Emp grenade suggestion (more infil viability)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Snakekeeper420, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Snakekeeper420

    New effect - Emp grenades now shut down vehicles for 3-5 seconds, disabling movement and firing. Deployed sunderers are undeployed ( causing the driver to have to come back and redeploy it).

    Would give infils something to do against vehicles other than explosive bolts.
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  2. Villanuk

    To much in favor already for infantryside.
  3. Snakekeeper420

    Yeah i would expect mbt mains would be pissed at a change like this, but i wish infils had some sort of defense for the oh **** moments. The sundy effect would be.... Op probably but i can dream :)
  4. LodeTria

    EMPs are already way too good as they are now.
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  5. FateJH

    Cloak and cautiously slip away behind something. It's not like the occupants can (easily) see you without getting out.
  6. Meeka

    No, but Infiltrators should be able to hack unoccupied vehicles, including deployed Sunderers.
  7. Pelojian

    In our place wouldn't you? infantry av has only become more powerful and gotten more AV weapons. people may not play vehicles as long as they play infantry (one is free after all) that doesn't mean they are an infantry focused player.

    as infantry i play as support, laying down ammo packs and mines and usually have a pretty bad session K/D. i play as infantry when it seems like it's a good battle or it's ill-advised to pull a tank.
  8. Demigan


    First of all, how about ugrading the LA class as a whole? Such as improving smoke and flash grenades (if anything, the Flash grenades would be better suited to be explode on contact than EMP's) and adding a ton of new toys to make the class more viable for teamplay and give it more to do in vehicle combat than C4 fairies (such as replacing C4 for other options).

    Second of all. 3-5 seconds of slowed down vehicles would already be mightily powerful, let alone a complete vehicle meltdown where it's completely shut down. You might as well ask for EMP grenades to completely shut down MAX's as well. And having it undeploy Sunderers? You realise that only the owner can redeploy it, and since his Sunderer just stopped being a spawnpoint and he can only find out by trying to spawn there or accidentally returning to his Sunderer, it's near enough a death blow to any Sunderer. You instantly stop the stream of spawners and allow your allies to move up and destroy it. Attacking a Sunderer would consist out of using a stealth flash to get close, throw the EMP, and if you survive get back on, kill the remaining enemies and then destroy the Sunderer. Who cares about Sunderer shields designed to counter solo players instakilling the Sundy? Here's something to completely destroy any vehicle play!

    How about this scenario: Stalker infiltrators with grenade bandolier and EMP grenades. They sit around places where tanks are bound to show up (you know, the road). When a tank engages your forces he will usually be near cover to get back to safety. But one EMP grenade would mean instant death for anyone. For 3-5 seconds you are unable to get to safety or return fire, and it's not as if vehicles have an easy time seeing Stalker infiltrators. The only option you would have would be exiting and repairing during the off-time, all the while the infil can easily kill you or at least keep you busy to ensure their vehicle destruction.
  9. BlueSkies

    IIRC emp nades disabled vehicle weapons in PS1... which I would be fine with making a return if the damn things stopped working through walls.
  10. Villanuk

    I see your point as i play a lot of Infil and would like something extra to do at times rather than just be exposed when crap happens.
    The fact that infils are far more visible dosnt help either. I would happy with a quicker cloak uncloak if your stalking and no sound although im sure that aint going to happen.

    Maybe hack ammo bags, ammo turrets, empty vehicles, even hack a sunnys terminal, why cant we hack that?
  11. Demigan

    Unoccupied vehicles except deployed Sunderers. We have entire features dedicated to preventing a solo player being able to take out an AMS Sunderer simply because they are too important for the battle to be so easily destroyed. Allowing an Infiltrator to not just destroy it but take it over for free would be completely OP. Even if it cost resources it would still be OP.

    Although I would rather give players a vehicle lockpick utility for instance that can only unlock empty vehicles.

    Edit: a lockpick for all classes.
  12. HadesR

    Do EMP's affect the HUD / Mini map of vehicle occupants in the same way as they do Infantry ?

    If not I would suggest that would be a good enough addition versus vehicles ..
  13. Demigan

    At this moment it doesn't.

    Which actually brings a more interesting vehicle ability to the light: how about a vehicle-based EMP? You activate it and a large EMP effect radiates out from you, destroying all deployables, causing C4 fairies to drop from the sky and add the ability to leech vehicle ability power away as well as disable all their gunsights, maybe even slow them down. That would be a good utility in its own right on almost every vehicle, including Flashes... Who in trade for Wraith can be incredibly powerful against groups of tank and infantry alike, debuffing them instantly and giving rise to better teamwork.
  14. HadesR

    Sounds pretty good ...

    But how about giving it to the ANT ?

    If the vehicle is going to be lightly armed ( speculation ) it would still give it a battle ability and not just resign it to resource fetch and carry ...

    Maybe it could doppleganger the Special ability of an MBT onto the ANT for a few seconds ..

    Higher DPS from a Prowler
    Increased Speed from a Mag
    Shield / Defence boost from a Vanguard
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  15. Liewec123

    i don't think every class should have something to do against vehicles.

    infils already spot everything in the base, they already hack the turrets and terminals, they already get stealth and their own unique OHK long range weapons, i don't think they really need to combat vehicles.
  16. Kociboss

    Undeploy sunderer.



    Can you actually imagine that on live servers? That would be horrible. People would have to sit in sundies 24/7 because of EMP. Great fun.
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  17. Kloz

    There there now... what you guys dont seem to understand is that it is balanced as long as it's not actually damaging the HP of a vehicle or infantry.

    Let's say I had a grenade that made any vehicle unusbale for 30 minutes but didnt damage it that would still be balanced because all that matters is HP.

    Or if I had a grenade that removed the shields (and in some cases overshield) of an infantry man + removed the HUD and blurred his vision, that grenade would still need a huge buff like this to be even considered viable. "Why?" you ask... because the shields are not technically health/hp. #HowToBalanceGames
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  18. Jac70

    Agreed OP - the Infiltrator has no ability to damage vehicles and this is fine IMO. However an EMP should affect the vehicles electronic systems making it possible for an Inf to evade a vehicle or support other troops in an attack. I would suggest at least 10 seconds disable.
  19. Snakekeeper420

    Lol the emotions in this thread.
  20. Kloz

    How about 30 minutes to make sure the infil really has a chance to escape?

    Seriously, a 10 seconds disable in the middle of a fight is more harming than ANY anti vehicle option that exist in the game.... this would be a "game over" grenade for anyone who got hit by it when they were fighting someone else.

    In most fights being disabled for even 2 seconds would be disastrous for the vehicle and remove any chance of even retreating.
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