TR exposed as OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Citizen H, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Campagne

    True, but from the devs' balance standpoint common traits still count for individual things. Harassers for example; not all weapons were very useful, nor even good at all (looking at you Canister), but they were all nerfed with the harasser anyway.

    If an ESF was out in the open and let a Striker lock-on without attempting to flee, it was probably too late. As for a no-fly zone, I can't say I've ever flown enough to know firsthand.

    As for numbers, I simply do not believe this is the case. Double the users mean double the players that chose it over something else, which they would only do if it were the best in at least one relevant field, as well as the fact that anything is powerful in large enough numbers. In the case of your Vulcan-H example, the answer is still the same: more players use it because it is better than the alternatives in almost every way. NC and to an extent VS mainly use Halberds do to their range, accuracy and versatility. (OHK against infantry and decent damage against enemy vehicles). Vulcans are just too good at AV and work well enough at AI and AA to not be used almost universally.

    I agree with you here, most VS don't know how to use Lancers properly.

    We'll have to agree to disagree here. 'Cause I still think it was pretty ******* godlike. :p
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Revenge **** by a disgruntled VS player tired of seeing VS OP posts?
  3. customer548

    I didn't have any look at TRs weapons balance. My TR char is a low BR one. Due to my favorite gameplay I only unlocked a submachine gun and a mid range sniper rifle ( sorry about that, IronMouse :( ). So, I'm unable to say if TRs weapons are really weaker or not. ( Even if people seems to argue that Trs weapons are weak ones if i understood it in the right way )

    That my own point of view and I may be wrong, but I see 3 main reasons about TRs having real hard times on Cobalt.

    First reason is the Sunderers problem. I noticed that most of times, people spawn sundies with no Blockade Armor, Deployment shield or Auto Rep system. Sundy owners rarely stick to their deployed vehicule, prefering to fight far away from it. They don't repair it if damaged. I also often saw parked sundy right next or behind oppponets' spawnrooms. I'm surprised by the number of Trs sundies which are destroyed in a quick way. No deployed Sundy = no territory.

    Second reason is the lack of pushing infantry. Seriously, Trs HAs usually don't push through doors. They stack right in front of and around doors, but they will not get in the facilities. They make easy targets for the opponents standing inside facilities. I don't get it because the default TR LMG ( T9 Carv ) is a good one with an affective mid-long range accuracy. I also rarely saw any TR HA using their rocket launcher against vehicules.

    Third and last point will be related to a lack of any information. As Dualice said it, it seems that TRs have a really fragmented teamplay. Ingame TRs channels are just empty of any information during hours.

    Cobalt NCs seem to use their ingame channels a bit more. Ncs seem to have more active squads and outfits. NC HAs seem to have a more aggressive and reactive gameplay. NCs defend their sundies, repair them.

    Cobalt Vanus are just farming due to a high number of HAs and their overpop (most of times).

    TRs' "Victory is our tradition" is always good to hear but ...:D
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  4. Citizen H

    Don't confuse cause for effect. The command channel is silent because anyone who knows what they're doing in this game doesn't play TR because they want to win. Look at the streamers. Look at the people who make the youtube videos. Look at the developers themselves. Most don't main TR. Organized players frustrated with the crap gear fled TR by the bucketful over the years due to the sustained neglect and bias of the developers.
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  5. 0fly0

    Thanks, i'm glad to see other players than me realize tr on cobalt have serious problem with sundie, taking 20 min for spawn only one bad sundie for the next base is just terrible tactic.
  6. Haquim

    Well, there is no denying that there was rarely something as useless as the cannister.

    The difference between a striker and anouther G2A launcher was that 2 Strikers kill you, the others set you on fire. One alone couldn't kill you.

    Regarding the numbers... believe me, that is exactly what happened. You have to think about how the game was back then - double if not triple todays population. No jaded veterans that are angry because the devs don't seem to do anything worthwile.
    Back then everybody was getting that thing because it was ultracool - you can't deny if you look at those striker videos that 40 shots of red doom don't look awesome. Now add to that the fact that it dealt more damage than other launchers in exchange for a longer firing and reload time.
    And then add the goddamned bugs.

    OH yes the bugs..... They applied to every G2A launcher, but VS and NC collectively forgot that fact.
    But there is a reason why....
    You see, every lockon projectila had a chance to basically "phase" through terrain and hit behind a rock - without lagcompensation being responsible.
    Also AT THE SAME TIME there was a bug that had flares not fighting off locks in a third of the time.
    ... Now put 1&1 together and think about what the really unique trait of the striker is/was.
    5 Rockets. Each had a chance to simply ignore things that were supposed to protect you (obstacles and flares) and still **** you up.
    In my mosquito I had a decent chance - but that no rocket out of five hits you due to those bugs was very impropable.
    I don't think TR really thought about the bugs, but it definitely made the Striker "better", and so they had all the more reason to use it. People saw it that it wasn't only ultracool - it also worked. So they used it.... A kinda self-reinforcing loop, if you will.

    The Striker was never godlike. Most of its perceived strenght came from bugs and numbers. And when the devs finally got their **** together it was too late - the Striker had to be nerfed before even taking a look at the "after-bugfix" stats due to popular demand.
  7. Ballto21

    I actually think the trap is a bit op

    i mean its not a sniper, its a scout rifle, but still
  8. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    The Vulcan , need I say more!!!
  9. DirArtillerySupport

    Proud to be a member of the weakest faction on Auraxis.
  10. cyb_

  11. Shocky

    i know this is a joke but i just got to make counter points. the prowler may have 2 shots but the vanguard can dish out the same if not more in its one shot, and the striker is only good against aircraft useless against anything ells, and the striker has been nerfed into hell before at 1st the striker was the OP lock on, and it worked like all the other lock-on's but it was a guaranteed 6 hits unless they had flares, then it was nerfed where you had to keep looking at the damn aircraft for the rockets to hit otherwise they just fly off like when the flares where deployed. the mini-gun is ok at 1v1 but if i walk into a room i have to pick who to kill because when firing your turn and movement speed is lowered and unless they are all in a corner or in a relatively straight line you dead after the getting one kill unless the other team is as brain dead as the NC player[omg NC puppies are useless players] the trap is crap, simple as that, its only good up close not smg close but assault rifle close and at that point you should get the cheaper fully auto scout rife or the PDW. the carbines for tr yes should be good at CQC but if they are at range well lets hope you have good tap firing. the amp was in planetside classic common pool but so was the Reaver and Mosquito. also the mosy cant take a hit at all it may be fast but its fragile. but amps are meh i only use it as a panic gun just like every other pistol and all of the new faction pistols are crap mag skater takes to long to get the 2nd shot off, spiker is garbage cant kill someone when its fully charged and its DPS is **** for the burst.
  12. Citizen H

    The Prowler illustrates the problem with many TR weapons, and the faction trait of "more dakka" in general.

    If you manage to land both shots from a Prowler, you will do SLIGHTLY more damage than another tank's one shot.
    If you only manage to land one shot from a Prowler, you will do SIGNIFICANTLY less damage that a Vanguard's one.

    What is fair about a weapon requiring a player to have twice as good aim as his opponent just to the /match/ their damage on a comparable weapon?

    Same deal with the Striker. If all the shots land, you will deal more damage than the standard AA/AG launcher or even a Decimator.
    But which is more likely: that all six projectiles land or that TWO of the six projectiles land?
    And which leaves you exposed longer and draws more attention: firing one rocket or fixing SIX BRIGHT RED FLARES?
  13. The Rogue Wolf

    Well, to be fair, there's the flipside: Miss one of two shots with the Prowler and you do half damage; miss one of one shots with the Vanguard or Magrider and you do ZERO damage.
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  14. Campagne

    Meh. I kill ESFs by myself with a Hawk lock-on often enough to know one launcher can do the job if given a chance.

    I don't know... Going back to our previous example, the Vulcan-H, this certainly doesn't seem to reflect your statement: Double to nearly triple the unique users than the other two empire-specific variants.

    Feel free to look at the Vulcan-H's AV, AI, and AA kills compared to its counterparts as well. :eek:

    NC and VS collectively disregard that fact because the Striker was simply the only RL that really gained a massive advantage from it.

    Five rockets chasing after you > one or two separate lock-on rockets that even together couldn't take anything out.

    There were a lot of them, no doubt. I think it was sort of a mix between "effectiveness" and "everybody else has one."

    One Striker was enough to kill a max composite armoured harasser in its glory days. Five of them and you couldn't even drive anywhere near them without a lock-on warning and/or immediate death. I'm afraid I still stick to my "godlike" claims.
  15. cyb_

    Well, miss one of one shot with a Prowler and the damage is 'quite' low too.
  16. Haquim

    Rather reasonable.

    In combination with the bugs the Striker certainly was a problem that was worth addressing.
    Like fixing the bugs and reducing the damage a bit.
    Hammering it so hard that it landed somewhere in Hades' living room was uncalled for though.

    I really don't remember killing Harassers with one magazine though.... but they are so terribly good at breaking locks that I might have simply not bothered.
  17. Campagne

    Not for just one weapon!

    I agree with this. Like most things, it was nerfed way too hard.

    Yep. Wouldn't have really been a problem, if not for the previously mentioned bugs. :(
  18. IamDH

    Hilarious vid.

    Have my thumbs up
  19. Draxza

    I think this guy is wrong somehow...

    TR main here. Love the Prowler and Striker to pieces, but TR does need an overhaul. I've had some ideas to do with new Heavy Weapons, to give TR a small edge in that new catagory of potential weaponry...

    For TR:
    A grenade launcher with a drum magazine - low splash damage, but high damage: 750+

    For NC:
    (Not a shotgun!)
    A railgun, because NC want a railgun that bad. High damage, low range, no splash

    For VS:
    A beam weapon that fires a stream of purple energy, similar to a flamethrower

    Perhaps this would achieve a little balance. Great vid, but very misguided, I'm afraid.
  20. Pelojian

    and why exactly should TR get a weapon that has drop when the other two get point and click weapons?

    because that's exactly how DBG would implement a weapon for TR or rockets with CoF so they can't shoot straight...

    DBG needs to fix the existing TR equipment first rather then adding even more ES stuff to balance.