#VSBias and you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wisdomcube2, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Wisdomcube2

    Listen, we're all tired of the Orion/Betelgeuse spam! We had to deal with 7 months of ZOE & PPA getting 12x the daily kills of the other AI (it could prob use a slight buff right now, BUT NOT UNTIL TO ORION IS NERFED!) I'm tired of fighting BR 40's with Betelgeuses, it's like "Oh gees, I wonder why that person made a VS character, herp derp.". We aren't going to stand for them sidelining the changes! Nerf it's RPM or make it more accurate and drop the .75ads! NO MORE NO MORE! EQUAL MOVEMENT SPEED, EQUAL RIGHTS!

    "But Wisdomcube, what can I do to help the cause?". Well Jimmy, here's what you can do. Send a tweet to https://twitter.com/RadarX while using the hashtag #VSBias, and let him know that we aren't going to give up without a fight!

    PS: DID I EVEN MENTION THE CAMOS?! YOU CANT EVEN SEE THEM! And a gold SVA-88?!?! WHERE'S MY GOLD ANCHOR?! Did I even mention LPPA?! 70 in the magazine size!
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  2. BlueSkies

    I love how all the bias threads used to be about NC being OP because Higby... and without anything actually on NC being nerfed or VS buffed it became VS is OP.

    Incidentally, I'm also assuming this is a joke post.
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  3. Liewec123

    i remember the bias being heavily about TR, TR even pretty much beat the scores of both NC and VS combined in the trainwreck that was World Domination Series, it was so bad that SoE had to change the rules to give NC and VS a handicap.
    not much has changed since that either.

    i don't see VS as being OP, on my server they just seem to have the most zerg outfits and just faceroll over everything during alerts.

    i think faction balance is fairly good at the moment.
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  4. Ballto21

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  5. PrimedReborn

    I hope this is a sick joke..
  6. Scorpion97

    You know what you should do radar
  7. stalkish

    Im confused....
    Is the VS LMG directive simply - 'get aurax with the Orion' because if not i fail to see how its the orions fault that there is a lot of gooses around.

    I realise this is probably satire but i hear this complaint a lot and it always confuses me.
    If some1 has the goose they hav done a lot more than just aurax the orion.
  8. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Pretty much this, everytime when I run TR or NC, I face those every, hell of each time.
    OP is from Anchor main(55,370 kills)
    I understand your feelings.
  9. Mythologicus

    I prefer the War Duck myself.
  10. Arche0s

    Anchor has a stand moving ADS cone of fire of .35, the Battlegoose and the Orion both have a moving ads cof of .4. With Soft Point Ammo, the Anchor can 3 headshot kill out to 15 meters. Even if you nerf the orion/battlegoose, the same players who wrecked you before the nerf, will continue to do so after the nerf. I have over 10k kills each with the Orion and Betelgeuse, and personally I prefer the Anchor. Recently the Godsaw had its stand moving ADS COF changed from .5 down to .4. Its not an Anchor, but scoring consistent headshots with it is absolutely devastating. Stop being bad and looking for a way to excuse your lack of skill.
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  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    oh look it's Wisdomcubie! :3 ...Emerald NC's self-proclaimed stuck-up leader who likes to flame his own faction to bits once he feels they start losing

    cant wait to see your face once Orion/Betelgeuse are nerfed and VS Heavies still give you a hell of a beating...
  12. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Groundfloor on a Wisdomcube thread.

    #Wisdomcube was right
    #Wisdomcube did nothing wrong
    #Wisdomcube keeps the gals on time
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  13. FateJH

    Why is he Wisdomcube2? What happened to the first one?
  14. Wisdomcube2

    Ya I was on the Anchor badwagon way before it was cool. I only strafe left when I shoot so I like the recoil pattern because I don't burst. The bull is my favorite on TR because you don't need to burst with it either.
  15. Villanuk

    Of course its biased, towards the VS, just look at the NC ravens they are so bad arnt they? The NC have a really bad phoenix, its shocking, the scatermax well you can take that down with a bag of popcorn and then you have the TR striker, its well, erm.. OK its comical.
  16. AlterEgo


    Meanwhile, in the NC...
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  17. Wisdomcube2

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  18. AlterEgo

    God in Heaven...
    You're right. That explains TOO much, now...

    But that means only one thing, one thing only...
    Nerfing spandex.
  19. Pixues

    The VS is there so that people who normally don't play shooters and can't play shooters still have a place in Planetside2. Its all from a business standpoint.
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