[Suggestion] Nerf Fracture and Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Help2014, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Help2014

    These weapons are very op, it is impossible to face a Max Tr using two fractures, Heavy with stiker has the power to destroy everything in a very easy way.

    Just look at the statistics Tr dominates alerts the population is the largest. Everyone wants to play with incredible weapons Tr.
    If you see a max anchored with two fractures you're dead.
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  2. asdfPanda

    0/10, try harder.
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  3. FieldMarshall

    11/10 "It was meh"
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  4. AlterEgo

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  5. TheChris

    Did u ever fight with a Lighting against a a skilled Raven MAX ?
    Vanu Maxes also can piss you off like hell if they know how to play.
    Same with TR Maxes.

    If ur tank gets killed by a MAX then u do something wrong.

    Striker 200 DMG per shot wich means if he hit with all Rocket then its same like a Single Lightning AP shot.
    Standard rocketlaunchers has around 1000 dmg per shot. shall they nerfed too ?
    On Cobalt are Vanus at moment Overpopped but is this really a reason to Nerf their Weapons ?

    I cant hear this anymore . Nerf Nerf Nerf
    Go and play Call of duty if u want go on killingspree without skill kiddo.

    Trust me i know what i am saying bcoz i play all 3 Factions so i know all their advantages.
  6. Snapshots

    TheChris is right... i am Playing on Cobald as TR and get very often down by them...BUT thats not the Reason. The Striker is to OP??? At the moment the Striker is the Weakest Fraction specific Laucher... He is only good at close Range an Aircraft...so if you alway get killed by the Striker. You do something wrong...go an range against it and you will always win... nearly Same on Fracture...if you play NC then hinde behind Cover get the Pheonix and guide your missle on the the TR-MAX. Here the TR-MAX will loose every time. If you play the VANU. Than take the Lancer and you can Kill the MAX by Far distance....all that are not Working with the Fracture...so dont wine...understand your advantages of you Weapons and Fight...
  7. y3ivan

    not its not, striker has a damage multiplier vs tanks. all 6 rounds of striker is equal to roughly 1 decimator shot.

    for some bizarre reason, striker deals slightly more damage vs vanguards. as so as lancers
  8. Eternaloptimist

    It just gets funnier every time I read it
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  9. UberNoob1337101

    0/10 Too much tears TRy harder next time -IGNorant Gluttonous Nubz

    I fully support this idea, Striker/Fractures are almost useless, almost is too much! They have to be complete jumk amirite?
  10. Stormsinger

    In Everquest, there was once a faction gain / loss bug that made it so if you gained or lost enough reputation with factions, you would roll over to the completely opposite value. Destroying an entire civilization would you make you reviled... up to the point where performing one more evil act would make the remaining populace adore you unconditionally.

    Be careful how many nerfs you request, this is after all, the same development company. One more nerf could be all it takes - The next fracture round fired would destroy all of Auraxis atom by atom.

    In case you think i'm joking, just remember that this went live. :p

  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    i pity the fool who doesnt get the sarcasm in the OP

    because ANYTHING, really ANYTHING the OP said is wrong. that makes the post so worthwhile to read.
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  12. Pelojian

    give TR that with 800rpm and bigger explosion radius, give NC one with the largest blast radius, but long reload time, give VS one with a terrible CoF and low RPM but no drop.

    totally not biased suggestions :D
  13. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I would actually have liked it better if the OP added ZOE and the PPA to his list of OP weapons that need to be nerfed tbh.
  14. MetalCotton

    I'm still pretty annoyed that Strikers and Fractures chip away at my health 1% at a time if they hit me. I agree, we need to nerf them both a bit more.
  15. Hammerlock

    you want to nerf useless stuff into oblivion ?
  16. Hammerlock

    i have the feel you had never used striker and fractures ... and that TR is dominating on your server is not our fault
  17. OldMaster80

    Facts seem to prove a huge percentage of players do not recognize sarcasm.

    Sarcasm. Come on guys... really?