Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bekja, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. CorporationUSA

    So if you follow that line of reasoning to it's logical conclusion, all MAXes should be free, like infantry.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    That...... that statement is a painfully bad idea.
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  3. ColonelChingles

    At least looking at Raven MAXes, the playtime has been decreasing.

    However, playtime has been decreasing since the start of May, which predates the Archer by a month and a half. So it's hard to see what amount of the MAX decrease comes from the Archer and what amount comes from following the trend of decreasing players.

    At any rate, there should be fewer MAXes running around now than a month ago.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    i killed four NC Maxes in a row from 60-80 meters away with my Archer. it was inside a Biolab and happened within 30 seconds. i love this rifle so much!

    killing Maxes is no real problem any more in my view. if you want to do it dirty and quick, use C4/Mines/Rocketlaunchers. if you want to do it safe and from a distance, use the Archer.
  5. FateJH

    Why not? if we collectively divide "MAXes" and "all other Infantry classes," the latter category is objectively far scarier than the former. The former only has a low threshold and a low ceiling (the TR rut) to its benefit and is nearly void of any element of surprise. MAX play is virtually formulaic both in life and in death. Vanilla Infantry can be all over the place in terms of expectations and, as thus, are always going to be much more dangerous.

    (Actually, MAXes cost resources at purchase because theat's their drawback by virtue of being a quasi-Vehicle; and, that is fine, in my eyes. So, no, that's not the line of reasoning I follow. The line of reason I follow is that if MAXes are made to cost resources to revive, then so too should vanilla Infantry, for reasons of the latter being far more versatile.)
  6. CorporationUSA

    But I never proposed such a thing. I just said that their high resource cost is fine because they can be revived.
  7. FateJH

    I am not trying to put words in your mouth; that's me speaking my mind.

    Regardless, wouldn't it still follow?
    Your position that they cost nanites to be rez'd does not make sense where there are other things that do cost nanites that can be destroyed and not come back without another payment; and, where there are other things that don't cost nanites can be destroyed/killed and come back without a payment. There's more to the relationship than cost for resurrection.
  8. CorporationUSA

    Well, considering that the max is basically a vehicle that can be rez'd, I don't see any issue with it costing more than other vehicles. You buy an MBT and it dies, you have to buy another MBT. You buy a MAX and die, you can get back up and fight again, depending on the circumstances. And let's not forget that you can pull a max at any spawn.
  9. bekja

    No the MAX as it is now it is not worth the 450 Nanite. You can outlast a max with a tank 10 times 20 times more if you know to play.

    The whole deal with this is simple. They want you to not play with a MAX. They will "FIX" them when their numbers are gone down to obsolete. It's this that I stand against. You can nerf them even more but don't make them unusable. Because let me put it this way:

    Would you upgrade your MAX so you can use it only for a MAX crush as it is now?
  10. Whatupwidat

    Yes, MAXes are finally in their place as "heavy infantry support" rather than "unkillable death machine"
  11. bekja

    Why do I have the feeling people don't read all the topic but still reply.
  12. Anantidaephobia

    They decided to introduce a new weapon instead of nerfing MAXes because it can be sold and gets them money. Nerfs don't.
    Next we might be able to get some new "anti-archer" MAX Equipment for $$$.
    This game will never be balanced because if ever it was, noone would feel frustrated enough to the point of jumping on the "buy with SC" button.
  13. UberNoob1337101

    MAXes are perfectly fine now, well except that Ravens are the most OP weapon in the game (because it is effectively anti-everything)

    Buff Fractures, nerf Ravens and buff Lockdown/ZOE. No other way to balance them really. I myself rarely see people using the Archer because how situational (and expensive) it is, and if you have problems with AT mines just look down.

    In the end, they are still powerful, have their niche but also some crippling weaknesses that are almost completely negated by engineers/teamplay while still murdering infantry with dual Mattocks/Onsaloughts/Nebulas.
  14. RykerStruvian

    MAXs don't need any other changes besides a decrease in damage and increase in health. The archer/tank mines was really a bit of an overkill, but hey, whatever. I would've just changed those stats on the MAXs. Also lockdown was buffed, lol. Christ. And anyone calling for ZOE buffs deserves to get flogged.

    Whatever. I just don't bother with MAXs anymore since its yet another thing people want to take the fun out of.
  15. stalkish

    Maybe they wernt 'padding their K/D', maybe they uhhhm i dont know, maybe just maybe ........... wanted to win a game, wanted to make progress......
    Isnt that the ******* point of playing a game?

    Cant get troops out of your base, bring a max, cant kill the sundy, bring a tank. Why is winning also padding your K/D? Should players just stay as infantry permanently and run blindly into a choke point, the same choke point, again and again and again until they get boored of the 1v1 knife fight that ensues? Should players never change class and remain as HA for their entire gameplay life?

    Some players want to make progress, you cant blame them for that, and you cant blame them for using the most effective tools at their disposal to defend their base, or capture the enemies one.

    Maxs and vehicles and to a certain extent all the infantry classes require different thought, different approaches to battle, i like that. I like that i have to alter my plan or change my direction if i see a max, i like that i have to be weary of engaging a HA headon. I like realising enemy vehicles are encroaching on our S-AMS position and needing to deploy back a base to reinforce with our vehicles to keep our spawn points up.
    Variance is key to staying interested in anything, repetitive fights with the same players against the same guns is boring as sin.
    If some1 wants to pad their K/D, so what? Just counter whatever their using and end their spree, no problems there. Some1 padding K/D (if there can be such a thing in a FPS) should have absolutely no influence on you playing your game, if anything it should enrich it.

    I realise this is a bit of a wall in response to a passing comment, but i feel the playerbase really needs to get out of the whining mentality and into the 'what can I do about it' mentality.
  16. Kulso

    Buff MAXs? I got 20 kills with 1 Skillsuit the other day. I'm not even that good of a player, but I can say they do not need ANY sort of buff.
  17. bekja

    I caught once 2 fishes with one hook. So i thought to myself that from that day and forward i will only catch always 2 fishes with a single hook.
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  18. Farlion

    I like the NC/VS one. The TR one, however, is a piece of garbage.
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    Anyway who hates maxes is a cretin.

    Maxes are lovely cuddly things. Ever seen a max crouching and looking up at you with them puppy eyes?

    You people make me sick.
  20. Haquim

    Yes, maybe they wanted to win the game.
    I didn't say that it ain't a legit way to play, but it still annoys me.

    It would annoy me a lot less if that thing would be gone after I kill it, instead of simply being rezzed by a medic.
    A tank is still gone when I kill it, if he wants to keep his advantage he needs to pull a new one, and if I can outplay him often enough he is gonna run out of resources.
    In a regular fight there will always be enough medics and engineer to keep a MAX that is not charging the frontlines running indefinitely or at least until his side is pushed out of the base for good.