GPU particle option dont work for me

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killshoot1, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Killshoot1

    does anybody know if it works ?
    since the sep update , the gpu particle option is not
    longer grayed out , but when i choose high med or low
    it tells me to restart the client to apply changes
    when i do and restart the game its still off
    anybody can help me ?
  2. mfdoom7

    nvidia physx wount work in planetside 2. gpu particle = nvidia physx
  3. Killshoot1

    that is sad , i just thought since its not grayed out anymore
    that they fixed it , i watched youtube videos where it was still working
    and it looked amazing
  4. mfdoom7

    in order to play with physix u will need titan-x to get 60 fps. current planetside peformance is so bad
  5. Killshoot1

    so does it means it could be activated ?love the game , but not 1000$ of love :) in the moment i got a 970 witch give me easy 80 to 100 fps on ultra ( depents on pop)
    but its 650$ shy of the titan
  6. FateJH

    You need drugs to activate GPU particles.

    It won't be limited to the game, though.
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  7. mfdoom7

    no u cant enable it i just told why its disabled in game
  8. Pfundi

    Yeah, as hardware gets better in general they could make it a thing again, however it did cause some bad bugs even when turned off so they had to put it out in the first place.
  9. Killshoot1

    like this option :) worth a try , let me make a call :)
    mushrooms will do the trick for sure
  10. Killshoot1

    thanks you all , for me was just the question
    whey they enabled the feature in the graphic setting since september update
    again , when it will not work , weird
  11. Liewec123

    nope, it worked fine years ago on a middle-of-the-road comp, these days it'd run smooth as butter!
  12. stalkish

    I believe it used to cause CTDs regularly on some computers.

    TBH i dont think they could be botherd to figure out why, and most people were turning it off because it blocked too much of the action anyways.

    I do miss the sparks etc tho :(.
  13. Goretzu

    It seemed to run fine on GPUs much less than that, in fact to me it didn't really seem to impact performance. It apparently caused crashes though, although it never seemed to increase the frequency of crashes for me (although I crashed quite a lot then in PS2 irrespective of PhysX).
  14. Liewec123

    well it was optional, i had a slightly better than average comp back then and didn't have any trouble, the people who did have trouble could simply turn it off, it sucks that the option was removed entirely.

    i also think it might have been removed because of the little bit of extra effort they'd have to put in to new content.
    like the new aphelions projectiles, or when you destroy a spitfire turret and currently the top just vanishes.
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  15. stalkish

    agreed completely.
  16. Boomotang

    I do miss the physx. Worked pretty good on my GTX680.
  17. SturmFalkeRDA

    Y wot mate? Do you know how Apex Particles even work? It makes use of certain features on Nvidia GPUs. For Gods sake my GTX 550 TI handled it without any problems.
    To my knowledge, PhysX is enabled and is responsible for certain calculations (Mostly vehicle related) and it is just Apex Particles that they disabled, because they didn't get it fully implemented and where too lazy to focus on the fixes.
  18. Juggernaut70

    bring APEX particles back, PLEASE!??? this game was so much better then.
  19. OldMaster80

    That's exactly the problem, not really performance. Physx were cool, but they caused multiple CTD, and I think devs once stated they needed more time and support from Nvidia to make it work properly. This doesn't mean it won't come back one day, but at the moment I don't think it's on the radar.
  20. SturmFalkeRDA

    Could've slapped a "Work in Progress" on the options screen for it and left it as an option.