Balance Suggestions (Basically... requirements)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlatinumRooster, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. PlatinumRooster

    This game has gone to absolute hell in a hand basket. It has become one of the most frustrating things since the loss of the S.K servers and them rushing over here.

    1. Remove SMG's from Heavys. You do not need to supplement ridiculous bullet-sponginess with instant-death weapons. They are support classes. They do not require weapons for personal support.

    2. Remove the Shield from Heavys. Replace it with deployable cover with 2 variants. It can be specced for single-user use in which the cover is thinner but covers the full profile of a standing soldier OR the second variant which is a lower but wider cover that allows full cover for two players when crouched.

    3. Reduce the damage on the Anti-V rifles for Engineers.... srsly.. wtf are those numbers? Or better yet, get rid of them. Infiltrators already take the hot seat for long range priorities. Why the christ would you double that?

    4. Increase the damage on shotguns or reduce the damage drop off. Plain and simple but apparently not...

    5. Create more LMG's for TR. The current selection is laughable. NC's LMGs outright outclass the TR's LMG's in both accuracy and power.

    6. Increase cool down on cloak.

    Easy suggestions. Get a move on. The game is getting worse and worse by the day.
  2. FateJH

    And I don't think you're making it better.
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  3. Skiptrace

    Bold Replies
  4. Metal Insomniac

    So, in other words, you often get killed by: HA's with SMG's, archers, shotguns, NC LMG's, and infils?
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  5. Lemposs

    So remove the SMG from HA because of their shield, and then remove their shield...
    AV rifles too strong?
    More damage on shotguns?!
    All those things have existed for a very long time, but apparently only now are they having an effect on the game...

    You know, I don't often show appreciation for game companies, but then I remember that gaming communities exists and I instantly send them my first born to ensure they feel appreciated enough to stay in business.
  6. Obscura

    Who in the hell gets killed by HA's with smgs? lmao
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  7. Lemposs

    No, no, no he is trying to kill HA with shotguns or a TR LMG and gets infil sniped, killed by the SMG/NC HA or an engineer with an archer (no clue how) :p
  8. Metal Insomniac

    Ah, I misread #4. So, he can't kill anybody while using a it, lol.
  9. Demigan

    SMG's give more DPS at short range but sacrifice accuracy, ammo count and damage falloff at long range. Also the Heavy SMG crowd is tiny as far as I can see, if the combination were truly that powerful everyone would be using them all the time.

    Heavy assault. Assault, as in "move in and take stuff". Your idea would make it a Heavy defend or whatever you want to call it. There is nothing wrong with the class ability of the shield. If we did get your idea, defending would get an automatic boost, and you might be surprised but it's the attackers that do the most defending, since they really hold the points while the defenders usually retake points and try to push the enemy out, being on the constant attack in their own bases!
    The idea of getting utilities or extra abilities to choose from which include these type of shields, sure! But not as a replacement of the entire Heavy class mechanic we have now.

    Have you... used them? Against tanks they need your entire ammo pool to kill one, even with your ammo packs it takes ages and ages. The AV rifle so far is only really good against MAX's and turrets, while being slightly useful against infantry and aircraft. And frankly, the weapon simply sucks against infantry due to the long bolt-action and damage falloff and relatively slow velocity for a sniper.

    I'm on the fence for this one. I do think Shotguns need some better advantages in CQC, they are only marginally better than Carbines but terrible at any other range. But we have enough whining and dining going around already, and with a good mind you can make shotguns work perfectly already.
    Also if you want a reduced damage dropoff I think you are barking up the wrong tree or don't know what the purpose is of shotguns.

    More damage per shot, that's not the same as how much damage they can cash out per second for instance. NC's arsenal knows better variation, but nothing outright better than any TR weapons that I know off.

    ... Why?
    Current cloak is one of the things they might have balanced to perfection! It's not too hard to see, nor to easy. It's not as if you run out too fast but you also don't get it back too quickly either.

    With idea's like this, it sure does.
  10. asmodraxus

    You know I preferred the cloak in planetside 1, ah happy times killing people whilst cloaked and no cool down at all or time limit.
  11. RedArmy

    theres only two good LMGs for TR, the MSWR and the starter CARV - the others are just piss, Torq the Rhino
  12. Eternaloptimist

    I disagree - the T32 Bull with the right attachments is damned accurate at various ranges and has very high bullet velocity. T16 Rhino (basically an inferior Bull) is nonetheless crazy accurate at long range for an LMG (with AFG) and the T50 is a high damage headshot machine which re-centres quickly after a burst.

    As to the rest of OP comments, you need to put that shotgun away son, and learn to play the game with men's weapons and situational awareness.
  13. CNR4806