FPS Drop after Game Update - 9/4

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by JustifiedJordan, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. JustifiedJordan

    Hi! :)

    I have been experiencing persistent and steady FPS drops after the aforementioned game update.

    I reference this following Reddit post for additional information from other parties experiencing the same isses;
    (Please note the above link will navigate you away from the official forums)

    The FPS drops for me have ranged from an estimated 40-50% (Pre-patch - 90-100, Post-patch - 60-35) when compared to post game update game play.

    The drops are present whether I am engaged in a large fight (48-96+) to even being in the warpgate (1-12)

    My system specs are below;
    GPU :NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770,Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    CPU :Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
    Memory :16.00 GB RAM (15.84 GB usable)
    Storage: 500GB Samsung SSD 840 Series (Operating System)
    Secondary Storage : 2TB HHD
    Current resolution :1920 × 1080, 60 Hz; 1920 × 1080, 60 Hz; 1920 × 1080, 60 Hz
    Operating system :Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    My settings are a mix of High and Ultra settings - I can past the relevant settings from my .ini file if required.
    I encourage others that are experiencing this problem to comment below with their system specs and relecent performance changes.
    Thanks and I look forward to hearing back! :D
    • Up x 2
  2. FunBotan

    Intel i5@2.66, GeForce 760, win7.
    On full ultra, steady 60 FPS before patch with [GPU] bound, now 30-40 with [CPU]. Wtf happened?
  3. Danath

  4. JustifiedJordan

    After validating my game cache using the launcher utility and restarting my PC, I noticed that my FPS improved for the first 5 minutes or so.

    After that it just crashed down to an average of 35 frames.
  5. Shwalanlaka1

    Well, it's the same aprox 60 fps before the patch and same after. No difference in that area.
  6. JustifiedJordan

    I've spoken to a few of my outfit friends regarding the performance drop.
    A few people haven't experienced any issues with the update while a few have seen the issues I have detailed above.

    Out of curiosity, what version of windows are you currently running?

    Someone I spoke to suggested that it might be related to DirectX 9...

    Thanks! :D
  7. JustifiedJordan

    Bumping this as someone has spammed the forums with 20+ threads regarding the same thing.

    This is why we can't have nice things! :mad:
  8. Kociboss

    Yeah I posted that reddit thread.

    No idea what happened, but it's nearly unplayable now.
  9. JustifiedJordan

    Yeah its really weird.

    It was slightly better last night but after about 30 minutes it started getting worse again.

    It almost behaves like some sort of memory leak :confused:
  10. RainbowDash9

    i have a gtx 750 and i-5 4440 @ 3.2GHz, and it dropped for me as well. specifically, ultra shadows before the patch used to take about 20 fps away from the total, now they take 60!!! i was on amerish, with everything on ultra except shadows which were on high, i got 120. then i switched to ultra shadows and it dropped to 60.

    long story short, dont use ultra shadows lol. also setting gpu physics to off even though it was already on off seems to give a few extra frames, no idea why.
  11. Danath

    Yup, managed to play for about that time, then I started: every 1,5 seconds I spent a bit less than half second with a frozen frame
  12. deathwish200k

    i wish i could log into the game but since the last patch im unable to even load into the game before the patch i was getting 50 fps soo idk what the deal is with DBG but when sony did this at less they fix it