Considering going VS as my primary character.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Okjoek

    I have 3 characters all on the US East server (emerald)
    So far in the game I've played almost exclusively TR and have got BR 54 which I am proud of, I have a NC which is only BR 2 so I could go to VR and see what their weapons feel like. I recently tried VS and got it to BR 9 and I'm astonished at how much fun the heavy assault was. The default gun feels a bit like my MSW-R in TR, but it doesn't get soft point ammo sadly.

    The biggest thing I noticed is that we were nearly invincible because we always had the numbers on our side and we held the initiative on almost all situations. Am I simply getting a lucky break or is the VS just more powerful in general?

    I joined the TR originally because I liked their ideals and slogans. As for the VS the idea of a society based on intelligence and technology sounds cool, but having a religious cult just isn't cool in my opinion.

    So do I become part of a growing problem for a possible advantage or stick with my heart and pride and remain loyal until death?
  2. Commando235

    The VS aren't entirely religion based or a cult, they're like the Covenant from Halo, they cover up most of their true goals with the idea of enlightenment. Mostly based on technology, sabotage and intelligence. Their weapons are a big change from TR but I love the feel of them. No I wouldn't say they are more powerful in general but on Emerald the VS is so over populated I got board of it so I'm trying to main NC. Go for it if you want to play VS.
  3. CorporationUSA

    Lore is possibly the worst reason for picking a side. If anything, go VS for the sweet spandex.
  4. Commando235

    Well there's that too. I like the backgrounds of the factions though. Daybreak you guys need to expand on the lore!
  5. Iridar51

    Anything below BR40 is a lucky break. But to go VS just to play Orion HA... Ugh.

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  6. pnkdth

    The Orion will be nerfed. We do not yet another bloody thread with people whining about it(not directing this to you, OP). Soon it will be a MSW-R without ALS and SPA...
  7. Okjoek

    Actually I think the VS uniforms and weapons are very stupid looking.

    As far as the NC goes I don't like their colors, their ideals are too short term and I don't think railgun technology will ever become small enough to be used in small arms. Artillery and naval guns and possibly tank weapons is as small as I can ever see it getting. Play style wise they seem kind of slow and clumsy trading their speed for other aspects.

    I did choose TR originally because of the lore, but I found later that the fast moving fast firing play style was also very compatible with my preferences. The idea of the people of earth no longer bickering and fighting about petty things is very appealing to me and duty to all the other people of earth is more important than the NC's desire to trade tyranny from the state for tyranny of corporate bosses.

    I honestly would like to see a bit more lore built into this game. Even to the point of there being a campaign
  8. MarkAntony

    well you can't go VS and not try it...
    did the pulsar VS 1 first though ;)
  9. dngray

    As a VS Emerald player, we don't need any new players but of course you can do what you want.
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  10. ATRA_Wampa-One

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  11. Iridar51

    Try it - one thing, faction switch - another.
  12. MarkAntony

    just switching for orion is a bit much, true. I am just visiting VS to go BR 100. Will do TR after that and then I'll go back to being free in the NC.
  13. obamacares

    The feel of vanu is nice
    I only chose them because I like being surrounded by them and I only use nanite systems weapons anyway, so what faction I choose when it comes to weapons is beyond me
  14. IamDH

    I suggest you switch between all three factions once in a while. It keeps the game fresh and the new guns feel much better
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  15. CorporationUSA

    o_O as if everything else in the game is plausible.
    I'm not sure what you're referring to, but the movement speeds are all the same. Their rate of fire is usually slower, but their damage is higher to make up for it. But that is irrelevant when you look at DPS alone.
  16. FBVanu

    the best way to learn the game is to play all three factions.
    Also, gives you the advantage of choosing your best battles.. i.e.: one faction is warpgated.. JOIN them.
    the most fun with the most targets... :)
  17. FieldMarshall

    They shouldnt have changed the PS1 lore.
    VS were renegade scientists instead of the religious crap.

    Also, if you like LMGs you may want to consider NC.
  18. AlterEgo

    VS: Spandex, plasma, and... spandex, yeah.

    TR: Epic music and Commissar hats.

    NC: Bonus paychecks that are never there for you.
  19. Hiperion

    If you arent a lactose intolerance then prepare for alot of
  20. Mythologicus

    Don't join VS because they're overpop. Please. Don't do it.

    I was skeptical about the VS philosophy originally, but you know what? I like it. Moreso than NC "FREEDOM!!1!ONE!" and TR "OPPRESSION!!1!ONE!".