[Suggestion] Allow the mechanics of "holding" or "cooking" a grenade

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Korban, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Korban

    If (T) is "quick knife" and (8) is to "hold the knife", then why is it that only (G) is to "quick throw" the grenade and not a single keybind or mechanics to "cook" or "hold" onto the grenade whilst in-game?
  2. Pikachu

    Has been suggested a lot already. Probably too difficult to code, like doors and water.
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  3. Rockit

    Sad but true statement :(
  4. Taemien

    Used to love doing this in Goldeneye back in 1997.

    Its also part of the reason no one would play me in that game.. to this day. :rolleyes:
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  5. Whatupwidat

    Don't give NC any more ways to TK

    "Ok, so I've pulled the pin out, what do now?"
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  6. HadesR

    Give them chance to fix the indicator first ..
  7. Korban

    Pins? what pins? Aren't all grenades biometrically triggered aka fingerprints.
  8. BlueSkies

    "Pull the pin, throw the grenade" - instructor

    "Pull the pin, throw the grenade" - NC Trainee

    Trainee pulls the pin, throws the pin
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  9. ChUnKiFieR

    LOL, NC can barely work the C-4 controls.
  10. Ballto21

    im against them adding needing to arm C4 because the NC will probably forget to drop it after arming it

    and then say VS and TR C4 is OP because it has a higher KPH
  11. MouthFulofCrabs

    man i own that game... my console for it broke. =/
  12. Taemien

    I don't see anything wrong with this.... suicide bombing suddenly takes one less person. If it still sticks to other players. Regrettably its not something I've tried in a while.
  13. CorporationUSA

    Doors are difficult to code?
  14. Ballto21

  15. Korban

    That explains all those NC TKs by NC grenades in big indoor battles!
  16. Iridar51

    Cooking grenades should not be allowed. The whole point of cooking a grenade is to time the explosion so the enemy has less time to react. The game has enough OHK explosive ******** out of nowhere already. Don't need to add to it just because that would make sense or that's how it is in other games.

    Also every army instructor will tell you cooking grenades is extremely dangerous and should never be performed, so it's not even done IRL.

    IRL soldiers use grenades that explode on contact with a surface, but they are rare.
  17. Korban

    I respect your opinion on "Cooking" the grenade, then what about your opinion of "Holding" the grenade, similar to how you "hold" your knife when (8) is pressed?
  18. Iridar51

    I guess - why not? The upside could be a slightly faster throw animation. So you sort of "prime" the grenade when equipping it, and on left click you can throw it almost instantly.

    I'm worried it could needlessly increase complexity, but allow for greater immersion and sense, so probably should be done eventually.
  19. BlueSkies

    To code the door itself? No. To keep the door state (open or closed) sync'd across all players in the area... not fun.

    This was a constant problem in PS1... which is probably why we don't have doors in PS2
  20. ColonelChingles

    Put the pin back in?

    Or just stand there and smile... the grenade probably won't blow up even if you pull the pin.

    The pin is only there to keep the safety lever or "spoon" in. When the spoon flies off... that's when you need to start worrying about getting rid of the thing. But just pull the pin? Nothing is going to happen so long as the spoon is in place.


    That blue thing on the left is the spoon. The middle part is the fuse. And the pin is on the right.

    Though PS2 frag grenades have neither pins nor spoons. *shrugs*

    Yeah I'm wonderful at parties.
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