Emp grenade suggestion (more infil viability)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Snakekeeper420, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Pelojian

    infantry spams grenades at each other. you you really want any tank fight anywhere near buildings to get destroyed by emp and c4 spam?
  2. Jac70

    No I think 10 seconds should be enough. Or do you think that vehicles don't have electronics?
  3. FateJH

    If any of this thread is serious, I propose that this is on a different grenade than the one that is already overloaded with utility.
  4. Jac70

    The EMP grenade that currently gets the user hundreds of kills you mean?
  5. Pelojian

    vehicles would be hardened against EMP you'd need a powerful one to affect military electronics, not some small EMP generator that fits in the palm of your hand.

    it's fine to EMP, flash, concussion infantry because they cost nothing and their death means nothing more then a short inconvenience the game does not need more infantry biased weapons designed to wipe out vehicles or assist in wipingo ut vehicles that are really less of a threat then other infantry most of the time.

    if you want to kill vehicles pull infantry AV and coordinate or pull your own vehicle, the greatest problem with infantryside is they don't want to have to put teamwork or effort into killing ground vehicles and yet they are ok with having to do that with aircraft.
  6. FateJH

    No, the one that performs at least three forms of debuff when it lands. I don't know which one you're talking about but perchance your post slid into a parallel universe.
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  7. Meeka

    How would it be OP? You'd only need one player with a half a brain to protect it. Killing a hacking Infiltrator is one of the easiest kills to make.

    Plus, double the hack time, and it would be a challenge.
  8. Kloz

    You're playing the "realism card" in a thread about Planetside 2?
  9. Movoza

    These statements are the worst. Although I'm 140% against this idea, I think these kind of self entitled statement do not belong in a discussion.
    I'm an allrounder. I play infantry and tanks as I wish. My main cause of death are other tanks. If you go to any stat site, this is backed up. Tanks are the most dangerous to other tanks.
    Infantry have RL (slow rocket/lock on time, slow reload, low ammo capacity), AV grenades (low capacity, short range, costs resources), UBGL (not worth mentioning), C4 (requiring 5m horizontal distance, several seconds placing time, costs resources), mines (low capacity, needs good placing in advance, costs resources), AV turrets (slow reload, stationary) and..... Gosh what else.... Nothing really. In the meantime tanks are quite capable to attack infantry and practically every weapon is better at AV than infantry. Projectile speed, distance, reload speed, stability, ammo capacity..... The only thing that infantry have in favour are that they are with many, and even then tanks do most of the AV work.
    When I'm in a tank, I decide the engagement with infantry. Infantry can only hope to pop up and overwhelm me, but that really rarely happens.
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  10. Movoza

    Even with people present I can sometimes sit under a sundy and shoot 5 people amd do 2 victory laps with a knife before I get shot. One person defending requires one person often doing a whole lot of nothing, and the sundy would still be a good hacking target.
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  11. OldMaster80

    In Planetside 1 jammers can disable vehicles weapons for a while. I hoped they implemented this in Planetside 2 as well since Infiltrators totally lack tool against vehicles and max... But considered the current status of vehicles / infantry in the game there is probably no room for another AV weapon.

    Then hey, EMP grenades are already amazing =P
  12. Villanuk

    You need to look deeper than you have, the statement is fine.

    The tank is a sitting duck to infantry sure and its situational to how dangerous it is, BUT a sitting duck to a Vanguard with your rear exposed is game over period. So how does this translate into infantryside? Well a stalker floating about with nades can stop a tank in mid flow in a battle and more less contribute directly to its end in what ever form and its infantryside because you can more or less stop a tank contribute to its end with no skill, no risk and no counter. Tanks once again will be vulnerable and at the smelly end of the stick.
  13. Demigan

    Because right now there are often infiltrators hiding underneath Sunderers. Engineers can also place a ton of mines in quick succession etc.
    It would be OP because it's a free option to take out a Sunderer, and it would make it all but impossible in small-scale battles to defend a Sunderer properly except to keep someone behind in case the Sunderer is found and attacked. If there is one thing you need to prevent it's requiring people to do something they don't want to do. Such as hanging around somewhere for possibly more than 15 minutes for something that might never arrive!
    Even in large-scale battles it's a mightily powerful tool. While not easy to do there's plenty of times that infiltrators reach a Sunderer unnoticed. Having an otherwise completely immune vehicle turn hostile, such as a shielded Fury Sunderer, would be powerful beyond count, and compared to what you need to do to and pay to achieve it, it would be too powerful.
    Hacking an undeployed Sunderer however... go right ahead!
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  14. MasterDemoman

    As of right now the EMP does everything the pre-nerf conc did and more, the only difference is that it is on a class that can't win 1v1 fights head on. (For obvious reasons.)

    A grenade that goes through walls, disables all electronics (including ammo packs, because they're electronic??), overheats all turrets, destroys all shields, disables the hud, and deactivates all class abilities does NOT need more viability. The EMP grenade is not overpowered, but if you use it in a team environment it's easily the most powerful debilitating grenade to be used for room-clearing BY FAR, because it:
    A. Gets rid of half the health of everyone it touches
    B. Destroys all deployables
    C. Overheats all turrets
    D. Deactivates all class abilities
    E. Disables the HUD (and adds a blurry effect that obscures vision)
    F. Did I mention that it also GOES THROUGH WALLS?

    Next thing you know we're going to give the EMP direct damage and that direct damage is going to be equal to 200% that of a C4 stick.
    You cannot have your cake and eat it while stealing everyone else's and s:eek:ting on theirs.
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  15. Movoza

    Hmm I need to rephrase only one part, as it was unclear. I'm 140% against EMP grenades. But at this moment I see no "infantryside". Tanks are powerful against any target, have lots of invulnerabilities, are fast and have a good ammo capacity. They can add useful utilities to their arsenal like radars too. Infantry on the other hand can be hit by nearly every weapon in the game, requiring only 5-8 shots with even the weakest weapons. They are slow and their only advantage is that they are small and can move onto rough terrain more easily (except for the Magrider).
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  16. Villanuk

    I get what your saying but a stalker is cloaked, you would never see the guy unless he runs at you and he can take out a tank, not in a literal sense and he is just a stalker and can do this to a tank a most destructive force and its taken out buy a infiltrator with one nade, with no risk? its bonkers mate.
  17. Chal

    Infils with jammers in PS2 would be ridiculously OP and would ruin what's left of the tank play. Harassers with infils in the rumble seat, 2 infils on a cloaked wraith would be a nightmare to stop in a big battle. Even in a 1 on 1 tank fight you'd actually better off with your gunner bailing as infil to disable the other tank so you could get behind and for free rear shots.

    I get this is probably just a "I just got killed by X a few times so I want Y to counter it" post but atleast try to think of it from the other side slighty. It's like a non-Infil player suggesting being spotted by darklight should disable the ability to cloak just because he got camped at a capture point one too many times, ridiculous and would ruin infil play.

    PS1 also didn't have as many hard hitting counters to tanks as PS2 does or bonus rear damage so you could back if you got emped.
  18. Call-Me-Kenneth

    EMP grenades are better than regular grenades. and no im not kidding, they are fantastic.

    toss more than one and they disable more than stun grenades, explode on impact, plus they deal 50% of the target life in one hit, drain their special ability if it runs on energy (also uncloaking other infils), and makes all deployables explode.

    and to top it all off, they cost 25 certs. :eek:

    when breaching a room FORGET stun grenades or Flash grenades. nothing beats EMP. in fact, if you try and rush a room without throwing an EMP first you are *******.

    a stalker infil with grenade bandolier can troll the absolute **** outta a group of infantry and can do so THROUGH walls.

    and yeah i do that when bored, hate me if you feel like it.

    the day other infiltrators realize just how absurdly OP those grenades are, they will actually care to carry them and use them. and then the flood of nerf threads will make the .75 ADS ones look like a joke...
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  19. Demigan

    You misunderstood him.

    He says he's against the idea of EMP's disabling vehicles like that and understands how completely OP it would be.
    What he also says is that he's against shooting down any idea based solely on 'already too much infantryside'.
  20. Snakekeeper420

    Incorrect. I main stalker infil so i always have how to be a total pain in the *** on the mind. The thought popped in my mind and i wanted to see what people would say.