Your beloved/hated infantry weapons & why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ConradHorse, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. ConradHorse

    Please tell me about your most liked guns. Please don't write about the BEST in your opinion but the MOST LOVED ones, even if they lack something (like damage). Please write about only one primary, one secondary and one tertiary. So let me start with sharing with you my feelings:

    My favorite primary:

    Uppercut - She's my love at first sight, although consumed only lately. It's beacause I married Blackjack at first, but with time I found Blackjack too slow especially when more enemies around. Uppercut is what I always loved but realized it only recently. Her fire ratio and accuracy is my wet dream. This pump-action shotgun beats all other, including the NS Baron, which for some is probably the best out there but NS Baron won't ever have my TR love.

    As for the secondary:

    Emperor. Flawless pistol that can use silencer, has perfect accuracy and range. Maybe the Inquisitor will have more ammo. Maybe Blackhand will have scope but the Emperor is the best option for mixted of long range and CQC. I don't care if the target is 1m or 100m away. If not for the crude ironsights, I would use it instead of my primary, although there's a lot of pulling the trigger but I got used to it. Of course I sleep with it under my pillow. To me, it's like Walther PPK for James Bond.

    Definitely the Grounder (I'm not kidding). It's got the fastest rockets, can dumbfire ground targets and there's the AA Lock. Do you need anything more than that? No. I used Decimator intensively because of it's undisputed advantage in damage but Grounder gives me more versatility. High speed and low fall off dumbfire. Scalpel in hand of a skilled heavy.

    Let me also present the most disliked weapon:
    Blackhand. Not because I get shot by it but ... what the hell is it? A sniper.. revolver?! I would try to understand it if it was a pistol, but a long range revolver with rotating barrel? No way. Besides, if I have Blackhand, why then use sniper rifles at all? Why even switch to infiltrator class if I can get it as HA. With overrshield I don't even need to sneak. I just stand with overshield, protecting me from gunshots and C4 and I snipe people in the control room that's pure ... lost for words. I would try to understand if it could be certed only by Infiltrators but just out of respect to the players I wont buy it as HA. It would be just unfair (I tried it on weapon trials). Plus the square scope doesn't fit the round revolver frame. It looks awkward. Maybe if it had corrected the scope being it inflitrator-only, it would be better.
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  2. RedArmy

    Loved Primary: the Jaguar, my absolute favorite weapon and all around performer and has never proven me wrong. accurate for what i need and great close/medium but yet not ruling out longer ranges with pop shots
    i dont really like any of the secondary weapons at all other than the AMP cuz i onlu need to use them in a pinch usually in a spastic sence where im either out of ammo or reloading with 1-2 bullets to kill the target - its basically just a flashlight for cloakers
    Rocket Luanchers? stock ML7 or Striker, depends on what im doing i rarely play HA -
    Hated: Every single TR LMG other than the MSWR
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  3. Shatteredstar

    infantry guns. Eidolon and Lasher with a close final of chaingun.

    I like to play supportive roles and the two first ones lend to it well, eidolon with the no drop makes for amazing counter sniping while pulling engy duty and lasher is such a good suppression or softening tool.

    Chaingun has the dakka.

    For launchers, I'm on the fence between lancer and striker, both just have fun unique playstyle associated to make the most of them and have unique feels.
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  4. ConradHorse

    Yes, I also find TR LMGs somewhat the worst option against the other factions LMGs. Don't know the cause, they just are more difficult to handle.
  5. Campagne

    Primary: AC-X11

    I really like the AC-X11, it's an all around beast in short-mid range. I do wish it didn't have such an awful CoF though.

    Secondary: Magscatter

    The Magscatter is probably the worst weapon in the game. But one time I trailed it, and I was laughing for the whole 30 minutes. Nothing else is as fun to use as it is.

    Tertiary: The Hawk

    Same reasons as the OP, dumbfire, AA lock, improved sight over other dumbfires, et cetera.

    Hated: EM1

    The EM1 is just terrible. Low damage, fairly lowish RoF, low range of attachments, and no redeeming qualities.
  6. Meeka

    My favourite weapons;
    My Impetus on the NC... at first, I hated that rifle, but man, once you've acquired good semi-auto aim... even a shielded Heavy is little challenge.
    The Spectre on the VS... followed by the Lasher.
    Hailstorm on the TR... dakka dakka dakka.
    For launchers, my new favorite is the Swarm... finally, a rocket launcher where a rocket doesn't exit the barrel and take an immediate turn off stage.

    My least favourite weapons;
    AF Stalker on the NC... HATE, HATE, HATE... only 24 rounds with terrible recoil that's almost impossible to control. Thank the gods I have less than 100 kills to do to Directive that thing and then I never have to see it again.
    Phaseshift on the VS... possibly one of the worst sniper rifles ever conceived.
    On the TR... there's nothing I particularly hate, per se.
  7. Metal Insomniac

    Favorite primary: Cyclone. It's just pure sex. High damage, great close range TTK. An NC infil's best friend.
    Favorite secondary: Desperado. Great little CQC pistol. Hipfires quite nicely.
    Favorite launcher: Phoenix, obviously. No, it's not OP. It's just good. Great damage, and very powerful in the right hands.
    Most hated: EM1. It's completely useless. Utter garbage. Desperately needs a significant buff.
  8. TechPriestess

    Primary: Hailstorm, yeah, I know, use the armistice they said. But I'm a sucker for weapons that get put down a lot. ...Although now that I started NC the Gauss Saw is definitely getting up there.

    Secondary: Blackhand. I moonlight as a Stalker Infiltrator and absolutely love being able to snipe people as well as jab an power knife into them.

    Tertiary: Phoenix launcher. Makes all the hover farmers in the yard very upset and I also might be transferring my feelings from reaping delicious tears with the UCAV in BF4.

    Most Hated: Battle Riffles. I just can't. I can't deal man. I use slug shotguns instead so my TTK is in this century.
  9. Jubikus

    Favorite primary- RAMS .50M because headshot.
    Favorite secondary - Commissioner nothing needs explaining here it just does its job
    Favorite launcher - Striker versatility with a slight emphasis on air good for getting ESF to go away quickly
    Most hated - dont really have any weapons i hate closest thing is the TRAP-M1 but this is just a disappointment this weapon needs all its recoil done after the burst to be effective for any sort of range which leaves it as this weird weapon that doest even have the effective range of a scout rifle yet is labeled sniper rifle.
  10. Illucidator

    Baron...that is all
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  11. FeralBoy

    My most hated weapon stems from the wonderful memories of Planetside and my time spent maining as an Advanced Hacker/UniMAX cloaker.
    My most hated weapon is.... the loss of bladder control induced by the sound of an approaching Magrider. I don't even like mowing my own lawn. I frikkin' hate lawn mowers. Oh great, I'm wet again...
  12. Scorpion97

    My beloved guns:carbines,LMGs and shotguns

    Because I simply like versatile full auto weapons and CQC engagements

    My hated weapons:all SMGs,Artemis,MCG and jackhammer

    Because I hate ninja kills and bullit hose weapons
  13. Liewec123

    Primary: The Lord and Savior of all Shotguns, The Jackhammer.
    the accuracy of a baron, the mag size of a Sweeper and the burst mode gives it the damage of a Bruiser,
    whats not to love?!

    Secondary: its close between Mag-Scatter and Repeater, but i'll have to pick Repeater for practicality!
    the best sidearm in the game imho!

    Launcher: Lancer
    this thing ruins the day for raven maxes and anchor prowlers, its also surprisingly good at scaring libs away!

    Primary: Fractures, too much wobble to be an effective long range AV option
    Secondary:Mag-Scatter, because it sucks and i hate that i love it!
    Launcher: Annihilator, its just too weak. (but has to be for balance)
    Vehicle weapon: Mjolnir, ahh mjolnir... weak, innacurate, slow fire rate, slow velocity, huge arc, no AI potential.

    i know right? its a bizarre form of masochism XD
    we know its soooo very bad, but its so strangely addictive and entertaining when you get a kill with it! :D
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  14. SwornJupiter

    I have normally have a couple of weapons which I gravitate towards on each of my accounts:

    - Jaguar: Extremely reliable carbine that never falls short when you need it. Incredible hip fire, very respectable fire rate and controllability.
    - T32 Bull: TR's variant of the headshot machine. Incredibly controllable recoil (almost non-existent imo).
    - Serpent: Who doesn't love a fast firing disco show? 845rpm carbine will melt through any overshield or nanoweave that it comes up against.
    - Orion: Do I really need to explain...?
    - ACX-11: Fantastic stopping power. Some think the 21 rounds is a bit of a disadvantage, but it helps me play conservatively and not stupidly over-extend into situations where I just die with no chance. Also helps me to develop my accuracy.
    - EM1: Like the NC6 Gauss SAW default, but a bit faster firing (which is more to my liking).

    - Repeater. I mean, come on - mini-SMG and it's free to every TR player
    - Underboss for its reliability and stopping power

    - S1, and for the reason not many people think. It's the model. It's sleek as f***.
  15. Mythologicus


    Pulsar C. Never used it nearly as much as I should. I just pick it up randomly and my accuracy jumps by four whole percentage points with a 7+ KD as a fish-out-of-water Engineer.

    Lancer. Whether you're in a tank, in an ESF or in a MAX suit, at any range I can hit you and I will kill you. There's something immensely satisfying about landing one full-charge shot followed by two single-charges on a swooping ESF. I just wish it had better sound effects.


    Gauss SAW. The only weapon capable of inflicting more pain on the user than the target.

    Any shotgun. They one-hit me, I five-hit with them.

    Sniper rifles. (Which end of the scope do I look down, again?)
  16. nehylen

    My beloved weapons:
    - NS-30 Vandal: it just works very well for me, CQC, long range, with a LS it can even handle itself in hipfire.
    - Lynx: My perfect carbine. High dps, high accuracy, more workable over range than it looks, whether it's with or without LS.
    - UBSG: i'm a sucker for any gun with underbarrel shotguns. Switching to PA shotgun and OHK'ing a guy without having to think that i'm screwed past 15m just makes me happy

    Guns i dislike:

    - SABR: lots of people love it, i auraxiumed it, but i never felt great or even good wielding it. Can't figure out why
    - Pulsar VS1: used to like it and disliked Terminus. Now the opposite: Terminus does everything better, be it ranged accuracy or CQC.
  17. FieldMarshall

    Love the SAW. I have always drooled over 200dmg weapons, and the SAW just feels so satisfying.
    I hate all weapons that cant equip a compensator. (ADS junkie)
  18. Iridar51

    Weirdly, my beloved gun is Solstice. It's one of my latest carbine auraxiums, and it was an immediate love at first use. Something just clicked for me with that gun. I love looks, sounds and feelings. It's weird, since it's nothing special on paper, but it performed great for me, despite statistical flaws.

    Made a montage with some of the best moments. Just so often would I think "damn, I love this gun sooo much", which rarely happens with other weapons.

    My hated weapon is failstorm. I hate everything about it, but most of all lack of killing power, despite having at least "okay" stats on paper.
  19. Xellon

    Ooh, this is hard.. so hard to decide...

    > Reaper DMG
    As someone once said it "this thing crushes skulls like an orgehammer". And the accuracy, just beautiful. Hell, I've countersniped Infils who tried to blow my head off with this thing, why don't love it?!

    > Mauler S6 with Slugs
    Oh god, how much fun you can have with these things.. Slug shotguns are kind of the mean badass brother of Scout Rifles - If you treat them well, they just punch holes into any poor fella who opposes you, if you treat them badly, they will f u c k. y o u r. s h i t. u p.

    > NC Starter Carbine and Assault Rifle
    Lately, I came to love these things again. Originally, I was in a... stressy situation and quickly needed to grab a carbine on my Engi, I didn't really look, so I ended up with the Merc just with a forward Grip and Irons - and hell, I proceeded to ruin peoples days. Shortly after that, I tried the same thing with the standart Gauß Rifle - Just a Grip, nothing else - and I was positively surprised. Now the Merc and the Gauß Rifle and my go-to choices if I don't know whats ahead of me: CQC or open field firefights, these two do considerably well.

    > Phoenix
    The "shrieking blue missile of freedom" as some may call it, I've never regreth buying it - If you wanna get rid of these dug-in tanks behind the next hill, nothing beats the Pheonix (besides an absolute badass Lib Crew maybe). My most loved sight is the face of an Engineer, desperatly trying to fix up it's already heavily smoking Harrasser, forced to watch it's imminent destruction pulling up closer and closer - I swear I can hear those Guys scream nononononononoooo...


    > Gauß Saw
    There are not many weapons I hate, and the few I do hate, I hate them for a specific reason, as with the Saw: Honstely, there's nothing wrong with it, and it earns it's nickname "Godsaw" to some extend - but the thing that grinds my blue and yellow gears about this Gun is the circumstance that a new Player, who's already kinda short on Certs, has to sink quite a heap of money into this weapon to make it somewhat user-friendly. Uncerted, this thing kicks like a little girl, and getting used to this is very hard for new players. More often than not, this weapon will hurl them down a path of utter frustration, and IMO, this really harms the great experience PS2 can offer.
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  20. LodeTria


    The Lasher. It's such a fun gun to use and yeah even though it's 1v1 is pretty poop there are times when you kill a max that's hiding near cover and it's all worth it.

    The Lancer. It's the easiest launcher in the game to use and you can shoot almost anything with it. It also 1 clips maxes if you land 2 level 3's. It also works really well with munitions pouch and you get tons of charges, something like 48 rounds in total.


    ACX-11. It's a fun gun to use at first but after awhile the heavy CoF gets really annoying. It also only has 24 rounds which really limits it I find. It's a good headshot machine though, if the CoF allows it.

    T-16 Rhino. It's supposed to be accurate after firing awhile but by that time the target is either dead or you've let the CoF resettle. Would rather have my Carv back.