Now that VS no longer has a tank

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by placeholder22, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Ryo313

    actually he is right.
    the Magrider is a powerfull if not the most powerfull tank we have in this game. there is no need to buff something like the magrider.

    you can play peek a poo with it and kill a vanguard or prawler with it ( if there is cover otherwhise you can simply circle around and kill it ) you can climb and reach places no other tank can ( very powerfull on esamir for example due to poor base design) and on top of that you have a booster on it to get away/behind cover faster.

    vs crying about their toys is just nonsense ... you have the best toys in the game
  2. Scorpion97

    as if TR and NC aren't the ones who started it.sorry, you are overestimating the VS arsenal
  3. Scorpion97

    Damm,I mistakenly replied in the quotes,just read them
  4. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    The tank isnt bad you are
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  5. KirthGersen

    Lold :D
    I'm playing VS now only because of mag.
    Absolutely awesome thing if being used right.
  6. WTSherman

    It's 6 seconds, and it's not "all damage", it's 2000 damage. Dropping a Vanguard's shield is not hard if you have an AV loadout. In fact, a certed up AP tank can reasonably expect to drop it in about 3 seconds depending on what facing it's on.

    For example, let's try a 2/2 AP Magrider with certed reload speeds, against front armor.

    The FPC shell will do 1865*1.13*0.32=674 damage. Shield's a little over a quarter gone there. With the reload speed cert, it'll take 3.25 seconds to reload.
    The Saron will do 284*6*1.5*0.32=818 damage over about 1 second. With its reload speed cert, it will take about 2.5 seconds to reload.

    1 second in, the shield has taken 1492 damage. It has 508 HP left.

    2.25 seconds later (at the 3.25 second mark), the FPC finishes reloading and does 674 damage again. From C4 hits, we know that any damage the shield fails to absorb is transferred to the hull. The shield absorbs 508 damage, and the Vanguard takes 166 HP damage. 0.25 seconds after that, the Saron is able to fire on the Vanguard's unprotected hull.

    The shield bought him all of 3.25 seconds, exactly one FPC reload.

    Against an AP Prowler it drops slightly faster:

    AP volley does 2500*1.13*0.32=904 damage over 0.5 seconds. Blam, almost half the shield gone already. With reload speed certs, the Prowler will need 2 seconds to reload.

    During those 2.5 seconds of firing+reloading, a Vulcan would fire about 32 bullets that do (using min damage, though realistically it's probably closer than 200m if it's using a Vulcan) 125*32*0.57*0.32=730 damage. It's not out of bullets yet, so it doesn't need to reload.

    Alternatively a Halberd would deal 1000*1.5*.32=480 damage, and need 2.75 seconds to reload (so the AP cannon will be ready 0.25 seconds before it).

    At this point the shield has taken 1384 damage if it has a Halberd, 1634 if it has a Vulcan.

    At the 2.5 second mark the Prowler does 452 damage with one AP shell, which drops the shield if it's using a Vulcan, or at the 3 second mark the second brings it up to 904 damage, which drops the shield if it's using a Halberd.

    If it's anchored those times both become 2 seconds (because the second shell getting there faster doesn't give the Vulcan as much time to do damage).

    So as you can see from the math, against a determined AP tank the shield can really only hold up for 3 seconds. Any kind of concentrated fire at all (a second AP tank, a friendly rocket launcher, a Sundy with a Basilisk, a Lancer) will cause it to drop sooner, perhaps even instantly from the perspective of the enemy tank.

    The shield's greatest strength is that people are dumb and stop firing when they see it.
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  7. axiom537

    The TR have a slight Infantry based long range problem, but it is minor and with a slight tweak to the fracture, that should be solved. However, when it comes to vehicle based AV, nothing in this game comes close to a lock-down Prowler. So while the TR have a slight deficiency in Infantry based long range AV, they EASILY have the best vehicle based long range AV.
  8. Donaldson Jones

    Mag lines do happen but they are different then Prowlers and Vanguards. A VS tank Line gives ground sorta like pass protection in an American Football game the continuous cycle of Do Damage, take Damage, RUN, repair, Do Damage take Damage ensures this. What the VS tank does is envelope, where Vans and Prowlers deny areas, mags sorta fall back and come around from behind. This is a big deal because where Prowlers and Vans need continuous engy repairs or complete infantry control over the ground around an objective the mag sorta just snipes until some poor bastard pulls a vehicle.

    TL;DR Mags DOMINATE the edges of a battle which means they create and control the lane size shape etc, the lane is the only place where Prowlers and Vans perform at their best.
  9. placeholder22

    Holy crap can't you make a point? Like, brief? "Vanguard Shield buys you like 1 volley from a 2/2 MBT, i.e. about 3 seconds"

    Guess what Blockade Armor buys you? Half of that.
  10. WTSherman

    Unlike some people, I post the numbers that my point is based on so that people can see for themselves how it works. My goal is to improve people's understanding of the game, yours seems to be to whine about your feelings while tossing around completely unsupported claims and comparing apples to oranges.

    That paragraph was probably a little long for you though. Here's something more on your level:

    Your username describes you quite accurately.
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  11. Whatupwidat

    So do all PS2 tanks.

    What's your point?
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  12. o0CYV3R0o

    Lol buff Magriders? They seem kinda op to me well atleast on ps4.

    Just a personal opinion.
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  13. Ryo313

    yeah the magrider is fine as it is atm.

    each MBT is unique in their own way and they have their pros and cons.
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  14. current1y

    There are two main issues.

    It has too low HP
    Its forward only facing main turret makes the driver considerably less aware of his surroundings.
  15. Pelojian

    It has the same HP as prowlers (vanguards have higher resists)and the forward facing fixed hull gun is a blessing and a curse.
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  16. asmodraxus

    Mag has the same health pool and resistance figures as the Prowler, true.

    Which has the highest DPS main gun in the game and an ability to increase its DPS more = Prowler
    Which HAS the lowest DPS MBT gun in the game = Magrider

    But the Prowler has no long range gunner weapon other than the Halberd true, but then neither does the Magrider, as the Halberd does more DPS over range then the Saron (cof reset time reduces the Sarons DPS). Prowler does have a better close range weapon then the Saron, but then the Prowlers getting a new long range weapon and the mags getting a new close range weapon so that is moot point.

    Dodging can be discounted as I pointed out earlier that a mag can't dodge shots (depending on its range to the target) it can only throw off the aim of the other tank and go left when the opposition thought it would go right (or vice versa)...

    Prowler DPS vs Vanguards damage soak = fair(ish) fight.
    Prowler DPS v Magrider = dead mag
    Vanguard damage soak vs Mag = dead mag

    The only way for a mag to win is to either out number the opposition, or play as a heavy harasser and flank (using stealth) praying that no airchav spots them and kills them whilst trying to flank and get in from behind.

    People and the stats say that the Magrider is balanced, this is of coarse true, its just that there is only one way to play a Magrider effectively, stealth flanker, and again the stats prove this.

    Prowler can do this effectively (dependent on terrain) but they also get to play long range sniper with the main guns, or close range brawler.
    Vanguard can play close range brawler with the IWIN shield, or at medium range.
  17. placeholder22

    And in the role of the heavy harasser, we already have the Battlebus, with the caveat being that no Sunderer config has any DPS outside of ramming distance, which again is the biggest downside when using a blockade Sundy as a core tank, because line battles typically occur at standoff range. (Halberds for Sunderers, when?!)
  18. WTSherman

    While the Magrider may not have Prowler DPS, a 2/2 Mag actually has higher DPS than the Vanguard, even considering the Vanguard's tiny bit of extra resistance specifically to AP shells.

    Main Gun:
    Magrider: 1865*1.13/3=702
    Vanguard: 2075*1.15/3.5=681

    Secondary (cyclic):
    500*1.5*8/11=545 (maxed reload speed is timed in VR to be ~3 seconds ish, the new reload mechanic just got released so it'll be a bit before we nail down an "official" number)

    Magrider: 1422
    Vanguard: 1226

    That's just about enough of a DPS advantage to cancel out the Vanguard's extra armor. Front vs Front turns into 455 Mag vs 453 Van after armor, effectively even. So in terms of total effective damage, a Magrider vs Vanguard fight depends entirely on who got the first shot, who misses less, who plays the situation better, or who has more backup.

    If both tanks use their most effective reinforced armor slot (front for Mag, side for Van), then it turns into 355 Mag vs 392 Van, but that's still a small enough difference (37 effective DPS) that the fight is still basically decided by first-hit and accuracy. The shield only absorbs enough to cancel the first-hit advantage, meaning even with the shield, accuracy will carry the day unless the Vanguard was already winning (or catching up by being a better shot) to begin with.

    So basically, in a Magrider vs Vanguard fight, the winner is either the better crew, or the side with more friends. Neither has an appreciable inherent TTK advantage over the other.

    So that raises an interesting question, if being dead-even in a DPS race is "not durable or damaging enough" for you VS, just what would you consider good enough?

    Damn, we should turn this into a forum game. "So You Think You Can Balance?"

    The rule would be instead of just posting "X OP Y UP", you have to fill out an entire stat block with what you think the "balanced" statistics would be. :p
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  19. placeholder22

  20. Scorpion97

    Maths doesn't apply in this game,it all depends on the situation,you can kill a full health magrider with a van/prowler but you can't kill a full health MBT with a magrider,the only way to do that to have another one assisting you

    I've been playing this game for a whole year and I NEVER EVER seen a vanguard destroyed while having the shield up which probably means that it absorbs full dmg and btw,I stopped to shooting shielded vans becouse I used to shoot them before with my Supernova FPC and it was like shooting a high dam with an arrow,it was taking **** lots of damage from me,AV turrets ESP rocket pods and not a scratch even

    Meanwhile,I have my C4 auraxed and I use with vehicles mostly,I squeezed my brain to remember when did I destroy a shielded van with it before?
    Edit:none of my 1160 kills was a van with shield