[Suggestion] Accurate Gal Drop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armcross, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Armcross

    Switch the fix camera view of the passenger of galaxy from top to bottom. With crosshair would be better.

    Personally I use mini-map for accurate drop.
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  2. Crashsplash

    Gal dropping in ps2 was one of my bugbears.

    Take a lesson from ps1;
    don't inherit momentum, maybe forward momentum and not much of that,
    as you're falling make it possible to steer.
  3. cbplayer

    Yuuus give us a crosshair
  4. Liewec123

    and we sorely need a deploy function for the pilot! since the left and right mouse buttons have no function those could be used.
    left click ejects passengers, right click ejects passengers and gunners.
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