TR exposed as OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Citizen H, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Mxiter

    I've got a "striker OP" /y.....yersteday o_O

    No kidding!
  2. Zombo

    welcome to the club, the same happened with the PPA and ZOE

    ZOE was to strong, but they nerfed it way to hard, now it's useless (only reasonably usefull ES MAX ability is the Aegis and Lockdown on AA MAX

    PPA was strong, but only because the magrider had such a crapshoot primary weapon and secondaries on the mgarider were always a bit better than their counterparts on Vanguard/Prowler, they nerfed it way to hard at first, but now it's kind of useable

    same with the reverse maneuver, which was totally fine on all ESFs, and one of the important strong points of the reaver, since it has the most vertical thrust

    nerfed to ****, because enough people complained that "reverse maneuver was unfair"... wtf

    MBT HE primaries, meant to counter infantry, enough people complained, tanks all switched to AP

    Planetside 2 seems to behave accordingly to the law of entropy, everything keeps getting boiled down to a mess that has no outstanding stuff whatsoever
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  3. Collin

    The Problem is all TR ES Weapons are kind of broken. The Vulcan is no exeption there. It does not really great with the prowler since the friend of the prowler is the long distance and with that gun you need to come close. Also the secondary guns are not affected by the lock down at all what i never got since the NC and VS secondary are surely affected by the special ability.

    Now with the new guns for the Tanks TR getting the short straw as well. Why on earth would you get a random COF on a long distance weapon. Here is an other problem. The skill cap on most TR weapons are way lower then on NC and other weapons. Its because of this random accuracy. You cant outsmart random COF or weaponpull.

    There is not a single gun in the TR arsenal where you say ok this shines out this is fun lets exploid that a little bit.
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  4. Terranaxiom

    I find the ns15 lmg is a straight upgrade to all the TR lmgs because of its accuracy. On paper it Shouldn't be but its recoil for me is perfect and i run a laser sight, no compensator either (no need).

    Might have the name wrong, but everyone knows that lmg. I think that a horz recoil balance would go a huge way to bringing tr guns up to par, but they'd still not impeach on nc damage or vs reload speed.

    There are some weapons for nc and vs that impeach and outclass tr weapons that need balancing i think, like the gd-7f. I love that gun but it's an abomination. Our 1 carbine with that damage has almost as little as half it's rof.
  5. Zombo

    erm, you mean like the BRRRT Chaingun, the Vulcan-H, the awesome-at-long-range-prowler with lockdown?

    TR has it's toys, don't get overdramatic
    TR is just lacking on ultra-long-range options
  6. Vixxing

    Diffrence Is 10-12 HA using phoenix: just kill them all with your banshee mossy 10-12 Lancers Kill them all with your Banshee mossy (might have to dodge a bit but very doable!) 10-12 old strikers kill them all with your... hmm wait a minute they lock on and 2 clip any esf without any need for skill at all?? well just use ur Liberator? Oooh 500m range and 1 salvo brings it down? Hmmm...

    Also no need at all for coordination with Old striker its enough that 2-3 heavies in the same hex have one and locks on to air... (the chance that 3 heavies in same hex having GTA-lock on launchers for other empires are very low since striker also outdamaged a decimator vs armor too!)
  7. Scr1nRusher

  8. Jolanar

    This is true, but consider this: it is MUCH harder to land the second shot on a target because of the recoil of the first shot. In order to successfully land that second shot, you have to wait about a second for the recoil to dissipate. What is the point of getting two shots if you can't fire them both off and expect to land both more than 50% of the time? In the long run, this is a disadvantage. More time for enemy tanks to react and get to cover. Much harder to hit a tank poking slightly out from behind a rock. At least in the Vanguard or Magrider, I can line up my shot, zone in on a target and get full damage with the first shot. Our faction ability even is the only one that has a downside to it out of all of the tank ES abilities.
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  9. Citizen H

    Bro, you just gotta learn how to Lock-Down.
    Cause in a tank battle, a stationary tank that has to hit twice as often to match his opponent's damage verses one that's moving around has the advantage FOR SURE.
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  10. Jolanar

    DOH What was I thinking?!
  11. Haquim

    You have a very onesided way of looking at things...

    10-12 Lancers will simply swat my Mosquito from the sky. Dodging? You apparently have never seen them in action. At least not on the receiving end. The way lagcompensation works you won't even notice they fired before they hit you.

    And Phoenixes... if I could shoot inside their spawnroom or whatever cover they are hiding in that might be a viable option. Alas, I can't. Phoenix users very rarely stand around in the open clustered together in 5m². And they are targets of opportunity for an ESF, not a primary target, unless someone is guiding it. They can't recognize them - if they can see them at all.

    Regarding the Striker.... equip flares and use them when you get locked on, but before they shoot. That way you avoid both G2A lockon bugs. The survivors will kill you, but you got 6 seconds to kill as much as you can.
    IF there are survivors. As far as I can remember rocketpods were a lot more dangrous back then.
  12. Vixxing

    IF they are standing inside a spawnroom with Phoneix they arent much of a threat anyway, and i think you should try hitting a moving ESF with a full charge Lancer... that flare thing sounds nice but as opposed to the Lancers needing to be tightly grouped on a high vantagepoint the Strikers can be very spread out, and when your 6 seconds of fame are up, you will have killed maximum one, and now have two choices: 1. Ditch your ESF 2.die with 100% certainty to first scrub who aquire a lock...
  13. Haquim

    If the phoenixes are in the spawnroom then there will be a no vehicle zone 300m radius around it. ESPECIALLY for sunderers.
    And spawnrooms are by far not the only cover ESFs don't have access to.
    And I tried hitting an ESF with a lancer. Pretty challenging when they fly past you, but if they fly in your direction or away from you its rather easy.
    And Lancers need to be tightly grouped why exactly? As far as I know both Lancers and Strikers need(ed) sight of their target, so there is no reason they would require a different setup. UNLESS of course the Lancer has had a secret third firemode that focuses their beams deathstar-style?

    And what I would REALLY like to know is how a Mosquito can apparently kill a dozen Lancers or Phoenixes in one go, while an Airhammer or a LPPA can barely kill a single guy out of a dozen in 6 seconds according to you.
    Thats such an overload of bias and hyperbole that I can barely take you seriously.
  14. Crayv

    TR, a faction that has almost nothing but close range guns for it's arsenal as most weapons have very poor accuracy at range due to horizontal recoil. To top that off most of the guns have terrible bloom so ADS'ing is a must. Then for the cherry on the top virtually all of them have 0.5x ADS movement.

    So you have a faction that has access to a bunch of close range guns that they have to ADS to use. That sounds like all the OP traits of a gun combined right there.
  15. FateJH

    Actually, the Vanguard Shield lowers INT.
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  16. IronMouse

    The TR, while my favorite faction for it's style and background, is the worst of the 3.
  17. Danath

    Ah yes, hipfiring the Jaguar with Adv. Laser was a thing. Until developers/designers/whatever decided to nerf all hipfire.