To all those who want the gatekeeper nerfed into the ground...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ALN_Isolator, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Dreez

    The Vulcan has near insta-hit projectiles and no need to lead the target.
    The Saron also has near insta-hit projectiles and no need to lead the target.
    The Enforcer LOBS its projectiles at medium speed against its targets... and often misses moving targets....

    Balanced ?. Not the slightest.
  2. Armcross

    Yes, now I see victim complex.
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  3. Smoo

    Now that it's been out a bit, I looked up the stats. KPH and KPU seems comparable enough.

    But look at aircraft kills:

    Gatekeeper is objectively better at killing aircraft. There's a big spike after the ESAV came out, and it is still settling, but... that velocity is comparable to SNIPER RIFLES, not AV weaponry (barring Lancer, you know, I never realized it went faster if charged?) It's the same speed as the Vortex.

    200m/s faster in the air than an energy weapon?

    So... yeah. Damage-wise, I can't see any balance issues. The projectiles are clearly faster and at least TWICE as able to hit aircraft as comparable guns. (Gatekeeper vs Enforcer vs Saron.)

    Same way that Vanguard AP rounds are @50% better at anti-air than other tank AP rounds. -

    So... NC should pull tanks, and something VS should have a toy to make it damage aircraft?
  4. Collin

    Is a KPU of 0,3 actually worth talking about? and the Saron has 0,1
  5. Jubikus

    Well you just showed how little you know the Saron and Enforcer have identical Velocity in layman's terms that means they lob projectiles at the same speed which means you have to lead the target the same. You probably havnt been tracking their statistics for several months like i have and have seen on a regular bases that the Enforcer has been the weapon leading the pack and when the Shiny effect has died down i see it preforming better than the Gatekeeper aswell as for the most part it already has been and currently is.
    Vehicle KPH-
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  6. Stormsinger

    The "Shiney" effect has only been reducing the number of gatekeepers out there due to less players, performance has been more or less identical since the initial release, and it has dropped by an amount that directly corresponds to the difference in population.

    See the following for proof, if it interests you.

    A few harasser stats:

    Straight KPU:
    MR11 Gatekeeper-H | KPU | Daily Average: 7.04
    Saron HRB-H | KPU | Daily Average: 4.69
    Enforcer ML65-H | KPU | Daily Average: 4.83

    Vehicle KPU:
    802875 - MR11 Gatekeeper-H | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 5.35
    6126 - Saron HRB-H | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 3.31
    6123 - Enforcer ML65-H | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 4.05

    Aircraft KPU:
    802875 - MR11 Gatekeeper-H | Aircraft KPU | Daily Average: 0.40
    6126 - Saron HRB-H | Aircraft KPU | Daily Average: 0.10
    6123 - Enforcer ML65-H | Aircraft KPU | Daily Average: 0.10

    Does any of this look at all... odd to you?
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  7. p10k56

    TR has something good..
    ..quick lets Bansheeise it.

    Or DEVs will nerf it by reworking it and then release totally new never seen NS MBT weapon:rolleyes:
    Happened once happens again;)
  8. Koldorn

    I like how the general consensus of, "Lets pull the velocity back to keep it inline with it's same category counterparts." equates to "Nerfed to the ground!" While completely ignoring the good sides of the weapon. Such as:
    -Insignificant drop.
    -Incredibly fast reloads (Certable, while neither of the counterparts are.)
    -Zero bloom
    -Zero recoil

    It needs some kind of limiting factor other than, "It doesn't have the alpha of a Halberd!"
  9. Scr1nRusher

    It has limiting factors.

    Longer exposure time

    Low effectiveness overall if all the shots in the clip do not connect.


    Also its not overpreforming in AV work.
  10. Flag

    Two things.
    • Not unique to the GK
    • Made less of a detriment because of the velocity being so damn high
  11. Scr1nRusher

    Do you even know how many magazines it takes to kill?
  12. Flag

    Doesn't change that it's relevant for every gun (well maybe except the Halberd) rather than just the GateKeeper.

    That said, with the quick reload on the GK counting how many "mags" it takes to kill anything is mostly a meaningless exercise.
  13. CMDante

    Lower velocity would increase the drop. It would Fracture the weapon and make it objectively inferior to its counter-parts on other factions.

    And it does bloom.
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  14. Jubikus

    I was looking at the graphs i linked not the straight numbers for many days the gatekeeper has been perfactly in line with its counterparts with the exception of air however the first few days it preformed much much higher this will leave the average higher but as time goes it will only get more and more in line. People think 2 weeks is enough time to judge a new weapons overall predominance and it isnt give it 2 months if everything the same then talk thats not even the 6 months ZOE got and it effected much more than just vehicles.
  15. FocusLight

    Find me all the endless treads complaining about this close range DPS thingy, and you might have a legitimate point.

    I'll wait for a little bit.