Just gonna post this for the record...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Crayv, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Crayv

    EMP grenades are OP. It is just that other people haven't noticed it yet.
  2. Armcross

    Not for me, it work as intended, I use it alot. Care to tell why it is Over Power?
  3. AlterEgo

    All hail the almighty shield destroyer.
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  4. ProfNoodles

    Considering we already die in 2 hits as an infiltrator. EMP grenades are our way of saying welcome to squishy land.
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  5. _itg

    You're a lot more likely notice how strong they are when you're on the receiving end, since the user still doesn't get a lot of feedback on what they did, and the user is also in the worst possible position to take advantage of the effects due to "grenade throw paralysis." I think EMPs are a lot stronger as support weapons than as ambush tools, although EMP ambushes are more fun.
  6. Crayv

    They go through walls, they detonate mines, they explode on contact, they remove shields, they drain abilities, they seem to have a rather large blast radius, they disable turrets, and they disable your UI and make your vision staticy (how? does every infantry unit have cameras for eyes?)... all for a very cheap cost.

    I hope they don't nerf them at least until others start to realize just how strong they are as I LOVE spamming these things, they turn Heavy Assaults into Derp Assaults (and the VS love playing HA).

    Combine it with the recon device to tell if someone is around the corner and you will have the advantage in almost every fight you get into.

    As much as I have been using them it seems others are starting to catch on and I predict soon you will be seeing "real" nerf threads for them soon.
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  7. Armcross

    Yes I do I been in the receiving end, some of it because of my own doing. True very effective as support as that is my gameplay with this grenade
  8. Armcross

    It's not the human eyes they directly effects them but the "google eye" version of planetside. I extensively use the grenade even before the buff. Too few and too slow others catching up, maybe it just too few players like the electronic support role. But it's all right, just one emp user is enough to affect greatly the battlefield, may it be from enemy or friendly.
  9. Plastikfrosch

    everyone can use emp shield (ok, newer players wont have all the nice implants, but yes, there is a hard counter do it).
    i have to admit, i like the "love tells" i get while using them, especially when there are 2 or 3 HAs running up to me, take an emp and all 3 die. i mean in the end they had still more health and a lot more firepower than i had but i am the "bad guy" when i can believe them.
    The thing with "going through walls", ok, thats debatable, but if darklight can go through walls and show the enemy im there why wouldnt an emp go through walls (i mean ems waves go through wall in reality too).
    I dont think that all turrets should be affected, only the spitfires because they are fully automatic.
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  10. Navron

    Before the massive EMP buff, I thought EMPs were pefectly balanced. And while I still use them now, I would not be surprised if they got a small nerf.
  11. Horrida Messor

    Gonna disagree with you on this - EMP was affecting only Infil's cloack back then, and had no impact on HA overshield's, LA Jetpack, CM heal aura.
    Now EMP is the equalizer.
    Yes it's THE srongest nade in the game right now due to it's effects, but it's not usefull 11 times out of 10 (old AV nade, I'm looking at you). If you aren't carefull with EMP nade you can do more bad than good - for example you can impact all of your team mates that making a push in heavy guarded room, effectively making the push to fail.
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  12. Jac70

    They also EMP you and pretty much everyone within the Hex :eek:
  13. Navron

    This is incorrect. EMPs did affect HA shield previously. But honestly, I don't think they should affect Jetpacks and Medic heals. I also don't think they should affect enemy ammo packs.
  14. Biddion

    It takes a lot of practice and timing to hit more enemy than ally. When possible, I will stand outside of a building and hit the outside wall in order to avoid most teammates.
  15. Dualice

    It's probably one of those things like the Lancer, that if everyone was using, more people would be complaining about. Due to friendly fire and the ability to hit yourself with them I do believe they're not effective in every situation. Even so, I've seen skilled players get EMP-ed and still beat the perpetrating infiltrator.

    Maybe if/when more players start cottoning on to them we'll start seeing hate threads. I agree they're currently the most powerful class-specific grenade, but too powerful... meh, I wouldn't say so.

    On an unrelated note, try saying "perpetrating infiltrator" ten times without screwing it up. I can't do it.
  16. Crayv

    I've been spamming them like crazy and a few others seem to have caught on (after a while me rolling out with a bandolier and spamming them till I run out of resources). If they keep on using them till others catch on it will reach critical mass eventually. Though they probably will just use them a bit and go back to whatever since it doesn't actually kill anything directly.
  17. Plastikfrosch

    even if i like to get explosive kills (have the bettys nearly on gold even while being vanu) by throwing an emp but perhaps it would be a good and not to hard nerf if emps would only disable and mark hostile mines (for a short period of time - 10sec) so that a push would be possible but the enemys would not die to theire own explosives.
  18. Moridin6

    despite this being like the One emp nerf thread, nerf obtained..

  19. Diggsano

    Nerf the EMP when you buff something for return!

    500shield for Infil (400 now)
    Better Cloak (visibility)
    Less cloak noise
    Nerf darklight
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  20. Partl

    I d trade my EMP's for some AV-grenades everyday