Question about Graphic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HunterXCooL, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. HunterXCooL

    I usually play in a low graphic setting
    And now after changing VGA card i can play it in high setting
    But one thing different is when I shoot at the enemy and hit them... They turn WHITE and make my aim off
    My question what option in setting disable that turning into white thing, or at least make it less glowing??
  2. customer548

    Did you update your card with lastest offical graphic drivers ?
  3. Beerbeerbeer

    I recently upgraded to a 970 to play in high/ultra @ 1080p (which is awesome btw), but I would get weird artifacts like that as well, especially in an ESF.

    I have the latest drivers, but what helped me was that I had to turn down the particle effects and the other similar setting (forgot the name, but it was similar to particle effects) to low and it went away.

    Sucks, but oh well, 1080p is nice on a 27 in monitor. Coming from my tiny monitor, with low resolution and settings to 27 in 1080p was like stepping out of the Stone Age. Really makes the game fun again.

    Good luck.
    • Up x 1
  4. HunterXCooL

    Ty for the reply but can u get specific??
    The particles low now but still sucks and playing like this makes me can't see the enemy properly lol