Mine Delay?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raysen, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Raysen

    Can someone please explain me why the **** tank mines don't explode the moment you place them if the enemy vehicle runs you over, though they do INSTANT detonate if you place them close to spawners?

    This system is quite annoying. If a player is so stupid to try roadkilling an engie placing tank mines then he deserves to take damage from them, I don't really get why they are completely harmless for the first seconds of placing.

    Either that or make the mine also detonate on delay when placed close to spawners, reducing silly suicides.
  2. Pikachu

    I sure like it when I survive tank mines with my flash. :D Very rare though. The funniest is when I die but the flash is intact.
  3. Shadowomega

    Right now People say C4 is so op and that has a arm time as well, now think how strong a suicide engy could be if there was no delay. That is why there is a delay.
  4. FateJH

    Tank mines have a 3-4s setup timer. All mines do - AI and AV.

    Enemy spawn fields are like the protected areas around jump/landing pads and on top of Vehicle spawn pads, so they explode as soon as they are dropped. I've found that using this actually makes C-4 much more reactionary because, as long as you time it correctly, you can drop instantly exploding C-4 on a landing pad just in time to the enemy MAXes skipping across the distance. Placing tank mines on the road in front of the Vehicle spawn pad is currently permissible by the game's code.
  5. Raysen

    I sincerely feel the current tank mines should get some tweaking. Because of the spawner forced forward speed it's too easy to farm kills to unaware players, while at the same time it's hard to use them actively to try taking out an enemy tank running back and forth in your base.

    Why is it so? It should be the opposite x.x
  6. Utrooperx

    What I like is watching a Harasser or a Flash *zip* right over a AV mine...AV mine doesn't go off or cause any damage...but if my MAX gets within 4 meters...*BOOM*...

    And what's up with the Tier 3 anti-deployable implant not showing/rendering the blasted mines/C-4???

    About that so-called 'arming delay'...I can't count how many times the last thing I see is a Enemy Engineer holding out a AV mine running straight at my MAX...*BOOM*...