from actual english because its wrong. ;)
    they do the same thing with armour, they spell that wrong too :D
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  15. PasitheeVS

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  16. PasitheeVS


    I love these new Camos, easy to do, no need for artists or a share for player studio guys, only a color code.
