To all Miller Prowler drivers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Ianneman

    If you've got 5 Prowlers and 2 Sunderers, and 2 Magriders are further up the road taking shots at you, you DO NOT BACK DOWN. You CHARGE THEM, you CLOSE THE SPACE.

    I am so, so, so, so goddamn tired of seeing a bunch of TR tanks getting obliterated because all of them are too afraid to push up. The less space between you and the Magrider, the harder it is for them to hit you, and the less their manoeuvrability counts. This is tanking 101 and 99% of the drivers on Miller seem to have no clue about it.

    Magriders are piss weak and all you need to do is close them down. Please make it one of those hints you see on the loading screens DBG, because holy **** this **** is annoying.
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  2. LodeTria

    Eh? It's get's easier the closer you get and the saron becomes even more lethal.
  3. Ianneman

    Nah, Magriders need to steer their entire tank to turn their cannon, the closer you are, the more difficult it is for Magriders to accurately hit you, and the easier they are to hit (because their speed counts for less). You can also wedge yourself under them, and AP+Vulcan easily beats FPC+Saron with 50%+ health to spare.
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  4. FBVanu

    The closer you get to my Magrider.. the better I can shoot you ... the closer you are , the larger you are , the easier it is to hit you
    The closer you get to my Magrider, the easier you make it for my gunner to hit you with our Saron..
    With mouse acceleration I can turn my Magrider pretty fast.. (never mind, that in the scenario you describe, your Prowler is already being shot at by the Magrider.. so there is no need to turn, when you come straight at me.. )

    I do not understand your point of view here.
  5. Taemien

    You must be new to playing TR. They are spooked by Magriders.

    I was playing an alt and in a platoon on the TR on Connery. Full platoon wasting a base. Two magriders show up (eerily like your story). We're winning the base. But the Platoon Lead says redeploy. I ask why and am told its because of the Magriders.

    ...what? I told them there was only two of them. I was met with the response that... "yeah there's two of them, we don't like dealing with Magriders."

    To this day, I have no idea why 48 people would cede a base they are winning, just to avoid -two- Magriders. I'm dead serious, I am baffled about this phenomenon.
  6. Ianneman

    My point of view is having shagged lots of Magriders in my time.
  7. oberchingus

    This happens on all factions, all servers, worldwide.

    So is Miller to Cobalt like Connery is to Emerald?

    Easy answer: It's Connery!!!

    When I first made my alt on Connery NC, I drove my stock HEAT vanguard around a base being contested. NC was doing their zerg wall thing. TR was doing their zerg wall thing. I drove around it, and took all the armor and buses from behind their flank. It wasn't much cause stock vanny ammo is like 25 shells or something. I just picked off the smokers, and then popped the rest, in the rear. When I was done, I drove my tank back through what was the TR zerg wall, and back to the warpgate for ammo. It was one of those first bases by the wg.

    That would NEVER HAPPEN on Emerald. It'd be impossible.

    And this makes me love Connery - cause I can retire from Emerald, on extreme easymode. It's kinda zen actually.
  8. Drag0

    Don't tailgate like in real life *******
  9. MasterOhh

    The last thing you wanna do as a magrider pilot is fighting another mbt in close range, unless you can ambush them from behind (although you might sill loose against a VG). The mag is mobile, but not that mobile to make a prowler dirver miss a criticial number of shots in close range. Plus the mag is the widest of all the mbts, so its even harder to miss it. And if the prower has the vulcan equipped, the secondary gunner alone can spew out enough dps to nuke a mag.
  10. GhostAvatar

    And so does the Vulcan ;)
  11. Villanuk

    Personally i would lockdown and send them packing. As Elvis said, only fools rush in ;)
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  12. The Rogue Wolf

    It's my experience that many Magrider drivers depend on their gunners to watch their flanks. If the gunner's not paying attention, then the tank is extremely vulnerable to flanking and a strong alpha strike.

    Substandard TR players. Two or three decent HAs with Strikers can chase off a pair of Magriders easily enough; a whole squad repurposed to anti-tank duty would obliterate them.
  13. Scorpion97

    What you said means the magrider is weak and needs tweaks :p
  14. BrbImAFK

    No, no... magrider is OP, VS is OP, nerf all VS and stuff! Or something!

    You must be new at this forumside stuff to not know that much!

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  15. placeholder22

    As an aside: Dear Magrider pilots. When you're next to a deployed Sunderer, and something shoots at you from somewhere, I'd prefer you'd not immediately magburn over the nearest ridge into the next hex over. And instead protect said Sunderer. Especially if it is a repair Sunderer.
  16. Deadreach

    Or, And here is a novel idea. Form a line, DEPLOY your tank, Take it from Double Barreled Vulcan mover, to DOUBLE BARRELS OF HOLY CRAP HOW DOES HE RELOAD SO FAST OMFGWTFBBQRUN!!11!!!!!1

    <---- Max Reload/Max Deploy Prowler Driver.
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  17. Scorpion97

    No contribution to what you said but I was just wandering why you changed your name,did they ban you becouse the word "a*s" was included in your old name?
  18. Scorpion97

    No,I just like the people who claims that mags are fine when it comes to balance threads and then say the opposite when they want to give tips
  19. KirthGersen

    OP please just... get yoursef a VS char and a Maggie.
    You will suddently find that you love these Prowlers:p especially when they anchor down in medium range duel.
  20. KirthGersen

    But it is fine. Really. Mag can be aesily defeated if you know how to do it right.

    Only one MBT ES ability gives a direct advantage with no downsides, you know what it is, right?