TR full collapse on Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turiel =RL=, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. The2ndBiatch

    I'm a Tr on miller and i noticed that there are much more organised squats on the VS/NC side then on the TR, even tho ELME and GOON and INI and so on are wrecking havoc sometimes... But thats not often the case! VS and NC both have more organized squats and do Ops way more often. Maybe INI and RO are the exception and GOON is also a good outfit but the NC and VS have jsut many more with even more Player in there Outfits . . .
    + I think TR leave their faction because of the better skill ceiling on VS/NC. U can learn to compensate through high Vertical recoil or have non at all with VS but that pesty Horizontal shift on TR weapons is nasty sometimes.

    + I think for a skilled player both NC's and VS's MBT's are far superior to the prowler...
    I tried playing NC and VS on Miller and never got as **** on as with my TR char.
    Also I think Both the VS and NC offer way more versitilaty in both Infantry and Vehicle Gameplay then the TR, so i guess many experienced TR-Player switch Faction, because every TR weapon seems the same with all of the 143 models...
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  2. GaussOP


    TR has been ****** for a looooong time too. The lack of attention to our inferiority (such as the complete lack of long distance AV) makes people quit. If the game doesn't give a **** about the faction, the faction doesn't give a **** about the game.
  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Because everyone likes to fight TR


    Because we go hard but shoot bb's.
  4. Surt

    I also think its because Robin left. He was the only respectable TR.
  5. Turiel =RL=

    Ok, here is the answer to that "grass is always greener"-myth about organized events:

    NC has two outfits that run big events and that's ORBS and WASP and they do maybe twice a week. Other than that, it's just random stuff done by random platoons run by random guys who basically want to complete the directives to get the helmet.
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  6. The2ndBiatch

    And what about DIG? Mercenery? KOTV ? Even NCIv gets more accomplished then most TR platoons!
    And INI and RO had the best days past i think, only who's really making an impact is GOON but thats a drop on the hot stone . . .
    I dont say that the grass is greener on the other side But u gotta admit that TR outfit's really got thin. jsut think about last Alert on miller today, DIG completly destroyed TR
    Edit: and ELME got 2 platoons out which still didnt get anything done!
  7. Turiel =RL=

    I can't say much about DIG since I don't play VS, but it seems to me that every VS char starts with DIG by default. I assume joining DIG is part of the Koltyr starter directives. In any case, it is very easy to run controlled events if the whole empire is on outfitchat. This shows the shortcomings of /orders, because being allowed to send a message once a month doesn't exactly cut it.
  8. ValorousBob

    That's totally false. Almost all the significant NC outfits moved their ops night to Sunday so they could play together, that's why NC always have a huge pop advantage on Sundays. It's not random at all, they (NCTO) deliberately picked a day they could all dominate. MCY has their ops on Sundays as well but apparently they didn't coordinate that with NCTO.

    Although to be fair ORBS are pretty awful so I don't think it really matters when they run their ops.
  9. Turiel =RL=

    Great observation! You are right, my statement was indeed totally false. Instead of "maybe twice a week", it happens only on Sunday.
  10. Goretzu

    Hmm..... most alerts (and non-alerts for that matter) have 60-70% TR/VS attacking NC and only 30-40% attacking each other.

    Take Esamir last night nearly 100% TR was attacking NC, NC were split 50% 50% againt both VS and TR and VS were ~75% attacking NC.

    That's not a complaint, mind you, as it results in great fights when you play NC, but it is the usual reality of Miller.

    VS Zergfits are a pain, certainly, especially when they drop 75% of their continent population on one base, but to be honest that's just what TR used to do on Miller in the old days.
  11. KirthGersen

    Well as a Miller TR and VS (mostly VS last months) player I see few big problems TR having now:
    - NO COMMAND. Seriously. While VS almost always one of several guys who's reading the map and decide what to do right now focusing on result
    - Big outfits rarely playing and especially teamplaying
    - Reaction on /orders in chat is too slow; also feels like it's mostly ignored by players
    That said, current Miller TR is just a bunch of random players. No ogffecnse, just fact.

    Meanwhile VS have DIG doing their dirty job;) and overall better teamplay.
    Random allies oftenly give you more support than I've seen from TR.

    NC mostly zerg and defend better than TR, sometimes even better than VS.

  12. Dalemir

    Most probably, reasons are:
    1. It's summer
    2. TR have niche/special weapons that doesnt work
    3. TR has 0 unique and fun faction mechanic
  13. KirthGersen

    Lol man please. This is not about weaons at all.
    TR have some organized teamplay on weekens (and NC too) while VS have it almost every day.
    At weelends all 3 factions are winning pretty equal number of alerts.

    Also let me tell you guys what happens for all 3 factions in two situations.
    1. [faction] doesn't have a techplant:
    - VS zerg and take it (mostly), if defenders deploy there zerg is being reinfoced
    - NC zerg evern harder and take it (mostly), their huge zerg doesn't even need a reinforcement
    - TR zerg it with uneven numbers, they few minutes keep the point under control but then defenders deploy there and kill all the TR. No reinforcements are coming

    2. [faction] is defendeing their only thechplant what is being zerged:
    - VS commanf drops a line to /orders, players redeploy there and do their job
    - NC are doing pretty much the same
    - TR oftenly ignore /orders, react too late and lose a techplant
  14. Doogle

    Just recently started playing again after qutting back in 2013, have been wondering what the hell happened. back then TR made other empires have to step up their game after the mass coordination/zerg (depending on how you look at it) of TRAM.

    Doesnt help that I am still using an NS-15 and a grounder on my HA as the other LMGS/Launcher still stuck in comparison and my prowler gets rekt PS1 style by a bunch of penix users sat behind cover.
  15. Goretzu

    There were some bannings that hit Miller TR hard, then after the merge a couple of VS Zergfits moved to Miller and have managed to maintain themselves (more or less). Some players came to Miller TR from the Russian servers a few weeks/months ago and were doing alright, but they seem to have found Miller too tough and left, I guess.
  16. Googly_Laser

    Why are people leaving TR? Because we aren't competitive anywhere except for the Harasser's minigun. Every weapon we have can be easily countered by another. It also doesn't help us that while having the weakest weapons (and MAX's) we are constantly being zerged. You look at the population of the fight you're in "98-12", next you go over to fight between NC and VS over a Tech Plant far into NC and VS territory, far away from your warpgate (Which at this point you've been pushed back to) and it's 1-12 combined enemy forces. VS and NC zergs are deliberately going for TR, there is no doubt about it. Eventually our Leader's have gotten bored too, they've run off to play NC or VS or just given up. I played under RobinHugeBreasts for a while, in fact I was one of the first to join his non-zerg Outfit, and we accomplished great things but only ever at 11PM (GMT) because that's when our small squad could actually achieve anything. Eventually Robin gave up on the whole "small but skilled" outfit and tried to reform a zerg outfit as it was the only way to counter the zergs we faced everyday. Unfortunately there just weren't enough numbers left in TR not in an Outfit to do so. Everyone is split up between different Outfits and there is none to little co-operation between them all. This is why TR is dying.

    P.S. I'm not fangirling Robin, he was a good guy. Just a little spoilt and angry that nothing happened the moment he said it.
  17. Turiel =RL=

    TR is extremely competitive, at least against NC!

    • The Mutilator is an absolute killing machine and it basically doesn't have to reload. Try to do this with the NC MAX. You kill 3 guys and die while reloading takes forever.
    • The Vulcan on the Harasser is the only form of legal cheating in the game at the moment.
    • The CARV totally dominates the Gauss SAW.
    • The Prowler shreds a Vanguard into pieces in roughly 3 seconds.
    • The Mossie takes out the Reaver in no time.
    What else do you want?

    Let me guess, you want the certs to use all of these weapon systems.

    From my personal experience TR is less competitive against VS, so that's the only excuse that you have.
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  18. Googly_Laser

    Yes our CARV is good, it's the best LMG we have and the rest aren't worth getting.
    The Mutilator is meh and doesn't kill as quickly as ANY NC MAX weapon which means they usually get away before you can kill them.
    Getting shredded by Prowlers? Learn to drive your Vanguard, their RoF advantage means they can't pursue you so don't drive around on open terrain PLUS you have better velocity than the Prowler when it isn't locked down.
    The Mossie takes the Reaver out in no time? Have you ever used the air to air gun on the Reaver?
  19. Dalemir

    Mutilator - kill 1 guy and die to second, because TR MAXes rarely manage to kill heavy before he launches rocket.
    Vulcan on harrasser for tanks is the same as NC AI MAX for infantry, NC has no right to qq here. Also DBG are going to give vulcan-like weapon to everyone (against TR stationary tanks ... balance).
    CARV is good, G-SAW is good, nothing dominates, it really depends on player skill.
    Prowler - so you're afraid of immobile turret? It's quite easy to deal with if you know how to use cover.
    I dont fly alot anymore, so maybe something has changed, but when i did, reavers easily shredded mossies with either AA or AI noseguns.

    That too, TR keep getting worse and worse, so frustrating to be one of 3 ppl defending the point, to see later 20+ ppl trying to shoot things from spawn.
  20. Googly_Laser

    The thing is Turiel is that you're using the exact same excuses VS and NC have been using from the moment the Vulcan got buffed, the moment it got buffed apparently the whole of TR became OP.

    The actual facts are that the NC and VS are simply blinded by the fact that one of our weapons are "OP" so they start calling everything else OP so that the Devs will nerf it.