So let me get this straight...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Citizen H, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    This thread has went into the Chaos warp so deep.
  2. Corezer

    I'm tryin to get my ex and my bestie to give me a threesome, if I succeed I'll take this thread to 11!
  3. Concernedplum

    For the love of anything please. Anyone besides Scr1n, Mods, and myself see how incredibly loony Scorpion and Obscura are? This is ridiculous. Idk if its trolling to the max or they are legitimate with how they feel. Help meh.
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  4. Obscura

    How about this, point out where I'm wrong then. You "see" where I'm wrong? Okay where? and be specific.

    All I did was point out the details and use basic psychology to get him to expose himself through his own words, because I recognized that these WERE just 1 person.
  5. AlterEgo

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  6. Citizen H

    They are just a symptom. VS is the sickness. This thread is just the radioactive dye I used to make them show up in the imaging.
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  7. Obscura

    That sounds like a crappy poem to be honest
  8. Concernedplum

    Sure, so checking out both profiles it shows this.
    Scr1nRusher unlocked Clear Vision 1
    Sep 5 2015 7:09:52 PM
    ModsFreeRForTV unlocked C-4
    Sep 5 2015 7:05:58 PM
    So did Mods do the following: unlock c4 and then within the next few seconds log out, log in to Scr1n and play long enough to unlock the Clear Vision implant 3 minutes later?
  9. Scr1nRusher

    Scr1nRusher is the only NC character I have on Emerald, so I find this whole thing hilarious to watch.

    Like...... this is the first time ever being accused of being SOMEONE ELSE.

    I can't even, why are these VS guys on the forums even doing or implying?
  10. Obscura


    Implants can be obtained from general gameplay by doing things such as capturing bases, killing enemies, and potentially support actions and alerts. Next?
  11. Obscura

  12. Scr1nRusher

  13. Obscura

    No you're right he is, the other two are on connery, you just fked up and used the same names for your troll accounts too. Gotcha! :D
  14. Scr1nRusher


    I've been on the forums & been on PS2 longer then who you are accusing me to of being.

    Are you on some sortof drug?
  15. Concernedplum

    Fine than accept this.
    Sep 5, 8:39:33 PM ChoyLayFut Indar
    ---Mods kill

    Sep 6, 8:39:02 PM n/a
    KILLED BY Indar
    ---Scr1ns death.
    Case closed have a good night.
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  16. Negator

    thats not what he said. you havent experienced this game or its faction to the extent needed to have a valid opinion. better yet, your stats are completely comparable. Play and learn the game more before commenting please.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    Elitism & pressure bullying & "get good".

    All in the same forum post.
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  18. Obscura


    "---Mods kill" the mysterious weapon. anyways he could have died, logged out, logged in and killed in that amount of time.
  19. Negator

    No scrin. Are you saying that 10 kills with an Orion is enough to mean anything, especially given that he literally doesnt understand all the levels this game can be played at? Stop being dense.
  20. Scr1nRusher

    off the computer, are you full or are you empty?