[Guide] It's time to take the red pill everyone

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlacknBlue, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Iridar51

    What's the difference? It's only about form, not content. "kick scream and cry" vs "constructive criticism" are just two sides of the same coin. They both indicate there's a problem.

    You can't expect the majority of the gaming community - 14-16 year old kids - to be able to clearly articulate their thoughts and have a rational discussion.

    You're basically being a grammar-****. "I don't mind what you write, I mind HOW you write it".
  2. Vertabrae

    End of the day, people are allowed to post in the forum and say pretty much what they want. Often it is a load of horse puckey. But what do you expect, its the internet.

    I will admit however, that one persons whine can often be another player's legitimate complaint. I've had a bunch of times where I'm reading some Wahh Wahh this is OP!!! thread, and then someone else will step in and post a reply which throws out some stats, or a situation in which something really wasn't right.

    They made me realize that maybe there actually was a legit complaint. Just that the OP couldn't express it, at least not without sounding like they were throwing a temper tantrum. Just because someone doesn't like the language or way your word your complaint, doesn't mean your complaint is invalid.
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  3. Nregroepis

    No, I am going to be a lazy ***** and take the blue pill.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    This whole OP was by a Infantryside player.

    Read through the lines & such.

    "Everything is fine, lets keep the status quo, stop complaining" - OP.
  5. Dualice

    I don't think those two kinds of people are totally segregated. Sure, if you put enough time into something you can get to the top of your game, but some people clearly display a higher natural aptitude for certain tasks than others. If we take gaming as an example, if one player has innately faster reflexes and hand-eye co-ordination, surely there is very little a slower player can do to improve their own, if we are talking about core anatomical make-up?

    Forumside is full of whining though, yes. Maybe it's why the devs don't bother with it much, snort, snort.
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  6. Ballto21

    Alright, i can finally leave. The forums have a new ballto.
  7. UberNoob1337101

    But... but you said this....
  8. BlacknBlue

    I love this post, grammar is about syntax and the rules of using language. You can write all the hate filled rage posts you want about how the devs should nurf everthing you hate and be grammatically correct at the same time.

    That aside I know what your saying, guess I'm just a grammar-****. Nah but seriously the idea was to offer another way that would help avoid people rage quiting. After all wouldn't that be better for all of us if there was a lower turnover of players?

    And if these forums are full of 14 - 16 year olds, being articulate maybe difficult, but this is old enough to not throw a paddy. And better still I hope 14 to 16 year olds read and get what I'm saying. They're about to go collage or learn a skill or trade and would do well to understand this.

    My favourite part of you post by far
    What's the difference? WOW what's the opposite of preaching to the choir? Think I'm doing that right now. Both ways indicate there's a problem. But one way spreads negitivity encourages other people to rage. Prevents people from seeing that maybe there is another way they can learn to deal with, whatever problem they're having in game. And untimatley leads to more ragequit I'm never playing PS2 again.

    And the other way is exactly the opposite. Plus people might find the right answer quicker without have to wade through the unconstructive posts.

    BTW the average age of a gamer is 31, probably lower for FPS games.

    This is a good point, it's never totally black and white, but if you were sitting a sports psychology exam the answer would be there are 2 types of people in.....

    In reality lots of shades of gray.

    Totally missed the point mate. In reality to enjoy the game stop complaining. If you do hit a brick wall and can't beat something, ask forumside. If other people share you're problem they'll throw there two cents in. Dev's will see this, dev's arn't stupid. The community will still provide feedback that lead to balance changes.

    No problem

    These are some fair points to make. Whilst one person whine might turn out to be legit, all the pain and frustration that lead them to whine could have been avoided, to an extent. I'm not saying lets all be Zen Monks and know no pain. Constructive questions get constructive answers (mostly).

    Yea people are allowed to say what they want. Don't want to change that, unless you're the Westbro baptist church, those F&$kers. But still it doesn't mean what I'm saying is wrong. Which is that this way you want get so frustrated with the game. There is a reason some people ragequit and some don't.

    And just to be clear everyone

    If two people each wrote pages and pages of hate filed bile against.... lets say snipers. Fair enough let it out bro. But one ends with 'Dev's should nerf snipers', 'Snipers should be removed from the game' or have there own server (to reference a recent thread). That gets you nowhere. That thread would quickly get side tracked into an argument going nowhere.

    If the other person wrote equally hate filled bile against snipers. Fair enough let it out bro. But ended with, how do I deal with snipers? That person in the back of there mind knows they have to try and do something. The constructive question means they'll likely get an answer. Yea people will derail the thread from time to time can't stop that.

    The difference is expecting the devs to come to the rescue for everything, before you even look at yourself.

    Big thanks to everyone who liked the OP so far :)
  9. BlacknBlue

    I am following my advice, I can see why it doesn't look like that.

    Yea there is some rage in the OP, it's a harsh tone to take, but I'm being constructive and I'm not saying stop crying everyone, I'm offering a solution as well. So far nobody has offered anything that's challenged that idea.

    The closest people have come to challenging this idea; is that this is the internet we can be dicks if we want.

    Yes you can and I can't stop you. But that doesn't make this idea wrong.
  10. FateJH

    Isn't it better to express these bitter thoughts than to keep them bottled? this is probably the most harmless avenue for it, at the same time.
  11. zaspacer

    You need to read better books, or at least not put so much faith into any single one. Be more aware and wary of ideas that you embrace simply because they appeal to you. Immerse yourself in varied and fruitful intellectual peer groups. ALWAYS keep your ear open to the contrary view and live with the notion that any one or even all of your premises might be totally incorrect (and doggedly seek out those flaws in your accepted systems).

    Understand that we are born in life without the wealth of direct experiences that can lead to progressively more developed understanding. And these experiences (outside a narrow spectrum) can't be force fed in a short span (not supplied like that, nor do we have the aptitude to pick it up quick without that progressive wealth of context from the journey and redundancy that comes with living). So lacking experience, we start by substituting knowledge supplied by others. This is why you see clever teens who think they know it all: they've acquired a rich horde of knowledge supplied by others. But a lot of that knowledge is faulty or even deceitful in cases where people are pushing agendas in the knowledge they distribute, and it rests as brainwash "poison" of bad information in our heads. So you have later in life learn to vet that knowledge supplied by others better and to identify and remove the poisons you can. Knowledge supplied by others can often end up planted very deep in our core processes, it can lead us into terrible problems down the road, and can be very hard to ferret out and hard to remove.

    Sorry for the wall of text and preachiness. But I feel that your conclusions are incorrect, and I am trying to give feedback I think might speak to the root of where I think you are running astray.

    So many things can sound sound or convince as a sound bite. But you must harden yourself to be wary and not overwhelmed by such simple compulsions.
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  12. Dgross

    That's pretty much your whole post dude.

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  13. BlacknBlue

    If you boil it down to that one sentence, yes, if you look at the whole post as you say, no. And I've gave the reasons why in other replies.
  14. BlacknBlue

    The main para above the one quoted looks like a copy n' paste job it's so well written, well done :). ctrl C or not you've said a lot about how people come to hold the views the have and the dangers of holding onto a single view.

    You've said nothing in form of why my conclusions are incorrect.
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  15. Ballto21

    im like human DNA. Itll copy itself, but never perfectly with over like 100,000 mistakes creating cancer. TI imagine he will become 20% more cancer than i already am, but close enough to me