[Suggestion] Add AV Grenades to the Explosives directive tier

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ceiu, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Ceiu

    Title says it all. They're explosive and they go hand-in-hand with the vehicle destruction (much like C4 does). Seems like an oversight that they weren't included to begin with.
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  2. Utrooperx

    Ha...all the AV grenades I've seen bounce off enemy MAX's...or stick and fail to explode/do no damage...yet if you get a revive from a friendly Medic...your grenade is G-O-N-E...

    Stick with C-4...at least it works more often then not...
  3. Ceiu

    I've already auraxium'd AV grenades and am fairly close to completing the explosives line. I just realized looking at it today that AV grenades aren't part of it, and I couldn't think of a logical reason why.
  4. BrbImAFK

    AV 'nades are part of the Heavy directive iirc, just like sticky's are part of engy. Since stuff isn't meant to fall into two categories, I'd guess that's why they aren't in 'sposives.
  5. Ceiu

    Right, first thing I thought of as to "why not." Yet, vehicle destruction is in both LA and explosive (which I would argue belongs under HA, not LA; but... C4), and -- I'm working at the moment so I can't check, but -- I'm pretty sure there's a fair bit of overlap elsewhere as well.
  6. FieldMarshall

    I wish they would also add Concussion Assists to the HA directive and Flash Assists to the LA directive.

    They added assist XP to those after Directives were already released, so its understandable that its not part of HA/LA directives,
    I dont see any downsides to adding them to HA/LA directives.

    Also, please give Medic another directive not related to farming kills. Please.
    The Heal/Revive/Shield directives are really easy, and it leaves you stuck forever on saviour kills (aka. killsteals) and enemy medic kills.
    Its frustrating for both medics and teammates.
    Maybe add heals made with the heal grenade or the AOE heal ability.

    And while we are at it. I feel like i have to mention partial kills counting towards directives, even though its been discussed a million times.
    If you do 98% damage to someone, it should count as 0.98 points towards directives,.23% damage 0.23 points, 100% damage 1 point etc.
    Get rid of killstealing and make rage-inducing directives like "AMS kills" "AV Grenades" and "Annihilator kills" doable.
    Making the game overall less frustrating and enjoyable.

    I also wouldnt be opposed to adding directive benefits to subscribers. Im pretty much done with XP, having unlocked everything i want.
    So i get zero benefits from subscribing, which is the main reason i cancelled.
    Im pretty sure im not the only BR100 who doesent get any benefits from subbing.
    I wouldnt mind re-subbing if subscribers got awarded double directive points, as thats all i really do nowdays ingame.
    (Or as a booster instead of XP boosters)
