Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paragade7, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Paragade7

    Which one is better now after the update?
  2. bubbacon

    SABR and its not even close. SABR is a 167 dmg tier. TIB is 143 with great ADS movement at 0.15, but why even go there when you can get the T1S with a foregrip and rock on auto or feather burst it with prolly better results and range.
    • Up x 1
  3. UberNoob1337101

    TORQ-9 or Cycler TRV or TAR. But if you're really interested into those two, SABR-13 feels and is overall better than T1B. It's just a better mid-long range gun with some ADS CQC capabilities.
  4. Dudeman325420

    These opinions sound like they've been formed before the latest patch. I'd try the burst variants again, you may be pleasantly surprised...
  5. Paragade7

    Yeah I've been watching a live stream where the person is using bursts and they look like laser beams of death.
  6. FieldMarshall

    You have to pull down really hard for the 3rd shot to land, and even then the random recoil usually kicks the 3rd and sometimes even the second bulled off target.
    The SABR has more damage per bullet. An AdvGrip and Compensator, better hipfire, better velocity, better reload speed. better dropoff.
    The B Cycler has a larger mag, but its negated by the low damage per bullet and 3round bursts. It can fire less bursts per mag than the SABR.

    At the ranges the B variant becomes accurate you may aswell just be using a normal auto weapon.
    Just use the SABR. Its better than the B Cycler in every possible way.
  7. Dudeman325420

    Have you tried it since the latest patch? I only had time for a quick VR so far, but with the changes to first shot recoil that doesn't seem to be true anymore up to about 75m while ADS, even when spam-firing to a dry mag. It really is pretty darn accurate now.