So I Used the Striker...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. AlterEgo

    And like I said, it could still use a bit of a buff. But I actually didn't expect the use to go as well as it did. Still, allowing it to have a limited Coyote-style lock-on with all vehicles would be nice. Increase it slightly with aircraft, and make it appropriate for ground vehicles. Otherwise, the update as a whole is quite wonderful:D
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  2. SwornJupiter

    Tighten up that COF and it'll be pretty perfect in my picture. With some of the COF problems alleviated, we'll be able to hit targets that are more than 50m out.
    I can predict too many tears if a coyote mechanic was implemented for all vehicle targets...
  3. AlterEgo

    It wouldn't be bad. I mean, if the missile misses a Magrider by five or something meters, the missile just goes back to the Magrider. No problem, especially since each missile doesn't deal too much damage.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    The COF is a problem, it needs to be smaller
  5. Hatesphere

    I don't want to be that guy, since striker definaltly still needs some love. But 50m really? I was hitting out to 150 today, just don't lean on the trigger. Auto is for touching tanks in the but from closer range.
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  6. The Rogue Wolf

    It's not terrible anymore. I wouldn't give it a gold star on my most generous day, but now it's something I might actually carry around in certain conditions.
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  7. Jolanar

    Honestly, the Striker should not have a COF increase with successive shots. It should be just like every other rocket launcher out there. Modifiers based on ADS and whether or not you are running, jumping, etc. The fact that you are punished for having a very low damage model on top of multiple shots per clip is straight up ridiculous.
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  8. FieldMarshall

    -Make it load rockets one by one, like a Baron.
    -Secondary mode is laser guided up to ~120m
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  9. y3ivan

    1. reduce hipfire COF bloom ~20%
    2. remove ADS COF bloom
    3. increase ROF to 400 RPM (similar to coyote)

    before some TR idiot suggest it to be long range, when TR already have long range lockon
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  10. GhostAvatar

    I doubt they are ever going to remove the bloom. Since it has been said so many times before, for so long, and been ignored every single time by the devs. The best alternative option I can think of is a MCG style update, just fix the CoF for the intended range and have no bloom.
  11. lothbrook

    The problem is that it will completely negate cover, just shoot over the rock the tank is hiding behind and bam, it would be more game breaking than the lancer with its range. Striker users should just accept that they have the best ES launcher against air by a LARGE margin.
  12. AlterEgo

    It doesn't have to be, really. If a rocket is a meter or something away from missing, it hits the vehicle. Thing is, individual rockets don't deal too much damage, and rocks in Planetside are considerably larger than tanks. They should be able to be large enough to throw a Striker user's calculated shots off-track. Then again, a lot of people seem to just want a CoF reduction, which isn't as interesting, but hey... majority wins, man.
  13. Liewec123

    the CoF absolutely needs to go, there is no reason for it.
    its the same thing thats stopping fractures from being a viable ranged option.
    both should shoot towards the crosshair without COF or wobble just like every other AV weapon.
  14. AlterEgo

    In my opinion, I think that could go well for ALL TR weapons. It would add to the spray 'n' pray factor of their fast-firing weapons.
  15. axiom537

    Maybe remove the COF for the first shot, then have it bloom from there, but if the user pulsed the shots every 1/4 sec and let it reset, that would be too bad.

    Giving it proximity lock-ons first ground would be a HORRIBLE mistake, especially since those rockets can do a 120 degree turn on a dime when with in 15m of a target. Which would allow them to make sharp turns around corners of structures. Also unlike AIR ground units travel marginally slower, which would make a rocket like that virtually 100% accurate, with little player skill needed.

    Infantry held RL are not the proper platform for long range AV, they do not render and they are too small a target for vehicles to counter. It is the Fracture which needs its COF removed as well as a slight velocity buff, then all three factions will have a long range AV MAX's which are much larger targets and have a cost associated with them.